T1IlE A11lClIGAN DAILY-NEWS t~4.+++++.++++4++-.+44+4+4+.44+"l.....44 4.4.+.4...+4.++4~+l-I4C-: l1 II Il--It NI!14 of-I- 31 I r Theo Most GonvluGino Thing that we could do that would tend to induce you to biy w STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a tiarl who has worn them. We cannot commtand the language withs which to tell you how good these clothes are. The miakers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, at~d they are so proud of their reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style. t' abrics or tailoring, is permitted to etnter any part of their production. Yout son't know how cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ware, until yoau have worn thietm. Why daily with the unknown qusantity of dtul mtt sakewhetn you cats buy the real thinig'; LINDNSGIMIIT & IftL -a + 4. ' I 4.' 4.' 4. li° Ij I 4. W A..swV You Monou INSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES h-os- your Labioratory Coarsen its IAT 's't'-tOLJci. hIt~(;YJ(X, ttttTO L.OG fi. tand PATHOOG4Y s.Ttit- t~ atn tio)sta oud BR NC EBERBACH & SONl Imotecs attsl Matisfacturern ot s I lNI_ll.i APPAR XIATUS, INSTRtI MENT SA SUTPlLtFS cu,,,:clsos ssstist .Lsstsratssre". 16 1I fi EGYPTIAN DEITIES "No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS ((gr* Tipped.) , M.STAEBLER Agc'nt for Crescentt Columbia, Stearns, Syracuise Cattdl tther h1"-(i-ce $icycle Ssipjdies.,isyclesRepair- if"g Ladies and(Gent's Bicycles aaid 'Tandems for rent. ZI; t'ssfita!tK. I'-t' cts-s iisi- REU ..i00TO .:::. eVNOLU BILLIARD PARLORS 312 S. STAT STREET P OR~ STYLE AND SERVICE... ALWAYS 4 PAWIONIZE HOLMES''~ L LIERxYT Ltc fst. I ..... r r r, u RiAU'b" H F.I Full Line of LATEST SU ITI NGS AND TROUSERINGS ~BU ROCH Fl El ... l4.4.4..i.444.. I I xi:- i-Il i-lI-U -1- 3-I u-i i-I ht~ t: 1-li! I MICHIGAN NOTES. E 1 f t i t ,1 e e I-''s-c" t '. Issitd, ex 'Otten.;, Rwho t-ns mssan oftil ettr(t-ss'lttt itt-iss.istdisa. souse titme isltile (is8t ftile tiIittt'i tS~tc ts tai' it i ir 'tit Iattisil 'st iosstu sesl, sthertly sft'- it al 4 h ls s I ;t. t t' sisssv ss'ftLasasstti- o., g" iii s55 sittingi ll is rti win isssittess.tt an ts-t'atittn forsip- tass ussde'r Lositti 55.1 jnisis ins.I fetw (lays :sfst is retitirtt tiait titterssast'osai t) ti slowltt y t't55alisaeisg. as sith ilissl sit ttsssits:st tin tse. it-sisg Ne'lt cos . -it scultIttsIttof ttwt- Ats Tn Proshpective Cotmedy Cluls Aspitrants itssisar-y.'Thes-sittigs It 'rt'tust' t st '-wirs 5 5Lti ttoive -et ion have st t-t-s siandons Isettsigidt'sassisznthstuetdent bttty -sit timltl tsescit t tlI is -'-asttto i na-s5 irs-' ,firsttns inof 55 eichairmt n Iii lto Coweil ('II[). he -p siit in s ient r u liin o is w r its1114s-d p ro a ul u tis nili :ila lsa tc 'ai Ns{ i. tiI i tst)I. T I' ltsisI t is~ti'tits 'r' k,~lt' ILao isst l i t e:In t in I tS-kin ait s s ttt eIt'' ii it s h ii i c its r dits infist- 't-: Sc-c Tan i'i+ ii ii t si t 't.utts ti .i tns-ti-c'n' isa id ltu i:G ttio tnt tts ti' the' 5t It~ollf'om itt i to stns rti l ti' ittt trI t iu ill's r t eyw)t'a e inttio s. eIIsi >risis r itt ays i t h is5yeatr,c ands :ost ,}sits tiir s it.- lli.. 't''stst v wl-Istftfssistisin, witomae th .rt-tirstti isishesi-id' isies-Y : >I tt -ti s u is Isiat ititi' t-Tit ('tiit- t n tssred- ill s.' f otis If iSEtNAs-TRe -FAIRBAsNKnS ttt'lI. tl spesi tos- i-' Lthr A-tt IN.S' D. + FINE ART GOODS 4. Framingt a Specialty. " Is) F isrnS t.-sA'ii Ar.-,I ST U D ENTS I If'y u Nanttofiiurtnish '+iiir 4' l iats 5lt chit-pthis cail adti m edani'htfor'e-Isaxtit rel ithee. t hiss eon d'nt-has lo tic' tables, chairs, etc., anth wiltlsiv-. y it 3 ++1 motci' F. W. WILKINSON, it~s ots behsatf TFUTTLE S iltnsintr be- LUNCH ROO M I sii v5r 5iit5 338 S. State St. rnst-ibr suhs ;"~e Itlte CANU of this titi tis- wdfo t(, re- DANCE ? tItes- eItt- it. il I iuT i s eor cs- les s is Its drirc-in istists' forrist ictby ilt. ;AtJIlMt a.litsre itger. O(dice 1: tit -si :t r grii lit I Its it Ct s tge's A st e- i;Il of t'ejohit IN 14W GURi 3TLI1S, :{ 5t-is s-.si~tl it ii 'is hls 41\ t'JW4 m dtis t-il t srssi c thi us It s(1:1d :M : in . Li ;'rlti. :it 1 ni eo ii toii veis irso l ro lt® t N1 'tl ~ 'lIt' WM.HH R EIN1, \tIryeIltr Porfian l CafeC itel ists.sits- n tts di td isglt ~~Huron St. - (pp. Court Houtsc l'siet~stss ic DANCIN+G. ass. r'ss St sit«nittit iF " ~l 1Str ,is . 5e' Gets ilot t M ..Iinly a d e viii,,, S I_ l;. its- I. n,st'utdior. kno~~c .-t of til(! l vln l k . -is itv-soficlss. 2 et.'lasto' iisssns v Prof.1-F. iW. Scsott, Instructor. Foal Ball Supplies TEL LETE SHINri CUARCS MasdotofleavytSole .e, LIQsts , 5-iv it. o p+ + '- Vtee (isadls.ist iL k-l i ltos > ftt-.ss.s'si.ie + 4.4. .4