LEADING 4MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE isie best woe have ever shot' n, ALL. T1E id a very file line' of aud lrouserinfgs in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD60. g8 E. Washington St TAR SOAPS PACKER'S = 20C SPANISH ROOT 15c e0elt for shampoo1 Grandpa's Wonder 'or 1,Iitoci Gym g and lOc QUARRY'S Campus I)rug Store R. E. JOLLY'S L un ches Are Better Than lEver t ha:.ve the Itorgest Itotk of P'ipes, To- biacc'o, ('iirs and 11111(yrtills in the its'. An o~l t (;r 011 ave 1inane" l~y trading at R. E, JOL LY'S, 308 S. State St. IF IT IS A Law or' Medical Book I HAVE IT. l)+1 1 'o oksT akn a 11x iog 0. E. BARTHEFLL.. 3S. State St. 2nd F"icr TIlE MICIlItxA. Ih 04 ;41 BULv The 'VARI~s'TYNE-W.s, "'a N Ps sbcriccrJ $21)inad aic } < . it iitr ti y ' r' t'tl.srtiva pul'or"vC t o ., till' 0. i 1' A 1.{. lad,< vial vi'o' v t",cgame fctolay o t Ille li 1 , 'vp ]I i ii hI't (-iogtot n 111yoiu' 11P4)' tic i le ~til3ollatOntagtoii gol' .this.c the ifie o r Soriti 15ftllow1 1T1110:1 tht tll'0110roairitrtito beis' N D)AILY-NEWS t h' 1it hi ill' I1 ,) "tii w s ft lt If:l A '.4 1111 tll+' ' 1ys rt ttIr110 a t tiell i~ ' t l'il~ t ii i stii t+tt li:t' o0 7(t l :i l. tI t =,-1 S 1 11)1e f l if l; l ' 1 t i Iar I' lii 11: 111 1 i tr;011111 1 '.w tiic l- f w t:l l rx 71 " 1ti~t}l d i I ' t i'i l fli t l 1'-ii 0 t . i 0 T. _ li 111 i'ill t ' t11 1' t "YI 0 N s "lt, f 6 '_. t ;'1t i ' 111 1 ' 1 t Wi Si4t~ l l' il C .0 I 'I S''N'11 111 iliigo dir'? aniece)tol fur toS l do te tii' 1111. Itllny '00011 it i ili llito qitithieir And on'tforgt -hileotirmen r- llltilt 111 IofI' 11 ii (' till inki11110.to711e vail 11 I than11 Il 101 11 ~ ~ l'lltti eihe.tho l l i''iiio tl'ti tittMid a t 110 ow t IIAI'NL~fN RIri ought' A o1w ,m-lc ia be don. They Gym, Lob. Sui'te sbirtI 010111 anl Apiolo 01111 011110 H. L. PERKINS fa . Dealer ins III'o~al1 MNEN'S FURNISHING~A F1irst door 'coot of Statl' 1101 LiiSu, CHAFING DISHES1 Our ne1w line jtlt camie. See our GREAT SPECIAL at $5.00h WI.I ARNOLD, JEWELER- AFTER THEI PLAY tLunchest tof ii- 11l1l 10 E'. 01111111SI. Ne - o '1 W Sd liM. Ii e iiockfom1t0111 t .4111' PROCH'NOW & SCHIAIBLE- M'ERCHIANT TAILORS M~lR.if~llIN 11 U, UI VGt~, bUUt~ nrFl Ln it rolV Ou Nl iei h ete'Horns, Colors, Anything you wvant for the shown. Containing all the 'ANGI CHICAGO SITGAME STLENGS and TSERNG at LOVELL'S CORNER STORE. Phone 226 - 7oq N. Univ. AV(' _s___tf__ t __.!.!____f_._!_._..!_ ~_._1.: _. . . .:tt_ ~~.. ." . . . a DoYou Wa UfllUmiwed A'T xi (er H(,,.> i8~ 50C (t't°f. I~t 2l 1 1 A AL LEBN 'SE i. ..~.t :.J..Z t.a ~«w s+*a't're'n te a:cicoirt 110itlonincdirng to $2.,50 bO' fOUTiid :o HABERDASHERY, IS13SOUTH MllAIN IST. f -1I tATHENS THEATRE, Wednesday, November 20th. Special Engagement of MR. JDRI Es 1 ASSISTUD B KELLARD RUSS W trihatvmTYA ChritsKliIn's Comedy D~rama The Cipher Cde Fv , c(Iw atlt ill 11111 11 tur rt 1 1111t)1 in11111 1 j PRICES; 50, 75, $1,00,$1.50. flgqimp~i.naOur Box-call Enamel for raiw iSosFor Women $350u Winter Wear. FREE SINE,'S STATE STREET SHOE STORE, 300 SOUTH STATE STREE'T t &:I ~lri I(C CREAM, WHOLESALE ANI RE'AIL. DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. BRO GiAN'S. 110 S, MAIN STEET,