THE MiCHIGAN DAILY-NEWS +4 ++ 1 1 !I 14NI+ q_"++4+14+44.NI ;++4 N -N1414 11111111NNNIN 4 +tht~ The Most GouvinGino Ihing jSamG You Moneu + ta wecould do that would tend to induce you to bus wuldbe to introduce you to a tssn who has worn them. .+~Frvu aoatr ~issi 'Ve cannot command the language with which to tell you how +loyurLbttoyCrsS good thtese cloth es are. The makers attach their label be- BB ' IOLOGY. 13101,06Y, nleath the coat collar ot their coats, and t1hey are so proud of ItSTOLOGY, ansd PATHOOGtY th eir reputatioti that notthe slightest defect eithser of style >S<< bai n iaieOsiii tuurmtress at 0tt 5tYf h rics tailoring, is permitted to cuter any part of their " s trt nd rc Ia s t atiO~ prdcio Ysou don't know ihosvchseap....."Cs titi, ,lr to 11tion toOi-s- ct STEIN-B LOCH CLOTHES I ar0, until you save worn them.tis 'hy dall with the tnn,: .M H S l5ftytialy nko.EBERBAG .S N, ol i lyo obtful -kewben you can buy thse- 'real thing,' , nu s il'Ii tss i LINDE 5SGHMlTT & FF 'fo and ICtll"LN ttM1. " NO better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS- Ma(Cosrk 7Tipped.) M.STAEBLER Agenjtit to Crescent. Columbia, Stearns, Syracuse ndl otheur B13 f S 0ppiies, IBicycle Repair- al~~e ant, Cents Bicvcles atid lq; l.I~ BILLIARD PARLORS 312 S. STATE STREET fI QI STVLE STU DLENTIS ALWAYS PATRONIZE [IVERY Ii 5cit'i 1 E f r 1 t f 3 . 1 t 1 f F r i r " M t e , Full Line of .1' LATEST SUITINGS AND TROUSER INGS UOH Fl EJ LD I MICHIGAN NOTES. +; atoo itti soli-ge recesstly seld cec- At Gtrangers ntst weekd, sit regular; ;ecssii itlitessoration if te 100th classes asiiiassemblies, silso ext ras is-; ii tIIsI1- of the giadation of ci-msiiiiThans~ivlclucnigt, $1 Stpe I ),t il1 i i 5' e. couple.; Tioroi is -a ' a oiltt ,ween ithe es-eils _- anl i,0 otoiiitlits it Mt iouel. The Suit ease atcost at VoIatis's barses 1 oiii" Itdiis rciiieItly nire a fancy shop. a1t Fourth avime555. foc two: dosIaII at -lilt-i iino ienswere' pres- weeks.522 iii. Th ie n sow hatve isti astions -____-- oitt fitsriItiitho uti s stitioti, at Wh~ich lDon't deilsy youtr Ptogtrapihtfoircthe Sli('ofte enttie i'X Willlbe' presenit. isolilabys. Plsee yout riers early atnd Ci onellihas ;i cross counstrycisub avisd thel utosual rttus.tRndall, Shuto.l t'i ic uiss t itpresenit psilttits; stud :ttitll5;. 'IWiiiii ilti hast a5 lniuriosing ecamseras Catholic Church; ilasses 8:00,1 clubt. It is fte puritilios' of raosig 10:30 a. mn.; Vespers 7:.30 p. mn.1 iistit s ttinsucoitth at Iststis tio ic'l'ulitts Nvillaitend 'iii5 iisssiks .StLLt.AtD, THE PRINTER. 1 I tilt cicity. 'Tiieysgill ibe'recit mmoiied- -.1 cit iiiYttie' ciii 'ciuttu andttu iitions s'il IS'I5MtJND T1YP'EWRVITER S goimdt iii' dc--u fr's''. seconid-hand machsine , $20. PF.I' \lbsii'oof Knotix sithile.tii easiths' Aimssin,.210 S. Mtiect. glee clitli is si-ill Istohlt'' editoriail- - Iv tots' o ittiSpcial privili's. LST--t"A gotlt-momttitsed Watermani Merirsill i nttthe ionly vstar ottheli' fiussitainipen'. ieturnsito 513 Eahst Beslssit 5ttan.i-Aisoriitg tio the latstct J'ersuustsI andtrecivseressardt. 