THE lIaCfH IGAN"I)AIEY-NEWS IThe Mot4 GouvinGinO Ihingi thtwe could do that would tend to induce you to buy j STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES+ would be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. + We cannot commsand the language with wlich to tell you how good Ilsese clothes are, The makers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are sanproudlof their reputation, that not the slighstest defect either of aslyle, fabrics or tailoring, a permitted to enter any part of thseir production. You don't know how cheap.. aeuni STwonEIN-BLlOCH CLOTHESe unn I quantity of doubtftl make when you ca~n buy the 'real thing' LINIDhNGHMII & I=ftL, *444+44444+444444444 air4 1! 111 A./ 1 1 1.J ".i J~ 44444. 4 } MICROSCOPE a 9(ICTO~s'l'}'aII'l It 1/I I'I.U M3A t (It. I Xl IttIIN '('E III.11 t C'l - I't ,1 (5:1' IN OM T I II ')It lEI I . I.I I;05lINO I 1511 + I tt t '91T- our iilis ne I i as' Iid qoe vl neetn _ EBERBACH &SON, + + + Ipresada uatuc~. " ~ ......,..,.r,,. 5444.4.+4.+4++44.4.4.+'t"t't"t' 1 -u rI I " No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made" EMBLEMS (Cork Tipped.) (0 THE STEAM CARRIAGE tl~ A. TA 'I E , Agen, lC imi' iu '' iisi 312 S. STATr% STREIT ADSTYLE E. STUDENTS ALWAYS PA rRNIZE HOL~MES LIVERY * Liej~ry St. 's ity Laundry p'*lslaios assalpromply done 0, M. MAR - 4101 Detroits FUNERAL '5d ace q5 tl5A-- 'Phone 9. lRe hlne > ca . 'Phne 3Its An 64 3 rl J 1 Z 5 4. 1 T p I a-S A-I k I +' Full Line of 4.4 LATEST SUITINGS AND +4RUEIG TRUERrG >4s Oe sy. A F . r'5 h'IIt "- "I.NJ. fAl sMDI 'G R t+ I)IAII IN.. . F1NE AT GOODS .. Framing a Specialty. '211) E'.IlnsaoI I a n A bo STUDENTS 1 tableh~s, clhaii, eca nd wilsae.. msoney. F. W. WILKINSON, 33 .Main St. ~i" ' 'd'y MICHIGAN NOTES. 12a. Snsyder 1laso een i (on acha lie XNLAS9 '0051)S' ati isiol ihbllfr hatte lint Iwo lROiD''S MUSIC HIOUSE . so,. sass it nsolea bis ex etd t aext____________ its i thev ii iii Issve aieAvcith osie x151your gransdfsather anid he will ofl ithe upper s's' sss teasii. Attiresent at oa ' -11L~LOIsol theist ril,"g tlts eissse ei i o nsavethe hesl, of iuiight hor your msothie." itil I kt biii. ao i ti i iitT-1 115'9 lU Isssay a nd itoo lin theiii' osmai al a isriasismon y in alas a.i it hti)( . ntazo atue ASCi aOUSE,. Mala liintrst c i is lie ir-m iesai o sl ' N1-1 N'12'.1'NTian sa in e'acqe s sfor the s apairsanices' fi tii'Woman 's I ala sle. Ualkinin' l'lsarian'nutl tia, \nalilcNill Ilei'oiit iMonay.n ls __The____ p~pe i an(\- eprtre!t ttnere- Ak conr fathier' inacthe0 caill say sei h ir- io lie pllian f thei ala' isat -11 tIIER raepaairedamyn wtc h."l Molsiea .5 sansaissl.psinted n il asind ei iinael_______________ siCnil liilsni Iliaaa atholic Church; Plasses 8:00, iin ;ln s eat at sor ea 55ist heaas la i al It(- or ftse differntiepits,1030 a.m.;Yesper730 p.m. {l~ct; 1eo(-Isa lit155'vits'oils' IN liiTheState'StasitSTlorslast' 19 siit iinsi I iaiinnIssiss 91 i-so sa i clls atIi' lasst pisa CornerS ti' neli i ittt t i tii i Mis lai 5ss5 1 atsi ol''Ask n'Issss(a'in to asn nsili e ccitt tell one fss''sIl, s's 'anc i''"''rian Y UI l it 1 II XLl;i 1'a 1 '1 1,1 S The asdta i ll blas fisi nate tic coin- (1s1y losa' 9nsit W tiin ltl s al alais L l's a nd1 'i"ti sntha inu sasisl a''tsl20s'' iii Ire asi n t no sia s to st.s111 a'lI'iiieI alitcioan 1a s's o ss-Il is 1 s slts''i atnsi heI ssssrsa sss' mals and lislslvn eslls n sc ia - o tin :r arnan lre.L sasanIsa ai~ss ns otisisEass Tsal I sty 1tI I I N ).11112 PIIINTERI. nircit}' iii'5s i st:'1 liii stan-. in So sa'returnis tioaPro'!*. Isso l fe. I I I C I IiI II IN N[W 001JIRhS, '99 hits just monad It Ste St. (headof Laberay),and imieyotu to gle seen'orb a tral. WM. HCOHRE IN, Sataen Plumb e'Sasm andI UassFitting TUTTLE'SI LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State St. GRAN GER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING No cc tnsheatimato no is tih' classnoin d ancn . (letS a s at, n'wsans.Iinsh a l isa.' lislidayss. 'Twe~lv'e'neek'ls can- 5115 ' i.te m Ofiea 't A'sesali's .10" Prortland Cafe Hiot Roast Beef Sandwiches (lpsiildut nylld liglil. Huron0St. Opp. Court House DHANCING. assle nvesit' Asssds'nt cana ltes', ssal S.,iss a's lass . e.5. GCas t51 e~e itE, f. Imlanerasl lets estiolst anda 9semlilt,'atr esileensitcssscs. Prof F. '. Scott, Instructor. U 'Ilo s 12 'sass11s. 5 1'lit u~sller Si. Suseibe fan'theiiatssin"News'. 4 4 . 4 4 4 4' 4 5 4 + Foot Ball Su[,:fs1 i . ' Stat 511T5E5SHIN CARSl : ..BATH TOWELS DESK BLOTTERS It'eth'is"as '' Fryour room or the gym. .WE.. fattbn ip 4 At all Prices. nice thens away. I 5asaetesieatssh itss +e(.n l It s's a us n ),s(is a " Is 4 Supportasesriils,.e aisuat sssoOsoaiCo'.aass iit5llsiaa'9h'ismasciansiiii+asi nsnnhsit'O C. 99'T't';,]i+)isuss 55555' 'Ii 55555't5 i. 11tasasscsa:cash'1t ,, J... PSCHUH&BRS. EAIP5. LUMBI, RAITn ABL'OR: 1W O(,('1CPECI5 )n sasuate.s~sasstiin eruc etis asd the r C'5 ssst lat II iiss. aTai; ' .'ttt d. nahsets oo11:3sa.n1ar treet30 nd 7get e1qur t le we itt td ~elr,l sas hen to- tunts Presedrs- r j25c roniers L- ' - tF FULR & O'.CONNO .RTAILORS. ad t~> , S 1119 1Gade Wilesamd Srt. irsttre WeCostruofnae Srleet. Roq r ... WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.