M1/lrhl'V' + /' ' THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS WTAGNCoEWear&fuly rear i wih a "tog eeto TAILOIWS procigsao f y11o ae eonsiderinany- 123 South Main street tigfr e' ear-, 11let alkitoverwith yuu. ,Mhd eadleN' I, vi A 4 A A ,A ~ P§KwlcINK DiIliara rar1ovs aHa Bowlinu 70'7 NO-IE' I N IVLR SITUX XX LNU 21 TIHE HOOKING VALLEY RY. I1 Thazfil l~l' I'e Imt, (r / t y~i i: N IS I F. It4 1, ij awI T ;'N i I t.IN B11 D.1 i :th li rrtOjt~I !L ED..O T0OCOLUMBUS Vvrte . iX'.LAND IAN, General TIraveling Aent, DE-TROIT, lICIIID. BETTER THFJN EVER The SGHLELDE 50.F ii S tat. 'Up= To = D T~ 1 0 t u '119 S. Mi ate 1Reiitsch~c, tbe i~otograpbet. ~4 CALANDER AND READING NOTICES Do(.N -1 '01. l ;lc N IO I"l)Y th --- NI NCo ied ClNN iNi, (lNN..ltirINliNN(NNNNtc . Y"Nil . I NN, 1(1c . r11>1 t{ 011~l ~ dThe Latest and Best A NN A0"''1 MUSIC CO. 2U9_211 E. Washington ; We have all the GOOD MANDOLINS That are made, Come In and seo them. Statement Verified. jMICHIGAN CiENiIRAL "IThe Niagara Falls Route." THlE SIItLT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO' BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Nio(Ni NNre re~o0N IN nN00 itNNNNN'10((INIo orSt. Lous aNINo N (;,N. '(It - A.1'' i NO RT NN N-' 0A. AM. No, 1-NS:N0NA.At t No 4- ;"( . . M. No. It 4:5C P1m. ICI? styvI. nN. 101 0:05I IA . "Ruin (e~watnS i111AInInro nd1 Toe1(1o0o(111 AilltriOnsN flly exceept Sun11ay. Nw, 'r. (NVLLS. Agent. W 11. BEN NETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor& Jackson Ry. ((III leaIvNe 1o(rDetroit every half hou Gas e av (iVngAiiiiArb~or aIN 9:15, 10:15 Waiting ro111m1coriner Ainnlan111MI11i11Sts.: Detreoit, 011Wodward a1v1. 011111) BTIDENTS -T1Ie Toledo Laund~ry (Co. ofNToled(o(10 0., Wan~ts to M .;11 N sIi Y rl;tc rII 0(111your 11aun Iry'work1. Lea1se orders to11; N ;1o cx(1111:r 1 sr1frO at1 121 S.Ai n 1(1St. tPhone 345. s;11r1. lgl '11)vn h 111o 1111, (io w 1in"' om of i le( ( ciV 11(01N ' Yo lela e 1 1 11{ 1 1 leffra' NVI' .N i ll NYNINI I N N;1 111(11 1 'c wi l eNI 11(1(1 (11v l11 11 X10 1 11 \1 11;15 pese n tN1 i t ' 1. '1 I'llis il 1ho1 I1 i lN y 11 11 N1Ibs '(1111o, of t e1 9;l aw 11;1,e1): 111 1"1(0 (II1: 'o I.lI'lION -Aol ew011 1111-I ; te~nl ,vill Iloot 1t Re tsl hlyr's-'I 'IIy N1 IIO 1 I ' N'I'tv 1'y S l pioe. on e 'MILLARD, THETIPRIN.ERI.l SLID, THE PRINTL THE BEST EVER THE MASKED BALL Pre'senltedIhby THE COMEDY CLUB At the Athens Theatre, Saturdoy, Dec. 14. Seats 1(n1 .114' at S'leelan'lI N.Wed Itnesay U lil )3. l'1'ices: _i 1 N, '75, 5(1 an1( 2.e. THE TEAM WILL BE THERE IN PICTFUREiFRAMES and MOULDING You can find at De~ries Art Store 217 S. Fourth Ave. The Summer... I I over. You(are110WO N tinkilng of Fall wear. Our Pall lineo (f Footwear is srl5PPY N;111a11 iln all Ithelats N styles at $2.00. $2.50 AND $3.00. Glass' Shoe .tore 109 S. lnI St. Repairing a Specialty. All sorts of.... IMichigan Souvenirs for sale at ILOVELL'S CORNER STORES the~y make nice Clillistrlnas Gifts It,ltK ai'r,IPrc'. C(0i. .OImN, vice TWIii' n1 fjr o a iriu O Capital So01 .0 a tOf ,his su0eo. I 001' 1 r1' each I ,o n the c(I' 0 1 o f t1 cII ho Stat111 ra0 . (JIV'o'ooo '1 :' i ;{il0 W: Il M< _ Chare 'E. 1 11k1Prm. Lin1 'icalV(1 i' ; l 1. . I Fe '5i (( )i. T'il' ,, ((110ons o i lt11' 1 1118 ' 1TJlN I I A i S. :AM M AX 0' E LL W.A1J.1BOOTH,ION'I1.oN J. V. SHEEHAaN, 2d1 Vic'-1rey J11111.. WAL.te, ALon.l'ahier lTO flVING5 B41NK% Bankin~g Business. iA IN 15,1902 Goodyear Glove Rubber Trull 1i11 of 111 siN IGyiN. shoes1 LAM BERT, 613 William SI. ITHE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. ST.: 816 5. STATE ST. A GOOD SHAVE, Hugh Johnson's L-Lzo h01Ioinig, IBathrooms l 11' INSunday, ineeC afe, 1 . ' 211 I Huron 5t. H1 . 1.B. WELCh Ope1n11ay15o(10iNgh~t.Board$2.50 1(00 NI. HAVE YOU SEEN rHOSE NOBBY BROWNSL CAMPUS BARBER0 SHOP For a firt-classIlair CIIt and1 an1 Easy Shlave. . . . HERB JOHNSON N ARt U. ofl M Barber VDac steaing nd 1 Shop and Bath n .cio$ods. by.(111101n Rom,322 STATt. J . 111 anow1111 i THE FINEST 'LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS INI THE CITY