51 r'e'ports t'r'iimsthtlitutl'eilli'co. tun_____________ tics't'ii ii lica. sk youir profesar asnd he's say, SItdieit" lilte 'siieity of ('hi- ''I AILS-it i'epairssmSy s'ttchs ansi ciitoirus guIi'4 to itt'e'plenity' ottaii-'ji'sel'y.'' irr.Terdn a ethisv iol siit as'this lost aud gsto Sh$Ii t 11 A'k6s, hin l tcuttboutllis collugi' 5'u55se' Yoursc 'hissslbannsisiS tot' stili'-,ais it- Co ioftusstu ithl-i ofti' rofesitocil'sonrsoe call ho, rfi'rri'dtto ott's ticie, ianit siOt)TIE COMI NG! it-illth ;ive~I ii ciiheitmosti'tar'fil atiti't (sComeosit to St'stiasitandsiNesw lu' loin. Si'ti''tioit of ti mit ci'tsststtiion]ltisl slpit"'ast thii'UntittariantiClssh, at'- «sit iIi adilse u-ill if 0(,,11-8t bet d y li e it-s ln site. S'slip'rsit -; 15 oi'si4. s~iy -opsit inal. 'Istisisii;-t h' ___be_________ tidoteti 'tMicltiganit tills gigod results. MIttAR2D, THlE PRtNTER. f t hI 'Isis 5'sI.... FINE ART1 GOODS F raisg a Spcialty. I1 l IHuroniiSt'i nt o STUDENTS! If (Iiiiwattsitolo sit yo ue; cp iet ss to cheauply.,etl ied see ote befori hacit a 't is Its c. I Sae scod-hatind ttas tbti's, eliits, i ., std will nit--yo niune. F. W. WILKINSON, 1510.Misn St. I ITUTTLE'S LUNCH 1ROOM 338 S. State St. OAN U DANCE? Private or clasis leses intsanii'tg by Mrt. stat Nis. Ru sGranger Ciie groad uriS isGrt gr's -Academy. IN NEW QUIRILIIS, Wei isisvi just moved to Stte St (hetdioa Libety), ansi invte you to give strscart is trial. WM. HC OHREIN, Stissilsry Plusmbherbts-m and Gas FitIc5 Portland Cafe Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches OSpets dosisd ight. Huron St. - Opp. Court House DANCING. Cl~sla heim S sieay Acaitiysita vl be opsit s~tu isrmty, (c. 5. tests lt 12 a. si.- Ladies 2 ti-It1. s., Tuesday eveinlmg, 's p.u. Gseneatl sructio: anoi Ascubly ce members of ctass- Prof. F- W. Scoff,Instructor. SI'ILDING'S Foot Ball Supplies 55StL E LATERSINGUitDS NMatorsheiy sts- i-si Isr,fleibsie, si-s t witaconform itoay ta e. Nw mehad I atai'lng aecup. steems is temfream Suiftist. A tatatmi iet- AsikiisiasidEl- bow' andagee i'itVAnilesmd Wet CtiosA ea'riet t overed " a5 So isiiti Af A0.sSPALODING & BROS.. l NIii iVt CiuCAc.OSDENVRs DRUGSs.o r ..BATHI TOWELS Fosr your roilsis or the gymu. At all Prices. DESK BLOTTERS ...WE... gisve thorn away. I WILDER'S PHARMACY MONEY LOANED MRL )nWastcee. tsisosii'tvsihei-)tacmidim it-r Pt-r ELCTRIC (IRANITE ~al , b.dsa inlSd 11AR15LE Librtnat eat. Ai-slb er eeotdsmii'-ii . -,w e. ofA.TST5IC MtittumItOctae ustie timec tre-et. sstia-mi si amnec;-eiss tme mAICsI iitlsAS 5ssii ,doucs. oHmt-)iii30a.m.asI t5c'oaisast)an mis 9'.1Citr+Mmsmaiai n asie fsotr mmosmtiit.4 5pu- p' M' JcOEPH C. SVA1ITrS f'iiCan.ii' 'Ptriue 2050. ao-3a4Deirait Sm. ROWO'S Citly LaundryarY tugs1 ie-sla t a ndictac m t -its. 5hic ta stei C mi mpitli. Work "i, SANITA1RY PLUMBING ~ .MRIL IF YOU'LL JUST5 DROP IN... FUNERAL when on ouir otreet and aet- acquiisotd it allttell postlSiowto tu DIRECTOR siave mny Ifih : S 'th Ase pbone 9t.Itt-st Stlits tl-raeit :-254 Trous cc- 14c Sat ce > ala vs. Phi us' 'X14. A5m- FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. tilt} E. WilliamniSt. Fs St-ore West sit St-ste Sireet. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR I