THlE MICilIGAN DAILY-NEWS- _ - SHUDNUT'S PERFUMES, We have just added a full line of these fine perfumes and toilet articles. "Toilet Mints" is a book that tells all about them and their use. Ask for one. .. .. .. ... CALKIIN S' PHAIRMACY 2 O STATE ST. DROP A POSTAL PAN-AMERICAN .When desiring information in the.... PLAYING CARDS LAW BOOK LINE AT -- TO- CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, SOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, ILA W PUBLISHERS - - - 114 'Ionroe St., Chicago, Ill. I 16 S MAIN STREET Up = To = Date TAILORING Fulde's 119 S. MAIN ST. Martin, Washburn, Brandt, Waldo, and other mandolins, guitars and banjos on easy payment plan. No advance in price. ANN ARBOR M~USIC CO. 209-211 E. Washington MICHIGAN C("jnAd "17w Niagara Falls Route." THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO OH ICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct i~n eetiont at ti-tcago for St Louts, Kotoa13Ci(ty, Sh. 'aul and the west. wieto Ii. W RAYES. Aett, AnnaArbor. A&NN ARBOR RAI LROAD 1.i JiCD ,;.CJ-.EiJ h. mITIe Z,=Z ES TIME TABLE 7 aktiog effect Junoe 2,19. Tratas leave Atta Arbor by teatral Stand- rd Tttte. SOUTH NORTH *No. .-. 7:25 A., a. Ntt. 1.--O8:50A. fT. No. 8.-11:t35 A. M. Stt. 6.-12:3011. M. No, .a-tM . At. No.0R- 4:50 A. ~ t102 - :5t1,. a. *' 1'1t-t 9:05 A.N1 Raa betateean A Artttr aad Toledo oaly All trainsodaily ex~cetSuayt. W. r. totLbS. Agenat. W R. BENNETT.,(0. P. A" Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Ry. Cart leave fttr Detroit every half htour begitnning ohf1645 a. m. until 8i:4IN1t. m. After titat .toIDetroit :45 tatti11:135it.m. Cart leavintg Anti Arbor at 9:15, 10:15; attd 10:43 rtun otnly at far atsYpsilianti. Waiting room corner Atnn and Main Sts.: D~etrtoit, '40 Wootiward ave. 1Rentuchl , the Ij'otographer. CALANDER AND READING NOTICES Tttesdtty, Nov. - 1-Chattcellor Mc- HARD PRACTICE. Dowtltein t S. I:. .A. Coturte. Thiursdtty, ,Nov. 2.,othall game, Iotwa vs. -Michigan, at Chicago. (Cotntittued from First Page.) 1ecr. i-S. L. A., hetiry Watterson. getttnttlgatiner for it ttneiatl. Fiditay, 1Dec. 13-lJean (ferairtly, vio- lIoth. ittt oIniy 11p latthletritall, lotntellorcitatl, Utiversity Hail, Clior- ce tt tfuthe GintttttiiAecadetttv l Uttiott seritt. ____________________ wttetet he' playlt edakle.Ite ts a htact Ask your gcatndfattttr and he ffwitlt tt ettge'a.te't tit ~ ~ ~ 17 pounds "IALIE tolthelit' ctrinig AlttIt-attttdtitslyttsctive as at.te btttught for yottrttothter."'is.1lves, :1ne\ ttatt om a college Iti ltttca. Ileit'teigho t ttt H ttttun s ttttf 01110 STUDENTS -The Toledo tt:tkest'every otuttetof tttighit Ct bytt Lauttdry Co. of Toledo, 0.. wants to iteittg tunttstllly ttt itt tdo your laundry work. Leave orders ittwightl(rifttit is :tdobefhi at 121 S. 'Main St. Phone 545. rtttiter. Cap. 