1 lIE 4t I lkI(A N -DAILY-INEWS ~ TfKF l LO K stoc k of New Fall Suits and Overcoats 1)o-NN"I"' Detritlati (hio TA E 'L O 'I ( , otopOe in ofMen's Furnishings and Hats ino the1%,ito ie 0 5. ;>,tue u 01t.co c r l c l1Y'+l LAN "Ii V N DERWE1 A 1-- \\1N iTA N Sil L ti jol 1(1W \ AI) 1HATS. + W!hI MKYfIN & IUULL + ±200-.202 S. Main Street. JOHN J. OHANT OHAS. 4DiETAS TALR DAY 60; EAST WILLIAMS STREET EX (----L ----OR ----L ---N----- 'NO ~J~0 CML HA\NWCJ G0000(Pcxrnent DEITIES "NO better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS (Cork Tipped) storm Kibo Boot.Bo Calf E eRA0E MAR toW 1ANED r0 H 8Inch, aExtra Heay Sole, Rope Stitch, E- tniron Edge, Low Heel. ExyRcPut Rro of is S ititye Soe ' t.I. ;E1I, Sl: Aet. R NOLDS BILLIARD PARLORS Enoth0 eo x an t t 0 tam 312 S. STATE STREET OR STYLE AND S( 12 IvH.x STUD LENTSI ALWAYS PATRONIZE HOLMES LIVERY Rowe's Oiy Laundry Wrk netly anti r, tptly dons, hIl t e -4571i. 110 lDetrit St O, M. MARTIN., FUNERAL tune 'o)DIRECTOR td e olli9 - th rVi 'Piata (t1. K l ave. oh t Phi to 4 A- .a d ----------------------- ,i - 31 k R l Selling the Pace In Every style b t old tlce .. K ITCH EN ER (yoke), WI LYON, FU ELMIOE, CHIESTERFIELD), PA [IDOCKS, x$7.50, $10.010, $12.50, $+15.410, $18.00, $20.00 aod $25.410. In plaids, overplaids, stipes anu plain, inn all the p2 ooper weaves. It you get them from us, they are right. THE NEW STORE" Staebler & pWeri MICHIGAN NOTES. Dr.Croor ox ill lreaichnext Sunday Ato youor father tool he wtll say no-or, 01 1 atlt rtii chuorch rot "A '1 ALLE'R ro-toir-d nillyowatch." Icoolo 4,000 -it-i- Allorist FiorE lI m.-0 uu. i01t. .. ani t' Ito- ox.- 0o -.-. 00 00ill l St uritos Lilfe." Catholic Churcht :lasses 8:00, 10:30 a. mn.; Vespers 7:30 p. in- ILLUARD, TIIE PRINTER 11.1NMNII I I'WIi'l-ti (!atarI Next N .umber R . S..PAU L, 120) W. Washington St. You will find a nice line of Good Butter and Fresh Eggs al-, ways on hand, at reasonable prices. Give ine a trial and ie convinced.: Remember the Place. 'Plcor1305. 120 W. Washintagofi TUTTLE'S 338 S. State St. O. ANU DANCE?' 10.1ate r elsesonilol dieoF byN,]- i d. -tot1 .t rsoGrangr. o c tri t it 00 ()ln lge's 0Acair air. Bicycles Repaired, l''?ILt ti l WM. J.WENGER, 113I . it rtt. PIliotir ii DANCING. l"atiie Tuito riy Arrea y wot 0 itool Soitoriloy,(let. f5. t lets101 1 ,a3 io. to 'li 'it i to 1'lXp Itt., T'l ars i. 0 to 01r, t 10. iii. tGenral Intr tooo anod Ar- ti telty ft remsbers of etliss. Prof. ;F_W. Scott. Instructor. Bailey & Ednmunds,. Deaolers ini Guns, Ammunition and Fishing Tacklev N(-v fittingotdI Genterai1Repiinlg, l 2' E. Liberty St. spaIdiag's Official Intoer- Coliegiate Foot Sa llgi used by althe # Fo it ha lo t-10a001 fnlit. alloffw cuittt hi t ud t h oe toy Otot; it e a it, Iis Oc't-iR EA ARN t ' t O-tt-t!,I t. il 1 '0Itt ,UOit tot at-ox ol hott1( io t elooto itt, $20. 