DAIL01EWS +'rIERT 1?nu... 'EAR. ANN ARBOR. MICII., THURSDAY. DECEMBER J2 tOOl. V-. GEORGE GREGORY. THE OX IS ROASTING. WILSON GETS A PLACE. VriyCenter Has Beconme a Pillar Mlonster Animal Which Was Placed C. R. Rinehart Seiects ils All-Western of Ile Team in Hi First Uni- Over Coals at 8:15 Last Night T ans and As-signs Positions to No. 6 ' SUCCESS OR FAILURE. Colleze Bred Men Are Shown hy Stat. is tico to be the Most Succsfol ersity tear. Attracts Great Attention Six Miei an Mei, in Life. $a tsf0bt1wm.L r tteh - i lisht. crl ce resciduitiii 11esreof veI'ictce. le'll e rcercly ciir lie pcl I ourisisiiiiig'ic1111ile' r \Ii fct c ciigcollge neni itch ie,,11io theseasn, Wile sot aiilltilt aiee'iiiof IinstrI.Illiestencinie donipostion. Weipie'i'es toeheistilt quesion iisucessor'filur li'ce~d f lilt' 'ciil' s hasst doiwiih the in ilt' praecimtalworld. Acagonis cii id iecci e rl y ilethe veal lie' IncicLg i u toc i ll, r iieiici tkolir he 1c1t liel 511 Oruse 'i5'i ld i e sde lc-e i ee cs'sel i clic.ci I 'etlic'.issic-iicccc ithioui iht ctl hctiihie ierligciiii11)' tc c h viws conernig tiiii prctii'is'calt 1$ae otsIce, Aicru x ui1i.;'1, "Wih 'll c o ic i'a stdii isl A te eusc i'f-ui iii 'a strng iid f irany ioneioiti e Priden De ey ite i es itclas, i ee. ofcNiscoill i m-ices ice cici ii ndi ! lie lie'ofitclee ecl ieiini. retienis sit tP tr~io poictis. cwtI li eel F.imc Preidet colesiot f I tle' sicate ilaw'scpi i t leiiio tees:ol avvipirta v1~be-xis ertsi'e peii i n siomeir ofr itint er ll tisoei Ila1 he dv lp le raidl) :11( othcliers il s1atieii' -Uol~ hcci hardS i t oii beaiti 'Boeith ini l upii ou edig diieiniuaai itef o hiS eesi ro. ie tiai'Ii- -iitoiluug thli eile u fI i c icesmilihebs 1'iiiiiiti' I i iii i ick inw biide'ccluivcic cis iicusised.O Pr,5 111 lre lminary1.1-guiiis. i l e- looet it h leeiig i'clib ch ciiihu ice i t.lthe west. Aleiieugi soi l ayd b-i l opiiscc ii i e indg tisec stionlineect lilil- th11 siasolel Cils iwel cleo e' cc s Mi. 11. P Briggs Willc1sc til h e t i nthue ii il ic t i eos cicii i'sh-ccei .iirI e irccc f le i eoliee l erylt o be ic e ii'11cg cci I itinig soncg. tier iublic la cs fall thtIi u ci cliaii 1attiediciunidisiuted'Asuccess, ai- I iiea . iThe nlii uiiiiiii i cx wSilistartiled i ve ieositionec iccs ct ci. ccciiitatciheiccc lor! I lis i ke111c'haics.1I. Sc ceic 11111 ll:ig ilteBno ee'hics playedte ol dscc iat Scil est eu'ellig. :mlieu is plieteure':isliieeotiers ciii liiHeis An- rewiiCarnegi i' feeuleriiccuisei' clii t v;cell who is air cc' c iii e ie i a tile'icilig geat-t entionl. Thcec nuove i C i ccidubit tie'greatest endi Irul i mout',lelt hu h o au i it citsieis ill btlit has never lili Ied to cldIis sight.il 15 eiliI ll owns spoplei' cud thaeer aetic d ni t cl cvSeserucceam.ccci css leo sleitl iihe isc iluieces f stdnt like'.cacidihefore' S eeo'cck 'Wilsicci f 'iihigciiwoueldhci le'buyli 'ciiillicwhile it is crcci nty liatngh vrSl'thu eopeh' lianyt f chocece'for iil;thlguard.et oriee e c eicl- 1 c ii' dCcii ci le aluiiies eiveisesiies lhceico-es cw iiessc iliihei ciiicci, sole lhaics leechpliey e ciecm y gules s lhighly t h e has jic stlechgie $1- ii cca cai s for i e a t untilithis te1 leethee'Isce al el i- Ilitetti fori hee iiviiiisiiy tidieslicncll i Ti cl mii 111.fewi I t ices mliiiIt, ecsrechcl-c tis sliscnillhs s itit : his cciiitr . secued t lte SMiii si sc dissoe.e]pa e c t sicaidsl:noeleeice les pdccl- \ir tilller pe ediii crtcca c e i- ii