THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS __.r. _. WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT IFI LORS OUR FALL LINE is the best w~e have ever showon, containing ALL THE Black and Blue styles. and a very fine line of Fancy SUitings and Trouse i non in the latest patterns and color- ings. '[he largest assortnment: in the state. WILD60. ioS U. Washington St PACKIBRS - 20C SPANISH ROOT w5c Grandpa's Wonder 5 and 10c QUARRY'S. Campus Drug Store 141C~f'(1r'01ltl0 the Il-ror 11p01a115 the 5s1m'. It W eia- 1(1 t 1 Taaln clf1in-nd0(i11 hisb ID A 1 J E i I K ' - l i O ~ 0 1 1 1 i i tI~ivt~ity dIil . 1I2 l ie 111110he has z ;111t 1i ~l rt:f~ il th l' '1 10 Illelsl Sull hro-l-slspude litn-(-ar051 ibut The 'VAIRSITY NEWS, lot Ycar.- EL'ttr~t s s1-101 11 1 oI 1 11 -n11 111(0 1Il l shown1. Containingal the FANCG (E10 1 111 10 ins ifl ii 0 10111(01- lr l Ill 11 18)11 t41t ' 1--n 111~ p-I s t of3-1 111 SI ''I et-( I is gCtRIN C. F. BARIH F LL. l it 101il rII-hol-oo 11(11 11tthi r10 Odolio I+0Ist. 111D, t t.121dt(I oor11 ot'1111 lot. c 1 00110 the1(1' 000110 for 1to 14 E.1. SIO( tI 1. Pri's- Phone 226 - 709 N. Univ. AD'O F r r j I I ..... !~I+ +I i ___________IR THE I EADQU ARTERS DE LMO' N ICO 302 5. STATE STREET Fninest Cigar Store and Billiard Tahles in th1e cvito. Somethling 4 dointg allthti me11. 'PhonI 1SM 3 bIsi THE SMO)KE HOUSE~ 1 16 E. HURON STREET wholle a n~d Retail Cigar Store. nSmoke' the 1-Ilnthia rd 11nd11 ilohnlJai:"hran10110 FRED E.____ tIEADPUARTERS IIBRIIHEADQUARTERS " 4444.4.4. 11111 li:e:m-:::; : 1; :;III1 1 1 - i-p t This space belongs to the ATHENS THEATRE, III wall- «NI 'AITA LEs Signor1Lnnlhire ad'd-s1 aaflesh 0111a i otse l Ito>' (of all wohenoare IN L....Y Ininottedi n th1lea- 1 ' tcivilization0f11an1ci1e(10' R om.Tis volutne Is mla rbkedby tho soot qualtieIIs which imanie'hisI earlier volumes 011pro- OF I (nndly attralctive. Ithsiscolarshlip and 1hi p(oitio~nt tRIomeiet he 0 til stam111 lf high ltltlenlticity tuo111islstatmnt.Ile - 111 1001-5 -the New Dis- e ba I O covleries1in the o'rum0110annthdeSac110'000'ia, thIeSacred '0000 of till At- h e a O LD RO E 1m valesthe Truth about tile' trave1'fttt. Pau110, Stran~ge Superstitions a OLD RON/i ~scribethelitne'wly-discllveII-d monlumtent to Rooulus antd the mulitude of U l I3y tem-nple's andothe r objects whichl the Il(list siificexcavations yae broulght to light, his narrative andlltile abuntdannt nmaps and tilustratiotns 320 S. State St., Ann Arhor- cause e lo lt-b-ltrild past So live aIga-in, andI imagintion easily restores UDUIPHO LACxlAA Ronmtito hrancient throne as istressofo the world. Many maps and [IV VA dainsacdgreatly t h nees swl sthe- attractiveness of thin work. ICE C RIEAM.WHTOLEISALE AND REITAIL, DELIVIIRUt TO ANY PART OF THE~ CITY. BROGAN'8 110 t5, MAIN iitt'liiitT.