THlE XICIIIGAN DAILY-NEWS We have just added a full line of these fine perfumes anid toilet articles. '-roiletI Hints" is a book that tells all about them arid their use. Ask for one...... ICAKN'PHARM ACY 324 SO. STATE S3. IUK B 1iIadPOIParlors & dBowliDU 707 NO RTH- UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.I!I ThUatmnus the mest) of everythiiog: SERVICE, EQIIPOPIIENT andi ROADBOED. wtitifrra'TOLEDO ITO VCOLUMBUS Write J. W. LANIIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. PAN-AMERICAN PLAYING CARDS SOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, II6S MAIN STREET .,, Up'= To = Date TAILORING Fulde's 119 S. MAIN ST. Martin, Washburn, Brandt, Waldo, and other niandolins, guitars and banjos ono easy payment pi'an. No advance in price. ANN ARBOR MUlSIC CO. 209-211 E. Washington MIOHIGAN ETU "The Niagara Falls Route." THlE SHORtT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With d irect, *aieetiotto at ico iorSt. Louis, Kansas City. 50.'soand ithe cest. i . -IIAVIS, i%-nt, AnnArbior. ANN ARBOR R AI LROADru TIME TABLE Trainoos laeAArb ore by otrl Stoand- rd Thex. SOUTH .5NORTH *No. 6.-77:2.5 A. M. No. 1.- 8:0) A. Mt. No. S.-11:35 A. a. *No. 6.-12:30 P.nt. No. 4.- 9:51P. m. No. R.- 420W P.M1+. 1012-- 8:5 P. t. * 011- 9:05 A. M "Ruanbetween Ann Artor an~d Toledo only All trains dily excep Sunday. pW. T. WILLS, Agent. W H. BENNETT,(. P. A- Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Ry. Gars leave for Detroit every half hourt beginning atf(1.45 a. ma.tuntil 8:45 p. m. After thaot to Dletroit 59:45 and 11:15 Pt. t. Cars leoving Ann Arbor a~t 8:15, 10:15 and 10:4:5 rtin only aa far :a Ypianti. Waiting room corner Ann ad Main Sts.: D~etrott, 70) Woodward tave. '1Rcntuchler, tbe fjphotographcv. CALANDER AND READING NOTICES D ee. t;--S. L. A., Henry Watterson. OVit toit ec. t. ''bius is onettf the A. (_ollse, h:Ios s i :: "ia.Treat tiuimphl:tee-eotit Dec. i:)- 1 Iks' titstett~s, Aites lhaso ppe:11et i. TIe::::: :1tlt:11 ol )t i-riday D .1) : x-.1leain Ieeridy, via- ofthe Is- iml(st meii uli:tt tve ote ii: 1 ln et reital) 'it101 esity Hl,:, )2or- (ilt of tc::t1y l:tit: illt: toe it is:tr.l ______________series. _]:Ir___ ::- : i l f t.111. : iThe . illi l- sttotio1-1iaid" h itl edIi ll" $20. e. W II:: i E llos S\Ii Theolol is l -str. oillo Aniaden, 340 S. Ntytte at. Tiit-o l,:v, lte. it). NI1 i -to shorp tirs ill wti nd :l o lla.I nt) l thel 12:1 lltt' 10 loter- .1) LEN tesiitt : ::l ts. Illlstra1 I.Tt heo :0 sen 12 340~ti S. Sat t . Toh545 I 1 s l hi l slo\> W e Friday Evening,, Dec. 610.1 Monay even, Dc.(1 Sigl dissionscheachlsenior Hosery:In.(=onesale ai- t ilesntoilthlae W.L.DOOOLASto; FINE SHOESJ OUR Double Deckers AND OUR GENUINE FREAKS LEADS Others Follow Wahr, olnf DON'T BE FOOLED Bly a 699~ Lead Pinioned Cloc Bluy a good STEEL PINIONED Clog lor $1.00. See both clocks on bitioni in oiy window. J. L. Chapmal"' 2061:S. 51.1:1:St: .. I r h nits Cr. tait:an c uon:: streets. It, loner, Pres. C.0E.. RIttEIone Vice iThe ln fM~OO'Say illU Bach Caplital sloe).. 160.000. ;Ciii ii. 05.0 of : 0mb Oc et 'sI ti U,: 01101' 01 undere ~t lt' :::::-.otBankthe.l ofhiat-yi-:e i~t~etv:e ettl , bne ar.0 lito:, moon, ti ic-Prbet.: -A. J.Frit, Cathetr FIRST NATIONAL RANK O Capital, 11100,000. Suielus:::and Protits, f3 Tascsa go-coratltbanking; S etoote. Foeldf exochaneog htoo:atnd told. ho-tieiebletters credit. E. 0. KINNE, tree. tHARRISO)N SUl" S. W. CLARKSON Casohier WJ. BO H Sotn RE i'S eee W. ARNnLD,istVie-pretaE JOHN. C. WALTZ, Assi.)2oohiet !VIG Transacts a general Blanking Ilnoineas._ - Goodyear Glove Rubber Fall line of Elkskin Gym. Sboes= LAM BERT, 6313 WilliamO SI. ITHE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. ST.: 816 5. STATE ST. A GOOD SHAVE, Hugh Johnson's tactir foning, lBathroomsme tn ~Sund0ay, Pi:oeer C'afe, 2141 E. Huran Ct. W.92-12. Cok . B.eWELC H urOncSt. diy or night. tBord $2.50 per twk. CAMPUS BARBER SHOP For a first-claso flair Out Slid 510Easy Shave .-.-.- HERB JOHNSON U1. o 'l MBarber Fac steaming aoj Shop andi Bath hd.t, dOoe hsrtte andPais 19 i ROOM ), 322 STATE. JonR. l0oaaows THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY HAVE YOU SEEN 1-HOSE NOBBY BROWNS MILWAR0