1E. IAV. .000 - ' 11o uool 1sjoIctvol l tSeatilet Sutlonl, 3111 5 . ot,- at. tol o t'S- lt' ou-00 tltot xIIy fretoII tteio.. ._._ tIitO 000000 it ti-i-c-,)it loot twt'glot-- .1{ li uie toe to-rtc ttCid tle as t to- ilto o --00to-±of tlot- tottit14or ktt it t'l' --1 N -.I1.1 t oI' itt-a too to-it ot o l lottey-Noto, t to o-lwhiche iis01 regularir k-wO -tr. -- tri, . 1Nit Vrt!Iiotti 0000as ptto- too v I -tio'l h o~v cit i ho ttoc tr Oa t-cvr 1115 '-llo rt-y oti lot, btot-ot n -i5i attd ptoot lot ott-- i t o attoolt t iti-t. A tts -tot-c Stoate otoolitLiherty,.ptic prr Ii ll tfther kNthltitt tt a-o tioot, atot otoototol oo:loorooo. tR-ecardlif re- to ottniox-- - ofotth Comttdt- l ubtot, t'., tisO tooco-d oltI1). 1K. 1E. Houstio, -i C .3. tshowl t0 it tt ~t oe 'rai'tio- toweiuoly itoto ti t --Itst f-or thetrtori-at-It gooid lEftltIAtI S PY1'EWVITERt-For -aot standii,;. ilerclo oolslly to felt--s otrt-tlit. 1,. NV. .tnslt- , 3-U) S. 1Scete tht heoo-didt ('01110tot3,000 tiles-to to seti- stre-et. Jlio-iolooto tol lo dtodaloy, toid heo'1- ib toh 0 1 tolot' e isaollltetit-I Subscribe- for the Daily-News. let tisra tg. rotat daylooth lotooI1,01'--:1 gratyitoro-. ont5,I3.oIngalls or -lill o C olltge-,tit otshitoldroutn Ttptian trt-ets. SWill foitr rittoot I altI. ito-~it g out youtr obantitrs indtlo11 i Iolouippa id oorecel-vt-reroodo-. tla t o gtIito the aitirit of the guoto'. - If' Itic -ii ilts l, yoanot tto yse tie 1hoot ,Httetsroter'hin oote oshottafoor it-tory. WIt tio.uplite-eril, antuel'ttttthxe gootlet ooty. Stat tadoolLiberty. A full line of.... ~'hy Not Own a "University'? -Comie in i Otitlgee11ou0r tew 'lit o1 S new Pillow designs. Call and see them. 0 GASOLINE ST UDENT LAMPS F M A I HAWS B A IA It HE SUPEROR MFG CO. 1 32g S.!-IMN ST1i0ET 215 S. a Cin St. t l tO o7ll:tItr tieuor N -o?('l bItiSt'' MONEY LOANED s llW t'totoletO 0 10ttoo litOitttr..o 0..ttot 'ot l iti oo !t lo ,-tt ott-t. Aoi l toot o-,, , o t i,t 00 yn. -Ot ARISTIC MT 10ttIii . S . 'tt x- ~.rtoy 'w ct o la-, cioourial.nttotot i t,r 4, 0ntit toii.,i.st. C. . ', I t t l.I o o itt'011. 0000 t- o a ~~J. F. SCH./iUH- titt O,r,tr, aOu t I ltut to. ti o t lr i to'ctl t 00 tt -t o tt ,--') SFANITARY PLUMBING krttotie ititotl tltotrt Ft tt--;. i iLiiitt tbttl~iEt totitcoottftooc, Oaaootc izsr'stt,.- 07 k 3-+rWASHili(, 1N tINOt ilL-. IF YU'LL JU' DROP IN.. whey)tont or etreet aturt %ct -ctlit&11 oe trill tel oil1100ito 000Cc rioney.- Suits Pl'r-uet - 25c Trousoers 101 FULLER & o'CONNOR, TAILORS. 619iLtIt William SL.First Store West of State Slreet. Ir MakersofOtt COLLEGIIATE CAPS, GOWNS and (100DS. {eatng of CAPS and GOWNS,}: 01 SPECIfILTY- CLASS COINES. COLLEGE FLAGS COLLEGE PINS. CLASS and COLLEGEF 0O HATSsand, CAPiS... W.C, Kl~p & co, 4tt1it. Fifty-&SnerutbSt WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR. DRUGS.