;r+-' ++++++++++++++++++4 THlE M1CIIIGAN7DAILY-NEWS ++++ I1-T.44^++ + ++ + +++++I"4 44 "I+ 3" "i" """d +"k "44 44 4 " "+ "«*r ".E.4i. ....i*Z. ...« I TAK L mu",ro1fse(cted stock' of N'ew~ Fall Suits and Overcoats bet w'eeni Detroit anid Chic ago Samhh lmi ot comiiplete lite of Men's Furnishings and Hats in the city. The + soeagents ie AAn Arisir fir thio celebraited YSILANT\I LNDERWA :II 11, M A IAT A SHIRTS iand HOWARD IHATS. 200-202 S. Main Street. WDAS YN&RUt 'JOHN J- SQHj HS.DEA Tro LADIES A\oDIN~ TAILORS CA.DEA 601 EAST WILUiAMNS STREET DRtY .l- + + i+++ 4l1++++++ 4i i u l : i -! z +++++ t-111 E X+++5 O L ( fi K WORK Ek SR5CIRiLTY® HANDWORK 115 WEST HURON ST., 'P'hone 5063 hn'ur Saturday Eve., u t I 9WU Dec. 14. Good Government Club. "No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EMBLEMS (Cork ipped.) The Ralston No other Shoe made like it NoIothe Shoe made The best Shoe in the World for $4.00 Geo H. Millr - 212 S. Mai St. E[0 : 00OTO. REVNoLos BILLIARD PARLORS Till OLIsltNAABLt 'Sh°Y ther:Lmin e t5it aquintd ,312 S. STATEI STREET l2OIR STYLE AND SERVICE... +4 STUDENTS + ALWAYS ± PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY I Liberty St. W~rkt as Wy Laundry 1i!l' et ;! '~ b ind promptly ione, 410 Dl etrotlSt PUNF-RAL ,. ,1 CO -x cIIt Ash Lz-UOV John SetigthePacie Ever~y sty le bit iiid styles KtTcIIENER J kl), FUELMOHE, CHEST PADDOCS,e$7.54, $20.00 and $+25.00. overplaids, stipes ana pit the proper weaves. If you get them frc r they are right. t'THE NEW STO ._,=Staeblei AVI LTO N, ERFIELD. $10.00, $18~.00, In plaids, ain, inn all om us, HRE" % Wuerib MICHIGAN NOTES. ii '.iiiteelt iii intoipitilerhip~ ~ w ith tiitou hei iL. ;letfoei of that ent. Mir. Sotll iapptointed iI'. S. tistricIt coli