THlE MICIliAN t)AILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suietiiigs and Trouserings in the lates tet rns and color= ings. Thelatrges't assortmenat in the state. iotaLi. Washington St. PACKER'S = 20C TARv SOAPS SPANISH ROOT 15C Grandpa's Wonder 5and lOc DAILEWS The U,Iof'Al. LDAILY, I11 fear. The 'VARSITY NEWSS, Isl MICHtIGAN DAIY-NEWS PUBISHING COMPANY 'IANA(IIN~iI-DI) BINESS \KI0N'0 0 c,] I '.1!led 0'. jr , t The wwnt news ImragmIMA"mi IN ilic kit 5 I':n lislllllill who tried to pur- t'liitit' it tIt' 1't't' 1'I'():Il Ow Vni%.orsity t)1' Ic1;111rw and or course was turned fl"wil ltd" iltt' illtllgn'lIlt 1*.lc IIty. ,.,;Ivo Us ;1 owl to Itlenst'ti S111-prise. We never Ilo.,Irct ()1 Iditllt) Iwt(wo, but Nve like )'+)n1111c ntI slich c:,I 'rpri'so. A Ililiver silk which (,,in ffri ;inIt1' I el ever ,Iclvow tiling scllollw ',il;., tlli + is cortiinly oil till 1.,w d to SS. W ith I la, i),:.. of '1'llllllosgivin,.g, ,Intl the Hurry it: mw in thibown1wr ah. allotllt'r :tlliit' )I1 is Iirtod Troll) the m ul(w t)i W lw_;_ tll"nizines. 'fill' hack wrilom ,,.lit) all 1 Ill I1,1s Won sc)rting t)\ (T (01 jt)kw, i ! order it) dish ill) II wtm y ()t" im ,.n j. 1'rcslllnlil M or in wilirli illt, " >' inan writes to his root her, ti11'ow 1 ill, sister or some ()iliol' I tl1 wnfit l': 'v roIntive in I'o ,tl'It I ) till ttiitiL" v, 1. ,'I1 11,,v or t oulti hill)- j"M 1" tllnl, .t'mCn illiw Onto gives Up 11", Wwk. We il.t v nimis 11,1)1 ,I lin- i1in ,lcin lit;llic) s 1't +; ('h lrlo s, 11. I''II11- tif',1 Evtoing Kai, lfi ti ;'t :l' ill{'tqdy Mal he ovct - ti i'f)It I at d0 r) for lllt'1Nril Il wil- 11s,!l. 'Iilic. ii ;atlifilt',lli+)n every ('(If- 1111, Id' l n1:1?1 t',)ileg'c 1t"ookly flaw 1311- l14.iltt i 1lilt he :;\ it -o ldoll rlI)I)t)1'iIt- n il te li titi:_;Ili llilt ltin i t 11 ill lid IIl;;MA ,trait 11"mi I t:lir& Vioxv high" M",ItN n l; wt Any t'f llvgV Itlve t_111,l II- New U. of M. Calendar For 1902 Have you seen it? Its different in many waYs fronm those of ot he r years. trade of ble art paper and tied with nmaize ribbon. It con' tains about 20 cutf f the Univ ersity and stir, roundinos, besides ol rtes meous sk'etche0s. ceiieat for a presenat, Or P~rice in box 50 cents. Boo stores Gyma, Lab. Suite Shirs4lls 01 and A prooo lnd t11101 H. L. PERKINS fao Dealer ]1in e ~ MEN'S FURNISHING t 1is oor 10 west of State and Liberl CHAFING DISHES'I Our new line just came. See our GREAT SPECIAL at $5.001 M111. ARNOLD, JEWELER,. AFTER THE PLAY Drop11 n Ind10get Oyvsrs 11 infy st'le "Ve 11I(A E 111. Hu t Nexrai- l tend Di. Mo 111 1101 , bloc f 111theAtbt-us,. PR+OCHNOW & SCHAIBLE" HE~NIY BROS. MIERCHANT TAILORS 11 II Ills 11" ha vvI *II11 e1vhin1 Il~li~-iI;!; 6 01"lb 1~ ;:(1 111t 11111e1 1l ieriti 0 1%lI' O ll oll m lolil Il li *1 II I1111111 11 111o1f 1101III(1, )1 11111111 III 11111 . Ill~lbl 1111,ti itl lE11r1 111111 11 h111 iscov1ered11 11110, 11111.'11 a lu e. ol '1111 11111111m ' 11a 1 111 111 illlll l 1111111 1 i II llo r~l l association1111, or Iin of 1111 11 110o 111111t'.11ll 01110 lb 11110 1110iol i ih1 1 Ill icl Se i I l1111111 II 1111111111 s1Ii~rili i isa lg aly. n . 