THE M1CIIIGANLDAILY-INEWS co ti Mst onviDGioU Thrnu (10w cuddota would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introdluce you to a man who has worn them. Wecannot command the language with which to tell you hosv good these clothes are. The nmakers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are so ptrould of their reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style, fabrics or tailoring, is permitted so enter any part of thseir production. You don't know how cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn them. Why daily with the unkno;;u quantity of doubtful niakesehen you can buy the 'real thing'?1 LINIIWNSGIIMIIT & FlflfL ss .A. .L.L.Letd .l. L I..L L..-?- .+:. *L.1..2,5._LS.s..L.s ~t. LJ s--t-_t----4----*----*--}--*-- '- -- --m--O--*-- - IF YOU WANT A II MICROSCOPE 'I1'1IOMl . Sit-It,t.Zttt, EMi'- +I IA'F N ' h''t ll 'G'Et II.1Ittli'' . , I:J:tL) I:Ni t'tllt, ITt{'{)\I? T- 41,metr, e'1 lhe pleaiedt to shoss yosu EBERBACH & SON, 'r ,; ImIorters stid Mutfacturecrs. 1.4$ + + I aNo better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." STEA CARIG +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.z#.~+++++++++++++++ 4 1+ + Fuli Line of LATEST SUITINGS AND TROUSER INGS U" iFIE L MICHIGAN NOTES. 'Team Entertained. XMSi (40s0111i1 t? -,terIt it}- ______________o___E._ - - ,jitiIl ,111:( t \ i tt I na i t u1:11pill - I i'ht tiiti (":1,e t-old i' ttc' I t(:111t. W ith I(orI woliii ti lii s l 'St(1111 111t hurhS tre ts of he Iue11,( , )I'II,, he ei1 we e It 2: I lt (tu' i tit uu e eit it'(,-:1"1 o I )11' li I itiii - t._ ________ iot t+ ii I I-iitittre h i 1t titt Sit ,lii iii cF ill.o ir moneyti. lttthe citys It a111141, as :ICeliT a, i Itro witittitllal litri (T , I e l a ( iU I t e tt u SIa t stl :lt ' S i u: tte I,: . t-eel. luIl . W il h e (l e o l t -, I o ' elt l:i t i "111d itt t lit lii i i . SIe. .t'itututts I 'tainat . i l w Ii Y ' :1 e ,yr . T e ( ie iti :ii i 1 : , : .10 1 I ' I' i t 1 'it o Irv t th e :I( W tP i1t t re. iets-. l < with .t uI- Nut'-ltutu-etC tilt vIOct. 1 " 11 11:1 aiii iIi t:istieli-iall e It FINE 'ART GOODS 'rniga Spectal'ty. + '. It ' 1. nt ' rits - Xpattt Slt I . csistieti. I littl e c nti-lstiinut cliii i + tiblis chauirs, Ic .,unt il wt le yo~ F. W.WILKINSON, F ' 33l S. MaltnSt. TUTTLE'SI HOS.LUNCH ROOMit"< 338 S. State St. l~t ii it GRANGER'S 1: 115 ii' ACADEMY CF DANCING it I00'',SNowis the tim~e to jotsn the cltisses its ituietiu. (littia startsnots-aun. titists 'Irte hlidayltis. Twelve weeks con- tOlI't. Stiynsrustreet 'titit-ta for IN NEW QURRILM, 'le line jsls it v Iito Slate St. I(h.ttldit ses 8:00, itia.,^ . m* 's.M C CHREIN, Iio .L s - n t r Fll l(r ~i:ma e a itn-neI t Pe lndCa ll h i ll w i h tl lull lIi Ml 1l~t 1 t' lt 11 t. ? W:1 t". St Cj1:L Ii1 t FOR STYLE + 4 + + - W C UI)c I x"VrTS bXI"r )NIZ 4. 14O~ S' it 1. I i tt-' - i 1tu t t i I I 'I li cl 1 Ii ~ itt-i' iht. ' i Il i I tt ii( o. 1 psi-oI d '. t St -- I tilt'- Situ Kel cl S i ii' t,' i , opo-ii it nlAhrMucC. G 1 1 "- JL"..+: C1L "l t " ' .N Gd a.47.: '^1 5 i : l~ ..61 4 ' J ; :'; ..BATH TOWELS For your roomt or the gym. At nil Prices, DESK BLOTTERS -...WE ... give theti away. I Hot Roast B~eef Sandwiches (is-it sits' :td Ilight. Huron St. ()Opp. CourtIstn DANCING. i~,(pnc tt rcti iiOct. 5. 'sIC; I2t. . -t i 3to 11 (.m., 11.1, it t S-.t8 1,, t . Geneal li1,t - I Prof. F_ W.Scott, In to :ct SPALD!NOS FOOT BALL 5 ditoli iit and th i mit Eve'thing ifo' I-nt Bish, Hendt i Ir.s>t AntkicBfilce, Sinurs A. 55. i-OALtINOi&iBRS.t hit ' ticei5E''ui'' WILDER'S PHARMACY ; l.uL..~v4 .i iA'..'"1'+.y u..i MONEY LOJANFiD it14 istt' nttt.itiele-ELECTRIC OGRANITEt and SMARBILE WORKS 3 y-i el) -iii '1 Alt Iusties eiiit;ittii it - ittnerlofARTISTIC titlitORtALS. 55'e madei > -~tr.' lo 213 i . In, and s tt1 trtrn:1 ti-(i itso,,) . '01itti e Tilt. t ii tiS O a -, orr c tingi Si.t Ii t . t. 'stti 1J 11 1"t siiit \ ':1'1'75 -set'a non. 'Ph neit 90. :300:3tilt ii St. SP kNITiRRY EPLUMBING .' iirt ~i '. it d tie cri i xt ues. iSte'ia n i wt er u lea il s eivinra tittE'ST 5WA5SHINTOt.N iSIlt -,% I YOU'LL JUSTI DROP IIN... t hi1tiosit usr streetasid get-acquaiiintedl te ssilltell tots hosw to sait Isos y.; 9 1! --",,, " ' , 4 i, f; ~ (; °' L -ki t ,. .F I 1_ 1 ~ 1 t; 1 A' 7 1 :OWN S and 1'I- p, RerstIng of GA PS iatd CV1i (I5 aeciuqt-!Y. itus Prssed - - - 25c Trosusers - - - FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 55l95E. Willissm St. Fist Store R~est of State Street. loc t t i t -.E PA';RONIZ GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.