'lReddytl Hlit'a it o _______________________t tt:nd e l ttly gttttdIattrtettivittg TENNIS NET an ti oo racquets for :1111lcryinlg tack bns tiale. Calfkints' Phfarmacy. tf _______________________tote tilintottg tt endi ttlasttetttbiits Ask yotttt'father attd toeill say o lt sses tO titrancttger' cad~ttteyttmust "ItA.LLEI repalired tiy wtatch." swearicleantttsttosttc tot atttd. it- causettit fsho'e titiho, cl oilt t ll101 s PEERLESS TYPEWRITER-F"or salaettotsight it is e ttr rettt. E. W. Amtdett, lid S. Slate dt tevtryiting fpossibletio-kett theiit - ftt's5altt . K indtlfygivthIilmattiifelt Catholic Church; l1asses 8:00, sitittotliolt. hut-S IhtNt.lit. 10:30 a. nm.; Vespers 7:30 p. m. Q FOI'NIt -Nttc. 17-- W'tihcit tb te ihad Ask tyisidy illnoc totdlife wstifell_____________ till tatfIItALLEIS JEWEtLtRY I'lT~ltglla tO lttill ctg ptrty It STOR tutitt the lac . l,1t m I '. s;1pef cupe IIGK'NiGK BiI1idrd rrlors Mdill 15ONIU 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE -. L. A.'S NEXT NUMBER WILL BE Henry Watterson's Maslerpiece ABRAHAM LINCOLN~ Friday Evening, Dec: 6, 1901. CHANCELLOR McDOWELL'5 date advanced. THE HOCKING VALLEY RY. II Thtat ttttantthtietest Ifeerythtling:SERVICE, EQU~IPMtENT attd ROADBED). i Vestibuled trains, tihPalrarts, rTOL r-EO TOCOLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDIIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. $3,50 W.L.DOUGLAS M FINE SHOES DobeUR DobeDeckers AND OUR GENUINE FREAKS LEADS Others Follow W hTheShoeman Free Shines. DON'T BE FOOLED By a h69c Lead Pittioned Clock Buy a good STEEL PINIONED Cfik for $t.00. See both clocks on e hition in my witndow. J. L. Chapmanq 20(t S.MatttStf Car. Malt and Httton 5ireeto. Capital. $5,100. Sarplus, $5,0t00. Tratsact' general Itanking haci less. B, KEMPF, Prec. C. E. nENx. Viect FED.nHlBELSER.Carhier. Capital Stock. $50,000. Sttrptius, 4150,00 Oirganized satder thte ieeral Bathing Wef at 'hts State. lteceivesedecosits, itayr andte ee on the princifpal ctisot the ttt50 State . Dtraftscastted upton propier identiagcatipt eatt.y deposeit bots to rent.p ..,ttcoet t hareseE. tifocet.Prec.;W tHa man, Vice-Pror.t 5M. J. Frito, Caeb'ar. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ie" Capttal, lt00,000. Surpltsan td Peos, 00 Transacts a general hankin telaece. Foreof~ ecagbogtand cold. uPrnish letters E. 0. EASER, Prec. IiABRiItON STJLE. S.W. CLABKStON Cashier W. ANOLn,nstVie-~prey Nll J. V. SHEEHAN, 2d 'Vice-preset l is JOHN.C7. WALTZ. Asst.Cashier iIO Transacts a general Banking Business. Goodyear Glove Rubber Fail fine of Elkskia Gym. Sihoes, .LAM BERT, 613 WilliamSt ITHE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. ST.: 8165S. STATE ST. A GOOD SHAVE, Hugh Johnson's Razor Boning, iBathrtosimetn Sutttday, Pioncetr Utie, if1I E. I lron St. l9-f2. ". B. WELCH Open cday ttr night. Hoard $2.50 per wk. W. of Cook House. Hlurott St. CAMPUS BARBIER SHOP For a first-cl ass flair Cut and an Easy Shave .... HERB JOHNSON U. o ~ MBarber msae a spe Shop and Bath tytbdonehbyleu Rooms 82 TAE.and Parl O5is t 2 TT. J. R. Traiana5sk THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH Ago~ ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE-CIT' HAVE YOU SEEN I-HOSE NOBBY BROWNS MIL WARD