ANN ARBOR, MICIL, THURIS DAY, DECEMBER 5 1901. FIRST YEAR. No. 58 BRUCE SHORTS. The Captajn who Will Lead the 1902 Team. Brief Sketet: of his Work att Tackle. A Phenomenal Goal Kicker. Honor System in Examination. H. S. FOOTBALL. Western Trip Unsettled. I ertNor is theithe fior itheii-sell)- ____ -lii-Ibsot of ioiitiol sum) iiioe ago ester -i-i- -a i liiil-loa Istee sChamipionship of Michigan xwiil he Do- a-It sibitd aCeiiioi1ittei- which tad to n1 re r lgs all .1)ou th systcn p1"_deideltiwhether o10nottheliic iilani ill t51t-ot tll~ ii5oei )1 ided Saturday. Kalamazoo vs. teamshould go to Caifcoadoilog -u1 1iotheli-ii eii i"Hionor t tl1)1 Islsneniny. Hig~h School lthoil id oys.oaol inotrucedsithe 1mutt- 0110li)li iotiesetit-i-Stars. . 11(1e1' toS(Iole tpropositiosto lon- he- It. 1.s peeslotridto Somexlit loose if-s(-it.i Th ieiordids-on o-t oonithet Tit ilwl-s itunesIijllii ipasisii t 1-. atoil. 0idts) priioine o si viergyiii tosiito i ll' m a -to Aiso~ugeit: o l erit t he-t i 5Ii-' f soilisil iiitri h ri ved li atthis 11 iis iing er l iuse te 1111111 ale si-ol s uill si-ilei-theiSt:Sty il n i lo iii- ioiiiisosal al.uwhihufinallsiy re ~~~l~~5li1 re- Of lton'or liiir twoo years of g e linifavto o i t,1 11)11 lieviti i to iiship uo tewels i-l-lit tiSturday Sllit isseuritting t e i-i-essry hoot- 0 fly i te -acl psiin. bylol t eslp i liiiis l-avnc.morn o. andui e l oist-te of At 101-i-valotguuoaneoous. During tie Smmtie li Uet aU iesioty eoslts inilaimiii--- 1+ isuwtattm seetty ai al n "llte t hrt5 oigouan ac tuethn l A isp IS follows:S i; se-l1of telst gto tiironi)battille to le to :I gmo n d i wiotlil io gld to iy OtOu~ig at iiitlo ited ipont s as ' -hr by slit teolthoor thatiiiI li-isi glared-siat Wimo roreno ssittough it il-lhgu-ott ov iieilst isatoryts ibo- ),la He ielsi-i-irit dly andit examti nait tion liin m - - - - - 01it ollhatoo t rflti- tll ot-so-- -hig- thet is ottt. Sosi a t tj; r (ntet I wa f tis tmeT heI o-bilt(' oos tsediareiii i edii otetootf ithe o e tis a d titist- fitt is i III i isietosivooe. sot-1- 110 tbuist11 iteis reptaon101 a sat tob" ipurhased t it he iceti anISigned s lty- s tetsionaty witneiss to-eotest Theiii-0heitsl o-f astitgoti offereds 'tor otan 1fe S It tfitl l s faiththte sndes till till the day-Itotots - siiebdeides te s-ttOittosit. The to -tattlttu-u-stlt the epnefoe tan fes. i ok nIt-enoeamnain os rseri toesin eerhsbeapae t25 g m eab lyd tSateadA li-esa e i tns Iafter tis sias li t to thei-stidetts to utSth e l s ito (rta and ittItrg-tctrod Shoutwitld t- it i rI pres ide te Pass lentti air- 1115thi-f til 1)1)1 uiet -t-tt nt-i e i e-i1 no-iwni i tstleir lftdoablei ttiute iii iiilith I ill-ersity, respecity -iti ll-1" li:isi wiott loff ed toi ii lltat iiI I iih t Slist soo iS)I -tttiltus ill ttitoili l i ral-- telulit l t ito--ililiOt et eam ill-i ofs 1,,giitii tit l ilh ii t I se tho"iliii-) 5- silsi e lo liitiO i siitl /s sitsitinlle t-i I nd W sh e ig e m is - ai-Ii- is lileiia t ls ui-ltio 11hl utti totwhen s -I s ilkl ts 511 o)1 ]i is li e ) l) --ti Ilea n ittt ii i d .to s s e emist I it tits i i I -lsl tp sii ll, iao t l a( t l,; " n t r it s-sd e cl i t out it ( i i s i lt ho td11 e I lisith oun i l e ha d r I ii t