THlE MICHIGAN -DAILY-NEWS +++.++++++++++++++++++++4 a .L.f..S...L.LJ..S.L.L.L.L:L.L~L.®.3. . s..l..1a,.L.1:..L.. ., L.*.,....L.$ S T...B J__L.!!_sL t__t__t__LfJ__t_.f _f__t. _t__tJ__!_ I The Most GonvinGinu IhingI that we could do that would tend to induce you to boy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would he to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of their reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style, fabrics or tailoring, is permitted to enter any part of their production. You don't know how cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn them. Why dally with the unkno .-i quantity of doubtful makeswhen you can buy the 'real thing'? LINDI7NSGHiMIIT & tff t1 IF YOU WANT A MICROSCOPE + IIAE I. lli(II'B. 'IiII lS "No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." (cork Tipped.) ++4-1.++++++++++++++++++++++4; Full Line of+ ° LATEST SUITINGS AND TROUSER INGS 0*1. L 0m m M.STAEBLER Agent for Crescent Coluimbia, Stearns, Syracusei sid(Otiher PitIes, gs Ibacs ani Gk II ut'icycles anti aritlenis fo(15 tt. RYNoLDSBiLgp:Io 312 S. STATE STREET FQ F~LSTYLE+ AND) SERVICE.. + STUDENTSI AL-WAYS + r l-'AFrPZNIZE + 17) + Lit^rivC +r r 8 _ 1)l' MICHIGAN' S'o. Wlltahtii iW iltireit'"The 'it II is silt s I 'isn1"olTu sday, Dei ;t :1; h l T I) II, Isi it'' ecu Iiiit1. it ils' iithe s ,t l l itueiis II I ' seristtti , lt' Iitoil t' t e l o. t1 ' 'It 111li it.te '-t' h -vitl I S l te t 'i the oo ho seI~c. ,,tsitI itt tht'e (:eofM .W ls li'., lctre ilth le t11r i t Sit It tilllr of th (111 1 I sVit A iIi Atit it " l11 11:111. 11 1 t~iil XNOTES. Aststiyor graiidcthei and he scillI saty ai.L.IE sotthe Bnfirst ring I a botughitfitsr yoticmiieir."' A',AIENI 'S: l:ti-Isiyltttatlies tll Nettshapes in fats. ALIEN, 1: Sn. 'ltin tis. NXIAS tGOOtS, I'00l'S ISICit'HOUS. 01110 STUDIENTS - The Toledo Lastidry Co. of Toldio, 0., wants to ,do, younrltintdry wiork. Letave orders :it 121 S. Main St. aPline 545. T ENN IS NlTiatsu moi unstitifs for- Ala yotirc fatherii tittl hli-ksilt saty " 1L:t r~~. epiiaireid my itwatch." Catholic Church; lasses 8:00, 10:30 a. mn.; Vespers 7:30 p. mn. ifT5A LLENS' GIHKISTIAN J. dLL1IENDIWGf ill.DALlEItIN.. INE ART GOODS IFraming a specialty. it h, I liin St. - AitiArbor ST"UDENTS!- ii tl)IN catll intl sit itt behi rSit u hsii. escsihart. I h~avesiciitd-htiid savs thbls, chtairs, stc.,ail will sass sit F. W. WILKINSON, if31 S. Mtain St. IN NEW QUfIRThIS, Wehiss just moved tnoIStite "St.lbseadeo Liltbety), intlinvli ittiouito gist tar isoeel trial. WIM. HCOHREIN, Sanitary Plumbir. Steaim and Gas Futting TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM'. 338 S. State St. G RANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING Noti t lii ltimt oijoin Iliai i -issill ii ittS Ii i (,t.i s'AirSt ntu a.iniitish ;ft's lit0lhotldiayis. 'wictive weseps cnn- tituiii a I'ter. tOtf's'at Acadsemy, :1? ittiy ic ii strelt. Portland Cafe Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches Op)en day ani igbt. Hiuron St. - Opp. Court House Ntts -.ltit it'- lii 1 hitl. I13 Sio. Afaini;~t. -., Itill.11 lowist:iplis-. tCoiner't'Sate z . ..BATH TOWELS For your rooni or the gym. At all Prices. DESK BLOTTERS ..WE... give them away. i-% *'ILDER 'S PHAR MACY DUANCING. C'las it t .1the I isiuits Act)il'MYins si be spit st S. tistitis Oct. 5.GSit iii1lil anti Asetn bhls Its members of cltiss. Prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. + SINILDING'S '+ ,Foot Ball Surpies + leahertic ici, anti will conifori io ioy, etcize. New methed + of atattaching sr +s. peushihg. cboltiea+ o rctinto.shistie +I+ 4 BtisiAntic andiEl- + towBaits!gesMur-± ,F 'y liyAi le Brlaice + .t 'iovered PadtsWrisi r tSuporters. j SpligOffiilnFooit[tail(Giildi ior +' 191. itt lt it y RWaltr Campuir itslo. itiliWitterSporitfee ti ny tiddresst A.C PALDING & BROS.. BONSandS ,ODS e c t CAPSaPdCC: 'tuusts} ),a-ind,,Wh-Ejt ttit t. - v ECTRICtRANITEanid MARBLE WORK itt1wr tt . . I tti. ultit'-t 5 i rtt'iti sier, ttlARTISTIC M ISORIALS. We md J. . SCHUR, SANITARY FRLUMBING 'Atit'as:istlt->,- ti-S FitursS.tearnandiitilt (hats'r ii.;tit. Sewing Nitliui iEASTiiWASHINGTON .'TnREET. W YOU' JW1 [TOW IN... i1s'11itit Otiti -ietand t t aittctqtaiiitedi ie silt tell ytua hew in sulits Psrcst i - - - - 25c 'trouisers - - - . I~c FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. EB I. \t~iIIt. Si First Store West of State Street. of 15.-al2I WE Fl-£2Oi4I . (iODYEAR FOR DRUGS.