eih11,rtlales l t : t] iu le i o h w lyerce. l e icsieliat icle itaic e c ent'ilinumbliht'r tenon. lie siei 11lii crim illa a wrs vic :1i1-1cc fromhec irst ls t. cc i lg orl iesl I,'ts tii iiii'. hefrom ccwIiclewS-c' ciu ices :I few fa c ii edit ay hlepietic prove 'out eelen . IIii c e thatiCihitl G r a n d ~ ~ ~ af twent I ro51ilc.u Presiiets ofi thee'1'. S. -c fild atciecciie't1 ilniihics.whilei'these' Q -l( t''1RtiuIitt-. sin."' IChiefl' ic i'Fullr,. iusties e-i u, Icii -s M u ctic cic ii't'iii dr l 1,Pcli ci'ss i fomite'. ccistrlee. 1 111 iilai indc-t U h t iiiiar iici Otdi''pss t0 iteie-11 ofim-elbutlis scut t" eu ii n cf-hc o1iitiitsiieprshieit is theat 10r c ue i s nIli5ct c - e I cii anii sll stee ce-s i-c dii cc tu llictt 5 cli cc lce lii A O O 1 l l of TiYB e hirn s vice hais' i leacc li Iil ii' ;t i t e Iuenelste med the s sl )of 1a i ckno icleg e lec theii t- -prceil111ud elc1loi ies'i'44 cii'cc leg e' g raerie e th tte bIlc i 1l c'tiai ii le tit ill.iI olI Barbecue tickets at State St, Stores today, 5n cents a i;icll-eli i ieu hces' cclgreec;lo luuce 'tecIi li ~ ltktcii- cl; 1 __________-- -______________the__________from_______ _____ro_ cclhe'r 'hl is noti ciii ciiiiiiuitui i1 5i,, s t c i inI ccc he trutliltciii lliY cit iit wili re 111 c;'.ccii itic' ofc-gwaieisealioshdirdgsodccmaI.e' flni t dcty ind'i( liiss tue''ol. f helecidc-ill oIs 1n sicri led ',1 p-r~. li'e i e i ii itiecce eeh ccheet1 cecic c ciitiseishchc lii s noreihi.. it -limCe-le lecnice ti lue' Ira -Iles I ccleitce1le Foothall B n ut Last Ng t so el-i rfwo l pa e ko t icc'rcecw cho c'cbslecattie cce sec--t sle q"ucuscct aCihe c lc111 1711 I tie-t. lte hIs icl i O t ceisnc ii tator _1sliced icicnieill thio l ]lice' lc l 11' oliies ti ccli r 1111, Mos notable ftNight glit h atccis ethi eelsofitigrtiiny111 (i.;jounalismhee etleeeif II I h dcctll it cllr y1s ii ccl lc'iciin h. l'ss~~ ,IsIT.ciit cil e en th elaisal u - A cci iccillof 7t fdiie iidiicii u 5li l1 tIt - eu Yo k, tll e t i t c iile c i ttthI Ii rtbe n ncun ra k l' i ii i'' 1i et s u :lilt wn o e fetdidol',enlitti Sitlsiei' h i i ' laysli i-e teh cci c' ed sil 111 lit gllt-c i~u d idec hde icoligs ccclii cccl I ia batt-l'is t yc('r 1 00"Lccciiiill lit cii cec thc ali 111 ialiic gcii cii lw: t e ilsse ite-y ine.i i -i)i ieieec li o ictt-c- i-c :and i1i\ccc llisIe-c "k."ii' tichiahesciili c1. lli, till, cl ece-ielit 1ed ilt fete ttlIreesl-ilo'r liici iieei itc 1llli tit tIit liii c lies ('ocli istdhctlii i ceiteto ci lie oy oc1o. bo o w be,1 In rhrINIios o s chitii}''e haslietit'ir l'et'ithilsmcii tticcclrcdiig out 1:;nlircturi hecticAi. cc-id'lucid' 1U~ttt r11} ."11 re nd S w el t s f he l meuli ad c i ciii ice icit _cu lii te a di I- iii 'hc'ug dliiihoo cccnhil-i 'los h iq t r1 orl c cl dick seiĀ° y a .i A .utei n cii tt st] i t lt m se ii i , a k.cFit t he forme sittdto nI edied cr wie c ic luc i t o )i il hih ('!;o' h ss li t1 c l ic es lic pe-se iusl -lltt ciaserdi cioc :t dc'' I shcof -\'I, 'li f orlu eithii cc f tic11fli.o tt nhln . 11 i tw r:m llso Ha g on abe h tt ! il 1r eli n th fo i , t c li liii ill S. Ii ic i ut:Il di anddliiiir of iisc 1orcccwo th . mentiinl ole'l o' i~ l n lt c n l iui il St S u n t ,w i e s ir eee 1511 -i tht liil li tte w - 1: cccl ice '9les oo edcccink T d"1'11it ci ic ec Pl I'i id d S dei o lr n c cip ICeitliiiii'e. is i t ctlcs{1, 11 '' 11 ol li 11 ohe s. aduc e of c in- 1. a o sticiC lii tD e s'i i cl e l :n . l ft a