__. "' THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS IS HE0AD)QUARTEfRS FOOR NOBBY HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN NECK DRESSINGS WAG N ER & CO. SOLE AGEoNT o t HAWES $3.00 HATS 123 South Hain Street AA I 1( PiGKWiGK Billiard rarlors and Howling BETTER T /N E E 707 N )1-ttFI UNIVE RSIT'Y AV\ENUE The SCHLEEDE TEMPORARY BINDER THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!I}1[.;III ;Onsogl Aooof0 }cf na tibst oytiiing 'otVl R 11 00 0 NT and tOOAIO1ttl). of pape. Foper l TOLEDOe tais,/'TO CLU BU0Sc. EamineooourFa; gil alr(tr O E O T C L M U auPn rt S.0Write J. W LANIIIFAN, General Traveling Agent, F J. SCHLEEDI~ DETIROIT, MICIG~AN. 0 0s S. statn 5t. w scsssrtyrvrvr r,,ccmacvs _ __ _ sr - iwam[xUC7 rer. .s,4 UP>= To = Date TAI LORING FPulde's 119 S. MAIN ST. Martin, Washburn, Brandt, Waldo, and other nandolinos, guitars and banjos oin easy paym1en~t plano. No advance in price. ANN ARBOR MlUSIC CO. 209-2 [111E. Washington lRentscblcv, the Plhotographer. CALANDER AND READING NOTICES De.-.1. ::0;1) . 000.-Alistoooioool Recitalt, 1The' 0Dainty lFarce'Itnootosoiuo'os ooo- Slbo-tL0ockwo-ooodt, Froooiez leo'oooooot 000jline at00tho'AthensoooThte-or foor F'i- 1 ott1 lt, Dec. 0G. coma00s Oheraloded as oneoof Dec. (;--S. L..A..Henroty Waoottrsonl. 0the' ston000goot attrcons 0000of itskid Dec. :o00-ooooo' eSarahoo granool, . 0..x0a000. It, s1omsdo01000.O1'f theo 0inest A. Course'. ttiintheo tudev(0o0 OtoldobOn0m011y 00c" 0 -1l1s' 16iotooI'. \Atttos OMissesoon00Sloo'oo ando oooot ooo 0000000 100ea~t. ertiocaOoo0lists. M. L .Tso1pe Friday-o. Dec. 13-Jean (xi Oto'o'oooto- 000 bladoy- ontorltionisO't:i0ltol ..1l 0000 0 teloo oeocitat. Unvriooty Hal 1 thool 1hark I o'oooiog:ORoonan andooo Os7o00000 A Uni000onseries. -010 omedyoaond oool inog oarootoists:ttho Dec.I:>-lo. t O trl boo' te oo- ~iort.om ed-oiennes. Louise0000(0 olso st0r00 0and 01 o-ooo P'olladinoo1 0 thei00 00cula000000s, ___________________eccentricit0iestao'o originoo alit0oie0s: toot :ak ouoor proessoro'andol te's0say.00 5of.ot character0-' ' ooot -000-000an It-11L.-l, repaooism t thautqest00orytco ooo tal000 5007 0oler: too 0 0to 00000l ii Iostooot o ong000s. To 0 00' 1o00-ttots ILAMMONI) TYP'EWRITERI (good 000 01500 610 00Pariso'oottl"T Doton'" seondooo-thandol maochineo), $200 . . ~-mogoooto'o1sowithto200betifult oo unooog Aosdtoo, 240 S. "Mteto t. -isi)greuswldoe pca scolo'00'05is corried, and ul ose'wi o-ttostarot- ~ALCHI6AN CDula, lasNo t 7 10010fternL oon;t purtet 10.'otoi-oI0000 "The Niagara Fallo Route. oowht, 0 Ovs '5too naiveooof Ji000; stool- IOAn'(11.. th io o loot. Libooral oo'ward.o 1 ()00020 'Tohe oog naloo ooooootttl oosiooo's 1 e: TIHE SHOT t .ttLINE- Soootlo oiooive sity oor 01200tore-st. ii,-. 0 ofilolo t (woilot oiltltoo'heldlol 0 AN N ARBO R TO (1011 1'51 'I 1 - :(o eei;.Dc.5.a 'le Ci"HCAO to00,0 000 000000007100th ioo'o Ltot V0 O'l'00I"io lo 1 BUFFALO 80 -10 1t-. 1bANJ0 (LOLth NO01I,: NE YIORKI .1''A 1,.1.o-I~S: 'lIi'' 00ittltoe 00 ooootiooooof ftoe'V'.100- ANID BOSTON 00 010 0000'5 ho otn lto''lo rbob Wo or0oiyoot71 -wilt Wthl diret o nne~ootons atO o 0060 o g foot'St. Otosio'oy -d o vol loos. ioo' tooto o l th000 ip Louis. Kano asoCo t yto5. 