TOlE MICIItIM AIY-EW N DAILY-NEWS LEADING MERCHANT If1ILOR8 OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Bflue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trousering s in the latest patterns and color- ings. Thie largest assorct ant in the state. ios E. ,'Nshangton t. TAR SOAPS PACIKER'S = 20C SPANISH ROOT 15c excellent oro 11011(0 Grandpa's Wonder For Lab. nod lGym 5 and l4c QUARRY'S Campus Drug Store R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches Are Better Than IEver I hm e the hIgsIOt 11111k, T() hacco, (igars and i (Ipare inthe (It.. AndI Nott an gave ('e0y111 trading at R. Ei. JOLLV'S5, 30o1 S. State 5t. IF IT IS A Law or M cIBc I HAVE IT. C. E. BAR..HFLL. 30S !eS t. 2n1 A ol Le(4h'l rmtin olof 01 'o01001. DAIL 2 EWS (~~1i 1'~01 ~~ The U,.of Al. OAiL.Y, 12th Year. lno 51m 0(1 0 1' lllotu;w..(1(1(0' 1111 The 'VARSITY NEAWS, Ist ar(((((01 herathe1: 111-1(h1s0y1'. Entere(d (0. (00I0I-c0( Illmatter at Arn Arbor' Th1e o'Oggi; ill" t((00k0 105 1). 1)(0 1((1 111n:n((' (((( 0 ((01lol'" Cl in l;.l o of ;N(i(l.i(al MICHIGAN DAILY-N[WS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 (11 110i '((O(10(1 f(ANAGINC, 1-01TOR (0 0' (iof 110 100 11(1(1(111 ('((1(01( I lo 0\ 01)Y l.u0(1 Illlt nr . BUSINESS (ISNAGE- 11oIIInro o iIru(1i. (t .InIIso rI lilted upi n t((( 1r, front:11' ,r1 Its.1 (1(111(1 vI 11I ('i1I,1( 11' 11,11 {IIt1'.c"iil 1lI n~l tc.(0 t itw W .i 1' l I I (l i'11 (:111q . i 1 11 I A Songs Of All the Colleges I A handsomely bolted collection of all college son~gs, contaifling the beot songsthatlare T pical echb of Ile0lcad- log colleges (If the cot""l try-. Lounld in blue ed (150( 11 co lor.Il joillfld proe mst ccptbl 'IS to :111 1\\ 1 11t" 11 I - ' 1'1(, ' ( " I'- { 1' '1 1 1 -t ; I';l e' i to(i- 1 (('I' 11111 1 I lI ' . 1,1 loo 0 )t 111+}1I iI (ll ((1rI t tI tli s :ilt ti 1 01i ~11 1 ' ercd. i''1 1 t1 1 1 1 f1 11 :i t 0 t l .l11 . 2. .0.. \\'h 1 \ ( 1 , h (1ill 1(10 ill ls t e 111 1 ~le (1 ((1' 0 11'it1 1111111114 et:ly I lt i s I 1 1 'e ( (( I t. 1111- 11 1)(1111 0 ((((((;s) 11 11 ho 11 lily'- ('ll 1(ivor- 1(, 1h1 ld vPER KINS chd IIIows ' h;1 tl t1(111 11 o ((itt ill (1(11111d ""li 'boock 1 :111( it llon ) 1 01-1-1-111(11' ((I o b o t)1 1 1 1 (j' I a D(-i((((1-01 11 11 1 , \\ it1 . t " .1( Y. J I1. 1111.. 1( l otdo r1.000WSol a...ll (aol, "findII I (III (' i-le t on - -" ile 11 1(11 10)t(i11011 olt I1(1111) ('111(1 e,( Gym,11-0)Oaru e w line jest \\1h t,1' et er \ 111 n 11 ((1( c111)1 (('00ty 1111 10lilted 1111to (1l1111i nt.0(10- AG r E A T S P E I A Lt11ir which \ I, ((-sen111is ti-owl1(111 (. Hil ~o(1(01 5 1110( 00 . W 1. R L PERKINELEI ,' sp ca ()ul:l1(1 1(1 i 1i 1111. 11 T1I( I( o 1 11 ('101 (11011 IICO 'llCOi o 11114, lof __________for ____-___.__________________ I i th 11 , 11 p of1 18( Dl'. (1 1 i 11 11, I 1)01111 In loIS gnt I.)ystorisis llfly 11e1 t'Ir\V *1(1 Iel~r aro ffrd ilol111 eI ll'S :I r1'O eI is sue( of 1111 tselo o111 M E N 'Sllo. 5IHI :1ilill -illIIe 11(1n f'r 1 'to:1H ad irt No r YstofSttean o. t fo l tltlr ~no 1111,11 1(l (1( ln' ''l(0 I11110 IIICAN ALR \\hi'I 1 tt~t ilt \": 1i"-'il,- It 1.1 1121isre rei teI d.'11Thisi 1'00 te O r al( eis tse Ies {v dillto i 111 t dv rpt oe l ooiLwil hepoi sn sii Hw.FItaaNG allthe FANC1 i\"n ('00 (l ( illhe\"1111. 1 '(1' ' i __________ 'xi ("1--w(fee noir('1 11) w ic \-Is rltt. Wis ni n '111nttiINEI . Phone 2261:1-1S709 N. Univ,, W E E.Ae +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i-++++++++++++++++- I. - IF +1 AT ALLEN'S m HATS FRMEN.. Greates value in the world. ALL SHAPES, ALL STYLES SOFT HATS AND DERBIES, $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 + + I. I 4 .4. 4. . ..1 444 ...++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.++++q. .4.. 44.44. .4.4. This space belongs to the ATxHENS THE-ATER ALLEN HABERDASHER and HATTER 1I13SOUTH MAINS5T. +++++++++++++++4..4..4..+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I.44.4..4.44.4 3-+++++ ++++++ +++++ .I-H.++++++++++++++++++++ ++°IOrw FoIQr~t 1nt. 3 5 All Leathers I ~H ~3 50..H New Styles Just In FREESIIIICSSTATE STREET SHOE STORE, 5 300 SOUTH STATE STREET ++++++++++++++* ++t"+++++++++++++++++++++IC CREAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DELIVERED) TO ANY PART OF THlE CITT. BROGIAN'S. 110 S. VAIN STREET.