it e hv WI Ilt 5 ) i tlel thlhon r 11011 1 ke I tit ar til ~0 apprecii as il le u-it),.et,- l lchtiugliiTo tll Isil tt tdr tuw u Ur st fe' tr ~ltIi li i iu tiln f(rah]otsse ee tsereitS inn tila itnoy ingc t - t it hat oitheyt-ter hu.AdsplitihlirIileei tiratliton Iuat stu-y aei afisdu t ih ii stl, ilionti 1 1 1 i ii 0 u-t,1" tuits fl -u-i to (' lt itt's ill I si tu i Ni tt ttaulers i i-gtirel im s i- lrt i chhit s ilis - I b euts ehualedh of tjitt- itl ~ihiyo td ituidi"inot i l bot. -i ereIit ,n -iu tuldaiy tthteie h uslp ilBated i by tthe issdti 1Tournametti W t"1 i ya 5111 tot hn"'to ts c n I I-ut nd, otil heutstla bsI it sigiti tig silt It I hlip bei hut liii situ 5ll ths 1 ceet siog thus its- , lu-t iisttiiu- ut S o I 'ltl],stti fil x' u~ ud t do t e11111)1chh o s-ogr tli s ut.e An s e i n t t hlet5 ti-t o11 k1 rnh I us tu ohug tit ]] ehit I i gh)-i- li ni naldttg toi Bl akei) one1 . Het i Sl nowf~i tusi ll th e ports ts the h a i t I ni1- i n -l - idepatr ti ) 1)1 li itt. u t w s t en. sch ol. thaI le it-- gi h s ISOt ou ndsetd eavoting _____ ecure__ ither__ he_____ itit aS - Iilits 'e hilu- iulsufhe ibe It iful iouhe t ita ftslxtmina tin tw utle I lii . tud hlitsibeenf lai ngItt-l lback 00115 or 'Te askn e all' nde 1115 is l~Itil ('atobe ;;Itinedt ftom teuntabiished alt ihtltligi Kochit-Isti t os iuh-t ion tr. utwitig "us I "uu g iltou th eseI i ru st an s itis - imixs a isieo I ilsit ti 0 situ--- s biutllis(,iiistuuis poti ngutu uas-tbeen of-h tth hu-el- - it :li i (n it u hiia oilitv t - osbefor t co e" h ' ; o~t it m e w en he i , e ha e o e f flt o or Sy t m a io al O de hi s crid beingit a1u ay-u thel- ati l i ty B ar of Coti l an l ay N}1eil ouh tht lng han tie tsha eing apidly huuiras uof50t rs fu or l(':tie)l suitshuthissbfnete(al siifeoyolr i int ottld lit1to ntefI-tOra-ut-uMR ootavehadtheannytuorethaionoIh-haudrpedithoa t l otr iiThe iMiiltls o sis ttull."- hte to , , tl( It is totuhi ss yi t V MSii fo it h i examiai n s lull fi I ithity tiacheittnliiaintuityoGitrge Jewtt t I 111) l i hia mtill lute l)e h t l i gr -ha t 1ny llt he oi n ii stuuil hutin lined o ills I ul hii'ttnutisiuiss -hhtuul-uhf-92,ttittus i-huts hit-('ttIdtiltsillfithesehsoni - hut lii-- lit hin . ias m di t I theii i t uit to 1)1h )1(cann 5 this hb I-t~s It itt ut-u-t illstubs ii it ill 'iann i lilt- u-ht-gall,- - - )5 - 111 itlli tpilchviti Ili t er 11- - 1ham1ee liih e by11of 1,0 1ii s iu iithe uol ([I m nitus 1e p u e lullt 1 liii hii('; ]'Illsitstll til Ipaylii adatitpteI-d hilfsrilnoi itihei tFtuiegnchhi ec iii pa- id halmde-iiir IlIhr exlnd (still ta a rlilt we l i f e li la iua plnd haan aethisldv i 5)1ws1he m iii o In111 I b t iuat iiva ing)mu s.lii I r i it t-Ittwcui on h el 1:.1111 1 11 I ls ii)ss shas, "i hi ngto 5 c no i itetle d TII i In I'ea 01)sates( tyIndi toil awatesien oyb olt.Oe 1 r i ~.lni a revtdonl(' , ]iiIilaett,1Mis!dueAam.t Ii 11I 1 r eduenu I -d t . a d i n t ec l'-l I s S i l w t fi, A a s a ,""am (ringone of lilt 'es t re(-nest tti dasilthurilII eiIli levntli senial eiv~ ~aegld.ta "'1 Nale al ,old. y,, l till m il nt 'thstugc iso ty. 1)1;Iut -ii uu--i)lIs- -uullulultsot11a1wrinI-lop ilt, p5101tioun dus highsosh i iii iite r i I eaSily c n- ftu n xfli 1.twllitt 1 n ia111l 1!.ce ay aIto -lhS h threse Srvcs iat I)s ui b ft lihi I I t f hi L awlut-t lii s ,iuslut hut lilt iolgitshis usiilltua-..r.