11 l 110~1 , 1 1111111 111'n 111111 b 111ni 1al.11111111111M1a1 l-11other 11111 IIIIII~t' 11the, fac lty w o w l s h1g r u Campus Drug Soe I1(ti- )1\ ol ii ,rtl oi i1111 mid11 111:11 10i,, h i 1111 the11 -tact1 10 I o 11111 II o fA11 l low o P. E. UJ E { I..L.Y''S aa;11t ' A 0 its 1 141'. I ci 11 111' ,i s Lunches Are Better Than Ever t iw(l 111 b 'ii'. ;lit1m1 1111001 1t11 1111gest t oo 0 olPipies, To- 11lb 111wll1111be-l ost Yot1101t' bacco gars111 end111 ig11 ptes inltile -- trading at R. Ei. JOLLY'S, tl1 rei i ),i' 1wi ot 1 a ;.111 3011 S.State St. I 11 ixnunl 1iw h U -I T !fil,- . 1 tis t:lt t Nw-, c111101111 IF 10 IS1111x1.11 w ~ i th 1 ic iI III111111i I HAV~\E IT. 11111ni 0tl~twx1ew11 ii 111 0111* H11 I " h :1,4 fe d l C. F. BART9HELL. 110110ct t1c "trwi i 1111WAite"1 HEADJQUAR.TERSI THE HEADJQU1ARERS + 1 1ii J 302 S. STATE STREET 4. linet o (C..igartore and Billiard Tabsles ill the city. Somt~ethling .a r. .. a a r. a .r 1 t itr r . ,mot 11313 1 Iltlt : ai 31111.1.1 {tilt itnilin- 14, 1114 incidents. It i5 I1ot tot) 11111ch i~ s.t v [ Im t (It(, ('Xclii ll-(? clcli for of* itvelly ill the count rc Iwei lihed .i of rolief .1,; he .11 t, his Iill-k v 1:1-,t Tim lik"'."!vin1; d"IV,' .It t11+r liror l ect that .llinu.lI iliffie Ikoii would Yw o,3li termill ttod. It; is a ioil,--' tiiiil, Iwform next 1"111 :hill Ilivro i5 111th" .i root in store for Its. 110 kORNTo' I))_)N,,. Ifi110 1rS11111' 111d111. 1111111s 1111110 11Or1 1111111111t1is 1gook.11(Uml0- 111-th r al1111110111111 S'n~looll iet 11 I 110 011 1 :,7:l4li3 i lo. 144I 111r'(1. shown. Containing all the FANCE SUIINGS an1d1TROUSER0IN~ will(" IPI 1111. STYIL1 (01Ai{AN 1111) 0111 oiII 1or the D)lyNI100. Phone 226 - 709 N. Univ. Ae 1, AH ENST H EAT EOR 4. Friday, December, 6. 4. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON ! +1 _ . THE S ,OKE HOUSEI 1 16 E. HURON STREET and1(1 john Jay' btrands. + ____ FRED E.____ SFPviiTI ] ILER jPOR21IIN NE IAIARTERS I HEAD)QUAR[ERS uainty varee IBURIESQIJERS + In two new lnrlettas, +. "1ROYAL TROUBLES," and "PARIS UPSIDE DOWN," +. ILLE. LA TOSKA 4. Premier Lady Contortionist. + P'ries;: 2-5. 35. 50 and1117.1'. Scts ow1 on IIi'1 01 + at.Pstal Tlegrpph Olfice. L !.T_.45....S.. d.. !.. .. JL f__"__t_.1__"._" __"_.. .._L 4.44++.++++4.4.4-;-;4.; 4 i .; .A 41---- -1 Aw+.+++++ +++++++++++4+41- LA.W+ - BT A LES 0inteested1in the ian iiiP(I'101 1 icm blninIItme. hs vilutra ins oS tt t, - 0AnAbr hou idi ttrac ie i el-d10111 irst ip111and 111 h is igios iti lo orn i ve a ther 5A H DoP O A CA A r it-s l Iil . orum Pan iot e Scr. iatilt ~. la aove dtle -nGS e O L F1 0 11%) 1 dv ht'Tuh botih (rveofS. auStwneSuerttinsi toECREAM, WhOLESALE and tI.hEIVERE Tof as iNY PsanSctnRTome AThe dTY e-CAS 1 .MI TET