'oot onto elotwst. Now shap:.o-oloo s10 ots. I .0 - 1 '. I N I. I o-orotoet lot' informt ion an000 00000 Olrooooglo oo'Iotsoollsnoot1.0.0-N, wrtboo 001. 00. 1HAVES1. Agoo'ttAonnoAr-boor. 100:1 'Soo. Maoin St. -8-5SNoO1'T 7 . ____________________ -owil eoit me10000000 ' 0 of 0theo''002 A N .ik Io~"TI uii r0;0cI 0000 he0 Olo 0 loo 100 0000 0000 000 vw 'lss Iloo st 00 000a -1:0x. ioo N t 2'1r" oo Itoo Slni .ol 5Musc(o. 3I.tRoomooC.t10 11. RAI LRQAD Students' Lecture Association, TIME TABLE lr ( asleavlo AannAor bOyOCetrtal OStad-a er/ VV , as rp M /e rd Ti ~ i~i 'No. .- 7:25 A. M. 7Noo. 0.- 850 A.Ott. No. 83-110:36 A. M. 'No. 6.-10P.Mt' . No.a4- A:36 P.sM. No.0- 4:0tts otoci 0 tOo'osd TleoP.lyAMR A 00 102- :5 P t. M. "100-9:05A.M All trains daily exceplt Sunav v nig B . BENNETT.0. P. A Friday E e ig Dec. 6., igo~i. Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & _ Jackson Ry. Coars tloave for Detroit every half houor MADAME SARAH GRAND beginniiog ot 6:45 a. m. unttil 5:45 p. m. Af terlthatk [erolt :5 ad11:15 p. m. on 11MERE MA N, and 10:45 run only as far ats Ypoulaonti. Monday eveninog, Dec. 9 Single admission 50c. Season Ticket; Waitiag room corner Anto and Maotia Sts.: ,O n aea Wles Deotroilt, '06 Woodtward ave. $.0 nsl twles i Ebtchings Gravures Caboas Platiminus Novelties and Framed Pictures DeFries Art store 217 S. Fourth Ave. The Summer... Is over, Yotu are DOW thinking of Fall wear. Our Fall litne of Footwear is snapPP made in all toe latest styles at $2.00, $2.50 AND $3.00. Glass' Shoe Store 1090 S. Main St. Repairing a specialty. s BANNERS OF Law 1902, Lit, 1902, 1903, 1904, and alt othoor cloosses, do'poirtmo-ntso"o teges, made too order at-0 LOVELL'S CORNER STORf tCot'. Matino and urnS00rets. Capital, 150.000. Surplaso$5,5000. TrasioeW R,KEMtP, Presr. C. '.toattooVice FRED. H BYto a. Cashie.loo 00 Tie firm flrbor Samons aNO C000001aluetok. 8,00000. SurluOs, 5150.5, 10ooooes. 501700.000.1,0 Organizesdoondoe thoeo-Geneiral anking il (of 0ooe State. Reevs eposiotso b luys u 0e eactInogeon theloo pricpalcisofhe Ut 0 of State Drts csed pot o pe clr OiendfdOat r~atoy deopoit oxs o ret. 1- or.ot'Otso 0'haorle'oE. listo ck, o. c Hao, man.Vice-FPrin.; M0.1J. Fritz, 000000 FIRST NATIONAL RAN aaotd Capitol, $100,000. Surplus and Prorate0.,0 'Transacts a genteraOloanoling ouosiness. FItrlpf exchange bouoghtad rold. PFornisetter credit. E. tD. KINNE, Pres. nARRISoON STLtt1,e S. W. CILARKSON Cashier W. ARNOLD, t tVice-pros VT lTj J. V. Siolnocot, 2d Vice-pre "tij V JOiiN.C. WALTZ, Ast.OCashier Tlransacts a general B~anktng JBusiness. _ . Goodyear Glove Rubber Full tine of Elkskin Gym. Shoes> LAMBERT, 613 William SI' z ITHE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. ST.: 816 5. STATE ST. --Id A GOD SHVEHugh Johnson's Razor Honing, Bathroooms 00v'n0Sundooy, Piotoer Coate, 211 E. Huoron St. 5-12. IH. B. WELCH Oe a rngt or 25 e k W. of Cook House. Huoron St. tle oyo ~lt lor 27 e k CAMPUS BARBER SHOP Bre aested Fo ajis-lu arCo .otMBre aesem0 ~ Fora frstclas FairCut U. f Kmassagte a 0p0t and aio Easy Sae-.-.ad ty, dose by lpl y ShaveShop ad Bathmethods.(Br HERB JOHNSON Roomsa, 22 STATE. aJ.trojeno fA D THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH ANN M r~ U ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE MY1 HAVE YOU SEEN rHOSE NOBBY BROWNS MIL