--uhusrutulilyiol hutioll.-stilhihit ii s ter Parforin s t toi O li istt.-isit-u. erne(i ti 01 I th its as lag ifths-a haithiti 11 ,l5i ll uuG rm n R aim ]irut it bu ttt. siltilladuit 111ii 11 tuloiith ilt I tilt o tusisdis uu soiutanguuiss ii suit sotuComucal te 115 00115 w idaSilyto r iitall st telh u-ubacksoittillnfdhhso alA ttfouotballtlt ,ilnithn0lastsli , lta li l:ao iies tat theluuuu a~ti Mnisa+ llet~naa~i ( llin oBa e a o eo I~a tf h ss ils itS coff,,1tinice uit(i1 ae nure y"f tehighchool itinra I h t tt 4sl Siiih ]slly ci olevralaetllrs S lan Siar lt ef: ushuuos f h lt ales fth , t reltooits .anNew Mchiga SongIhiit llJutsisFrethus .etuii~eit t' la0ot AI lrsttstsI tonhi s s ot-re- ttot-uleuuitaiuut -- i 1 nI-u l1f1)1m(theulelisv riiahb 1 ti s--i- i ~ tti Ot usut-nlr 1thettle ,,i e c o he :11 Oss e~ ii huit l~nigifa Ste 15 (tout lay f sit)r uti i tu Ito S i- htst i hv t i ttu I huuu ti tb Is t hr et 'h " aI eib h itfsrnotst- s. utdalrhutas tug oftwo ofuopSPospon ume t huu. O)t iuuisi o f tis modisernto oframauti 1O:1us r.It hitu te li u sd- is utier uod'as MNI - t" matirI i mut to i nd \r i s tuhu e-ittil itnsofstilt III at to - iiihuch au piechull t ori te-I 1 tutslt( ]tisuhrn(sa ioffhe o 1hr Stmm to euas lgiotiutuuusoitte o s sc~n iutuigtuuu tilt hI , th,(I: thsafritstis- sohicd rettuS oft he 10 f5- 1 1 h 11551t huls sous ii- -untud -t tis- ittletufte l su-sg s liteh g egB fit- ut ltuts hhtit otulits t it5 of iii ttiti- ctlubuhiasrie t1ar t tar iv( :tper- is o if iiit t1 it hus hu s hlit thus t lust ituess ss- u-s o h f rtlt it c.t-l ;,gt beuSt utigti il o t sop i ultuol b' tl: u s-uunrw l ( ti Seg.ts hs-f lls itte I h illequilly itts ti-is - sl s : hupttsutstiuutusu u t ponvd u nisu tctiiiuhsMahsi tdy ,uugetil1si sl,11e- 11110no itil ite] v tus e t. ust tuolTu usthe fis epslevt ctelot hu yearsuu s il ii a t It s htedby i ntterestedhli sititis ieeinsl ilJr t he s- i o r is ont g uwinsu huti be hldstiftUrn s -uitt 11111liiT i s - IIh s ts- -illtheifothi liii I ti e an e aluuushli i iusm.i iisuueu 11 5k i ti Dy Irto-si--vyIto a t line day eouts41 Se M hepoga t utgls sit Sil-,Iantu eatil Subodits a t h-Is uuuiu uh ii 5C 511ti It ProitIf.ili I efosi ii Ithst it il Ituuteussthts______________litis-o t wh o ittlhsleciitretisluolTh C'nasi hey ehug-ityo idr I stiltresn 5ted l e ol ow tts:hss til cht atssusi 10eres tlauhud c stoalulls o t ;tl Lams liand li Ifth is ofiiu te i 1111 vtiliii lit ii tht~realt fo tIslsolsde-is-u-ti...... -i, n hoos- tih 5 115e u iluuusit iii uttus tl si s-t t .uitl uiuusfi h s lug hisIOil h ide ln 1115 l flter Atheso m.i"luatii oosLetlo 115s tlSiilt peot hiiss ditiu aui 111 tutus tsioii ottu-1,i) a p nH lssIttre (S ert an inl l lots ys h s i ti o- - Clouri T ritis o nal" tomposed sby t lk lD of l cet u ilsofh uts hitIon~ n or In itn i sololt"Joel e ties0 hisehe - III Russwit e JuS lu thInkilt' bIf i nsrcos ftehItnndeat et 115 ue, d -t «Ja 1Ytih h o ui goss h e. ost bi e S ona ta eC D aty-N ew e Fi k hD i nk.s d i o s- rnk sll e c ave ,volum e u t lbein tor ucthe a l oy- (new t c