TIlE IMlCIGAN DAILY-NEWS The Most GOilVioGina Thing tlia4 we could do that would tend to induce you to hety t STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES+ would be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language withs which to tell yo uhow good these clothes are. The makers attach their lahel be- neath th~e coat collar ot their coats, asd they are so proud of their reputation, that nout the slightest diefect either (if style; fabricn or tailoring, is permitted to ester any part of their production. Vou don't know how cheap.... STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you save worn them. Why dlally with the' uks '.: r ,111tafntity of doubLtful moake,when you can buy the real thing°? ~LINDNSIIITT&IR[ + EGYPTIAN+No( TRU *"No better Turkish +4.:+. cigarettes can be mae.""MICIGA] Sell Suppc~ting Students. li, :,,o Ti rsity there io about EM L M S iaio- n yi n fvoorf'itithettforr EM IIM s this 2 ~c 0us , t ewed for only +" " '-74'4: ? AL. I + \Y p (IAN. smv You Mom6 INSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES For your Lahoratory 'C uses in 4:. It Al "' EHtOL(0)tY. BIOI)l. 'i , 1IILSTOLOGY, antijI'ATHOLOG()ttY andy'ii ca n e iau l ar li0ito 1 0 PE EBERBACH &SON, M~i l XL" 1' XI.'lXtt" ,N'ST UiI MEINI a..,l for choolsI and L1boratories ti 1 1 +++++ +++++++++++ -I- J L- L A. . ,,.. Litrte ofI I[TINGS AND 3ER INGS F-I FIt-"-E--L -D~ .N NOTES. ' ' w. ti~me iiw,'otess 1 venii'iah alouidto blindi iiwnt. (Others is'll tnespapliers, thiiiugh titis iis a very trare mililoymni. t'kiii r e in hd oicluptllii(ani onthll' dailies of tl ity, iNlit1i' of-of-tnn'i li lhcon- 01 tribiute itmaily to ii.' suppoart ofi thats' Ecrr'cpildi'nt. "dia't siildi'its inahicwok gvefull VilWticrwha~t thely reci'iVe, nilare 1ini evi'ry way5 ititlssfai'5iiIy iotheir (em-i s ployer. Ini adiionlt, they tare genierally l i l ill )tis re'tfecte'dltinet iiiii'oa daty XAit-aynr fattier anid hei, iii sa, a' ani "()leadru y iain oserving "It.I.1 ,14 I'i'epailri'iltiy ii tibh waier Wul. aitiing 1tat11,tis i jii ' porutin-__ __ ty' ti t i tkei advanutageot' ifOiie Catholic Church;T'lasses 8:00,j tias to do sic'I'(lrvituc tiearl tsoe' svaittc rcay that Itls gceati'st betitc21030 . in.; Vespers 7:301 . m. snvhits ,'arts't inthiat capiety begati ivies ctsitiat lie hind earned, hut what XILtlVl.XD, THlE PttINTEtR. ht, huh teavii-sh. ITe 'ttt hint as Imgas hi' leas a nait-riihu ews'was lil.XSIIND I ' I0'XXR 111'i' gaod hi iitds sheve. Thaut-is a ao ul Stilon-haindmachinem,';.11 I. W to ioi . 'Maniy' iii iiti' roomirnut hisdic. 't40 S. State at. by' t'ttig filitni'os.sail,'othi'rs mar,' tsi.'ty' Lid a sintu's il' ii ea.rninig tieir tLO)SY-A .t cldlll'miinnt4i t''l X'iei'tiai vol1;yvttitply'stavting in ti iithe ,'us ftauntotcIflnl. IReturn tuc.313 tPast' salr si'son'me ill ladyvr'side's. Aim .I,'tfu'm'ullst.uid i'sa'eii','i','sar'I. oti' 'the ilml reu~ihadind eduicetiton___________ sindhity' is runi iilatuniidrhy age'ncy'. As your profecsoran ud ie"s siy', 'nitoii'insill'c5 ties in knownseto ill ha,' 'AJtE r etl rs asy' itehi litn very' iit.ililt'.niltincalahasingnieti- Jl,'cery'.' iiili~lsv lIhniad',il soltot's, Is' n,"' "v~xpncs. hadin(tihtteir loarn'. Sub-,'rlts' for the Dily-News-. Hot Roast Becf Sandwiches. (_)1eni(day atd mightt. Huron .St, GOps. Court House t t .. ..BATH TOWELS lFar your room oar the gymt' At all Prices. DESK BLOTTERS -WE... give thiitt away. p. IWILDER'"S PHARMACY DAN CING. l'. wtLv i ha' 1:fice.ily' ir..,i' liy WI ha' i~l~I tSui Illi y' Oct.Lu. 0'mli tit 12 it. i-hadii a 1i,1)t. m., 'Tueridsy ant Acs t)iI I,'r mmillers oIf ctais. Proif. F.W. .Scott, Instructor. .SPALISINtitO FaitT BALL SHOES On allienr Se~s inc S~tOmmeS os a r loaus nits MONEY LOANED ma antrt li , .Oliiilo. i l tyi~sanii ii. 'a i 'i.ECTRI'oGRANI'MiandMAR5ILII 0OKS Snail Piopety. Offiaeat '1115m'is',.5.l (tn 1'l'1in.i.t1~1C hh Libety stret.Allbuyueri c~ntilenmi 4gnr lotARTISTIC ME-iI"Fi051.5. ii'mitl Husce o1:5 .w n toiit3ii:iii a ndtu7'ta'il 'u N' 1 Moil adbL'' om ntin Sa n-5 i p. M. JOSE H C. iiA 1i. is 511nn1. 'hon 9. 'iltk) I~ei i t J.F SCHUR, lligli GradeMitlesi,. 'is'ste. 'teuctricalCnt natini. tt lllitb SASNITARY PLUMBING Ariesi s P O and e (5 1 Ft.tue's Stein antdlot iVaie leii lnhl. . i r t :hintl It EkAST 'WAS14INO'fON .01' I. IF YO(U'LL JUST DROP [INV wheni on our street amidgest aestuaituedtt will tell l}els ins' 5to sae money. Suits i rusaset ' 25c. t'ronses ' toe FULLER ca O'CONNOR, TAILORS. fillS1,. William St. First Store West of State Street. i ~-WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRJJGS.