N"PS'r YEAR., ANN ARBO)R, MI., WED)NESD)AY, NOVEMIBERI 20 1901. No. 5 SCRUBS SCORED. Cofamuication. A GREAT PLAYER. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. --- -to lt i the all-imriorttlot spots to____ 7 vCPtie dtav, ant st h te se aon is dt awinig Miieate Toucohdows n Yesterday. to a ,iiie th.erities of thiti guit oattte Merrill, of Beloit, one of the mot Rception to Mr. Johnt E. Kelard This Wasgy Payed PthduiTa. cre not ontet with selctitng thet r !Pa~tco Ta Skillful i the West. Afternoca 4 p io. NOtiti(1Srn t Transfer ititnilou'ltii I t 0 as oftthe countttry -_____ bu ttircevin isthe switchof te Il- o G i taes at Chca.-ois ivijital tlyers :and tscrm to hOap ;ill ii, l the star pilayit ott the Beloiiit hi rtrical cooitio o the knsof praie upont the matit t eti ar- oil "tll teatt, iine fthe est ai-L irst s to gives ro, tici te Mr. Douitful. ih- its theile ittili welli andt giod, te at-u titti thletes ini the wet. W eilghitt o t cL VKeiatrdtis Ooferitooti in roomt gatLodr i n i it t rris the l~zl itttnit re- IN) oponstshe is able to rat the 1i00)CIof Lihi ltw bauiig at 4 I. it. cel-usetoil muchltrase, but ,wile cii yatrds ini 94- secondos anit Oas to tt I The orstsi als foth mr. Kelared Sfcre. itit-i is t'beitg sidt of Mtitt whly lose Itoh hotos it in teiiil idio weigtinuhr AditsA.oc No ping," prob- sight of tliei n-lan. or tie mnottIlit- trash eretnts. ]ls et - he ostai the diry the iot-chiarmitig of the Shakes- 1' itrsit gum exp tesiona otths ' -rit- tc-As t hi- tittiadsa-gesc. 50-rtoc ttiei it i)seattds win stitg pti-irtt itdle, id the association tOi tst t s ultcc of s 'sito -- t ie-o-t-tnthhas d~~.'io nte woeli tos eurehis serices. onnit ~ ut T itavt ietig cip trtltoies sights of the r k- lnti an a t itvt t itrestrto - tO O' o I iotuiStio ctii i-- istg eretd, re atey o hutin- -~ i-tct itthsgs rsttlr otdedit Ott.Itwa e-losun today tt-itchod p as ithim ttsif atit his us Otntlit, toiswayitf itostimeto istdyintg the works tat Jil, iee , ite tteir 'a sttyo fittmtto otte csi r forte hm fur utt t- tl lepa+,uhr e ysyi o alo e -ter at ,I oniO trancte Otck illso iis onmtterrtory so0rtes0 ;ttii i i;istte tti ~t tii unis ttt~tt wth tte ttuetttthei iit of te aootttttforth to5tck t nutter oftis r ttttr m n th c~i tdsane 'p st f it ytitbs to entertin actors of ulstd t ih iiiik tttito isnt surp~risittg that it is so, forprmn ceadth rsrnu sefot shttf i t sri .- iiti ttoo dv~ t cof o itI itlot tti to isclto c ititts tiheilacting ifttdttbinlitbehindthttoaco itiittsitl adt oti.atv e t e li- ellstlitp-ntsoipiuior; throughl Ott tfited- itriiiie tm iettt i-O lt-roi, trovi utn- ne'.ilcifr titt.idi fil oa i htiii l s t he ps, tttgngtg t h txrnom t ~ o tait-sss os eqiritt t ly ef rm e rsonil is s i hittted-o t-lt- totrt~cd oe" ettoitred Wtatrd V its iieu i odgts ttttt of t 55 itit t urt .ss-t t ~ ittsd lo tt lihbsti d h at an a iesu ttilit. to sf lii itittii., bisl.t Bue t heii iiiian id rttls itii istisg -otm t e i"b u t oitti ti-mt ob stsit t tii 1or e i-itIt 0 1isindi t iittle sir tttito mset tat' urtit to tt fr p t i its linem an.i- T toti tiist if it hatt'ofuhe s a ess ini p s l l liiA d inid illiii -t re s ri ordintne is s e tittitthe i- font-d itsi~ i ll,, Si nt rdttti i ghti- tbe itil- t atg ot ititt it iii hin t i-li i itui otiS 51 it--thertnnito edtota / il, 5/ro i ati lse in oa se.1 Itltii ti tu entittreI, itvtitarsiiti-yctitack f ilt net ea lth O i5is o Met ant eet. h Ii it iqi ii- -tuitd tou ito-s itt -u-my -i t r tu i iv-ob i- d- tofhe tuoot- Ile "s ii iil-- -t -itt elevtttinow ittnd -on. ithetdefensit lilttisltilt'otilt tete o T h lieas l cl-hilit l) ges.e i- Ihuh-tgt-,i.liitti glmit. tcd,".-otnint itihte-ittyi s-it ti iii 5 i tI ul u i-i-n sit.ltinhSit-tir Ii Vuuigtuuteat. iulhuyt t tlIti t hil~cg r' t cnt er estimh ih 'I'tlitti-tint- uimiial itpet [ rI omrt-tt tiii 5 t tg '. in. Stiio ti t an - t. I-rNonfi tt ten, t rie leo1ii ilmisltit - itittilt , s-t t-s itl-ti lt-i ri-iut110 tlaio in. to inhoed thu-h. s wllrct t radel u to itt-is- tithrugftheofine hi - ntttsm to o ti-ttl st- ttucner m r h aif"\ltsofliitug mitllW i etr. e tt lt - - ~t tlu is o it "'~1~-i ts T nli sfe'sIt i n e tn t_ nt ~tli-i s - e --1teroi t'd tie ils Ori:tt i-i aat hi- ittt~i ttiM t. he,, t u tS t ort tbu Its 1 100ii'whettittiuto Sit Itirotltr-s-n-- - i txin tilox to u- it tttm I fL u, ii tie, i o tt tt- t uio 5 httt t cll t e \S ttld icites ttt Un- if Il m-ts, T - - g ltestiug it N yts Ito t h t 5itigbt hp , k inst ti-t ylto opelnii ate luset, i 7fir~sit iIlnitdey 1-yadu tiiiisIt iti1 titr at I .nTs uth aydine!i oi l tttetil ateonisti e o teS 00 l l' tru gh--ttit-otlie. t fth tn situ-h- roin it smi t L i tim laftr as. t ti. eSO IritdutuNoutv. i 21 tiand tt in it I tgetord sol l isittMitluig-it - I - iouo ie,1 lih i o, orisa~le ht it.I ihlt s ht maifui titnt hld ot ueal G y hm nilue 5nti-t i ii 1th s toostatt sutt 5oit tormisug PtrettttititiL it-n Aiuiellt isitft-nthegh t[-tan-ofon h a ii tll laums Ilu i t ita tis u tu Itt-i IthehrS os, a d gra s " il b iil tt I- utii- h ut-nthe ptntsc "V r ictot; . au hanttDr. h t :os lire tit t eittiy ticsiuetts it 1I" t tSut 0ne tt i s ti-f~ lle;fke-nim io Ittt b i-ta it-siit -i toi ltu-uiet iiittut ttid- t Ttoltst t li"th tu e t b d i ey s wit he g sims u-tuuanu-t iithe on. l i fom s to uitt rn t lts ut \ti -t'.",KelHr -~sdie o k to t h a t tt e t ay h eau hi f slut'n Ilmu asu t hi c is isad ie t i e u Iiuttihees Sluto ( , ev al ,o l til n it, at itau W.t luituIt I s tanc h1ut ls t itttime ti u . t he H l n elsist r R ct l t ts l tttieti n T hntkusgitout t ots eiu iugtlit-, liltt,- eIotperthattuwhenittdIred,:are:iteltlmtu mustohethe l n It thi M a a e B ir q al yL s v e i g M s . H l n W ll w s l t e nuutt i ll t his h y, o ttto tst oHe alth atty it) "'l 1 T hieriie hattitsotfur beenttLintiitanihad tti l w At ya s itut hIt-n ptutsem n t tiyo l tute ffOr tc il atyAis o sta- -il, iof t S-tt,nM il is iteattiv inoa Lohs elt 1f i t ts ofith t I si n vie w , 5saiO tt u -t.t ) o-rsitt g -othten itly za yttttihhi t init t it fa it r - i ltd a n tim i e ;t. U ns i - e D i e s , - - l g , S al p x n t o t ew a t t e p n > cs o h a k h n I t l it ttO s n o w th tru it ]i la t t. W i l adt h lu a t u c la n it lu luts t ei-t ln tt-n,-, in s it tugs lit ti asLireh the uituttifmhaleimyt he ih u ei itt1 go tnt--to. tin IntugustItittegoott thtu-ittutoottienoihenflie.toucht gtuuuog'iSteiteisPhillipsit i ml us usitd tutti tn g thisrs tof uLo ta . toard Rs tie totelnm-uu- lin "itoilt htogetthntis aireuatintshe1 tau i r.-t tutunt-tumf s ea iuo. tusstu-ns-)ntli) o brat I nt , ahn e o hscnb ru h ~ o ,]laedntundeir ht'tent ite toit this tusheel' .nt ei sithat mi' ttttt iu totui-utlc~o the titii' Ottt tiatol tuist tit ont su-itglt i-itruuristi ble.u- uimgm ts o it sit~thiIao n sioe bl- i t iiliitaiu os-t o tht i ll reo r awh i s ing ritee ,-manluumuth n thtriua-it ttt t lo. uneral -I GcIntu T h e N L A ordf53heri I ft-ndieence ih'shuulnutiert ut-t tutu 0, is-tt ndoi-g \lfohi .,iu foutl teLots"utuo t o l itt tuhs if it tuigulu t on, ot the - uealo ry().S h m sn aclimttoroS from ttht till+:s of onelcittacow the coun -trytt itie ha igItmit-t utitI se ca uuiseyu isctufcetyant-sitn ote.toth se nothr rL Souvenis scne tonhl tuurf.mIt- utt .T homtt ptue netofb cTIie. bth o h ir eitor anIts is ithetOtwfo t e tl' ttilutnitetnasttio fn til umit, ioollawd at isen gsgul f-ohttkinthis - 832 0 uuss riollued' ub itto o tt"tututttotialt ututoIt-nheulita[' otnnng1: htttttl'thet h tteEpiuit IL is opsO-l ne uonsmoe -tan ise 5ns mumherif.potimir o rm-q le hil-'te to r iefr I su itofs-swstg oge the til tlt 10 ni-o i-rn arttth t~ - - - 4 1 I' ir .lal- I uty -tutwh gen t-nt o -ltnuoistho l uyoncuod-dothtn ingett tn-s eof tcttt itu watts wellitn INtt u - - - - 2-h-re st now 11 itmiuttgit tuttp--nso i lte ho-y r noosiu Itisiptis uhnoIuse tt o stiet\te To mps t t"- - 24 tsitnpislayetus owhte ter'iurui iunice the a tnto mot hbe t he in 1-- 197 7 dou t l ecl nen ntti -r uto Is hitom hos Isn. w i ke nde) tit tu d- i s iudea wth ithe O Iflh' ii w5~h 17 91 ith thpmi' ~ t o tt-rt'nos. ti-t- Tl-gimhuehuis t o 1had if itoshandam osngtth tuens.W lies- B0 a l is-n -t --goingiothtreittthil t tint) tgoodefailexteintreuss ttd tt tteflofIt- mi th othirI limo15 - - - 1 it 128 iluint iInstituttestotng directed detpurtmttentuuuuntuh)o1s11i1>4, luts te-ther fithur's institutiotn at OTssie~inoio yrI- t3Si 18 tletyt~ri . istong ciltlutispear i i tneuetttetimin:s-Ito tiill in altltsiotiuuilitY inid is tusotaihng hi ourse In tEnglish, t'lunsih -.......112 2?7it-u'V r outunfotalto gs lillto inri--(.emrnmu ianutndrenc-h 115eraturu.S ota- I-t1 - 112 7-4tnltnlI siTirotl elgresintthilirueltsmit apigohil cattiest. in cite isutandmtitly tistttliigher 1 - li 109 full forn the tttion biy i'utu uing t~ie ound utedlyt'ie)' oinpaularntuttani.eutby atiedtits:luhotea-n t ian afternoton te hu tntolols'ut1f> 4Cut)utand tundas. trotheur Wshutingtoun 14hoseoown-io tine fortmuati- 'isumih t gut uain -i-timmot- hich teas ttended thy P O 8ttsi .........10155 64 loneof its ,grautes.The exencises thu-il allsteimut-tituos of the freshmntclass. N 101 w~t iittconsist of oimtgtimg tumd speakitng hiby , i litin -9 454 tutpi,,.Tthey havetelueint heardtt'withThiIte itiunt hsisiig eursin so 'hi- Ti-n ttouts,-of shidy-, Igtlhhur. it >~0i -94 155 tleture on thr pr-eioviits. The i-tgs tsr the ,~tlitgai-ota glint swill stuhitwto- of exereise andt four de- mh''tht .' ...e"... 77 512undtmuisloinis free.Tite objeet of the ltutuve W'uhiesutuy. Not. 27, tt 9 it in. Nshell to metuhot tnt! sooll ttio, is war"n77 72 ribit hototsit-knitinterest ini the Ticketo s-ill toe gooditi trttimg titutitwtsiPreisiettEliotI of Hatardt, n ro,000- - - - - - --.....70 .atoot. There shotild tic 1tange cistu-i)41metutuitugMondtay, Dec. 2.5tune, outnetut to sttidents. (21W Ott- - --.........(1351 17 tindattetttincluintg,,tamiiotoin flu gamhoe, $uh S iutnuut tutos5(X)studuentos-whit tre 00510 ,- - -57 911 -ititirn ict oi tt tu ttendananunictifjoy- uts -0511i? u-itin watythrough she insti- I . ' " ." ,...... S.i5 81 Sul wribe fiot-the T. wily-. ows. ztutu' uanidosuccessful tri is astired tuitinint