TUlE MICHIGAN D)AILY-NEWS HOT DRINKS. CANDIES Armour's Vigoral, ChocolateMarsh i'doll two, Tomato Bouillon, (Chocolate (Chips, Celery Bouillon, Movl Creais. Hot Chocolate. Loss:: ' oSparrow'samd SUtrim ns in packas. .CALKINS' PHARMACY324 50. 1S TATE ST. MILLER'S ABRIDGMENT COMPILED LAWS MICHIGAN Being a belection of the moiat imoritiant statutes arranged and ANNOTATEI) for the use of Students. ONE VOLUME, - - $3.00 CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, (L~aw Publishers, Chicago.) ANN ARRlOR'llRANCS-l: 340) STATE 5T., Opposite Law Building, PAN-AMERICAN PLAYING CARDS SCHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, 116 S MAIN STREET up =To = Date TAI LORI NG Fulde's 1,19 S. MAIN ST. Martin, Washburn, Brandt, Waldo, and otli r n andoiis, g uitas andt baiui on tnay paymet tplani. Ni, advanlce ituprice. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 209-211 E. Washington ?AXLLTAN CENTRAL' "The Niagara Falls Rute." THSE S1IIOIU' 1IANE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTONI With dunit .'iiiiiittrit i tit tvo liir' St. ISouts, Ksatitsi 'Ni' lt. 11,141 antitt l wst. wit toi. W.SAVES. Aget .Ann t rtiS ANN ARBOR RAtILROAD .4f.ilO tlt S' .ba.i I0Ltt' "', EO TIME TABLE -41I 1ii: ~i "No.1 1- :0 5 . 'So . ..0:.) sA.. No. 8- :- 1 . m'. *No. ittti'.m ii N:34P ' ift) A 4rv P Titn tt~t ti Ann _ol5'\~t tTo ldoiiittti Aui itain4t .lyti tlt'4tt nd W.v. 'r ivirili.Asceni. Ill 11. itV'NtNTt. P 1. A Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Py. Cas slilt' for De:troit I very Ithlfttor teiniti ti iG4;5 o._im. until 13:53p. mi. After 1tit tt1)trot 1.t:5a:15.t I t11 C'ars1' Ving Anti Atrbo 1. 15, 10:15; itS] 10:95 rtin only o :i5 ar ts Xiolltntit.; W titigrottmnc~ottneroAnnttiltdIMii ts,: Deitol, 70t Wotodwtrd no. 1entschler, the l"'hotogwapher. CALENDAR AND READING NO'TICES. Fridlay, Noti.15-Stenator (Charle's W. l'.tirlllihs iof Indianta at untiveroity Fritday, Nttv. l--lltiswell 13odtriek- Greenet, oigitnal recital, Ne'wbeirry Saoturdtay, Nots. 16--F~ootblll gtiiiitt ('Itiooatt Anti Arbotr. hil tilox ,Nov. l--tAililoil" Ptrty. 1Fritlaty, Nov. 22?-Siuoot at Atnt Arlxto 'Ttesdty, Nov. 25-S. L. A.. Chi'etl-' Itor Wint. F. Mcow~ell. 'Thutrs'dtay, Noiv. 2'--'Fotthill gamtit' Iowatvso. itiltgtii, itt (hicaigo. otperat hotuse,I2. t.ni. tiete.6t---S. tL. A., Henry Wattergon. $1.0) 01111 ( GttdFouttoln YStists l -IIAI,LEtbtt'SIWIt V STORE. Suitcase ttt'citotst it Vilititd's hatrness sopl.11i6 tFotrtht atvenue, for tsoo Wie 'o1115youtr grantdfathier goods; we sold: your fithetr gitods; we' seek to sell ISA LLSER'Si JEWELRIY STOtRE. Catholic Church; Masses 8:00, 10:30, a. in.; Vespers 7:30 p. mn. iSAt 5IONISTYPE I'5StTDI:lt (gootd Attoiltit, '340S.ttliti'st. t'EEItLEilS trYPExWITElt-or mile 0o tit. St. XVAnsdten, :4) S. SItte WOe totld your granodfathier gotods; we stri'tt. sotl your father goods; iwe seek to - sell1 you goods. Learnii to dantctei'now5, so thtat yttui tin SSASLEItS JEWELRY STORE. noustetitring ltii holidays. Yttt should 01110O STUDENTS -The Toledo kitosvowltosshtI it you wsih to niake Lantzidry Co. of Toledlo, 0., wants t ota pit' lice of going to datncing pttrties tdo your laiundry work. Leave orders01 it. tit1 numbelttr of beittinettrs will at 121 S. Main St. Phone 54. short lIsosts10 week itt (G'antger's __________________ AtottltitonsitMalynarti'srt'tt. Itegister (tot your ALARM C('lek atit 55 L tny dabefore Satuirdaty. Officee hours 1131R'S JEWELRtY STOtE. If) t i. to t 10 p. in. 'Pthotne 2151. I $3.00 $3.50 'W.L.DOUGLAS FINE SHOES' OUR Double Deckers AND OUR GENUINE FREAKS LEADS Others Follow W hThe Shoemall, Free Shines. DON'T BE FOOLED By a 69lf,' Lesd in ~iione'd Clock Buy a gtttod STEEL PINIONED 000S' or $1.l0ft Seebothltdcks;Sin e Sition ii 11 ' hs J. L. Chapman, 2(16 S. Mai it. Stir.Mtinat d O tt it S~e* onpitni, sow. Osrio.t-,sst~. 'I'raio'ott' H, E31r.Yrc. t. .:. I, Si , i ceVluo'tt 'Tie flon.M1ror savings 60O Ca ita l ok.il"+Uo. St ilot. i1O> Of thiitMatte. 101C<.v titvllilito, htnyei dl t~d echot n til t rI (outlnl 'Cil S fthtott Statuto. tlt t:.l ed . ott n " d DETROIT, Ml 'lIAN. "i"i^t' 7 'T '1' 'T' " 'i 'al4 'i S1i 'i" 7' T '1'7"i' Y ' ^F"i'T Ir TIlM BEST'r CHOCOLATE':.2FNE CONFECTIONS. HANGSTS3II' ER'S. 211 E. WASHSINGTON ST.. 3164 S. STA'TE ST. . : __: -'-"-"--.L~. L" ........aa:a.trxrw'cr~r r" '."e'ahus~o ~ir.r".' ~ rr4rr~a~ir*Lt.r . r "r " rrr__: s r -r- -- or GOOD SHAVE, Hugh Johnson's CAMPUS RARUaL SHoP ug For aitstclas Hir Cutt Razor Hoinug, Ilathcnsnw 'tion Sunday, Pitineer Cote., 211E. tHurotn'St. rid tnt Easy 'shave. .. 9-12. 1. B. WELC ,0jOpyors tcnight.I Rord $2.' pr wd. HR ONO W. ef ()otk Itoune. HrantEBJONO HAVE YOU SEEN 4I~ A [HOSE NOBBY BROWNSMUL M U.olMBarber "'nea iisl Shop and Bath m os Y 81o Rooms ~and lPartsit1 89 STATE. J. R. Trolafl THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH Alp ENG8LISHI SWTINGS IN THE W