TUE MiCHIGAN DAILY-NEWS -9 A -9 0- -9- -0- A jt- A- - ****+++++++++++++++++++-I 4m m +++++++-- ! i i -.- . A A . -w +++++++-I-++++++++-e++-.%+++++++++++++-1-4-+++ Ihe Most GonvioGinU Ihins that we could do that would tend to induce you to ins STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES m50ou(d be to introduce y'ou to a tian who has worn them. We cannot conmmand the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The tmakers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, atndi they are so ptrould of thetr repsutation, that not the slightest (efect either of stylc. fabrics or tailoring, is permitted to enter any part of their production.Yonusdont know ihosvcheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, uzntil you liase worn themi. Why daily sith the unknown quantity of doubiful turakesstes yumu can sauy the 'real things'? L1NDffrMS61iMIII &InFEL £~ K: EBERBA, Ipotrters at +- uss "'shool smV You Mom6 INSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES tor' sour Laboratory Ussaris Illi BAC'TERIIOLOGY~i, 1iltO.IIS + EiIST(5L0(tY, astiiPIATHLOG~.~Y+ t. u S irre is'iws i is t at t1s10O ,",'tit tss'sssssM:cudesave, (scsifr om in t25 fMiii t1 NT an 3 ur i :1t 4 is slslf iss'ra. 11's' inicy st cain oor R N -Ia F itt:26 Suh8tc tit Id anftur~ erLs 'I PIf l andLaortoris t _' +++ 1 *10 .1. + q A spern"I"re rn"r 7-4-4 --Wy - 'r DEITIES '"No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS *1!. . UR.OH.Fl E LD + Full Line of + ~ LATEST SU ITI NGS AND + TROUSER INGS +BUROH FIE.LDI , ' s ..... .,... ...,. MICHIGAN NOTES. r., TheUisversity sf -Missnesota, west- The order of seesvices at St. Anidrew's srucsisiio us i inbsoket-hal for two cusechiitioorross Is as folos-oResv. yeraetrying to arrange a mnatch Henry 5 't luckis'ctor: with 'a le. Negotiations are Mso on 7:30 a.im.Itoly (iiinisiMni. wiith iSlons iii, Iossa, Nebraska, two 10Z0iia. niNi 'rig sersvlee andi tit MiI trui Fargii'u(the Farigo Coitege s'! iMMoMI ains theMIii'tosAgricultuiral), ttaveins- 1 m.in-Siuit' setoil. wod 'liisausi oilndNorthisestern. : ) 4 .Sevc t iicddv NiMissioni. Te1 si'c'ii'iIC('tcker ('this wililtilay 4MillI>.Iim.-liii's Bible'ClaIn~ i a maitchiisii ttieWCeX''(i'ciker t'itb in iMattisitall. M'a ni ie on iFriiiay evsnIinig,7Nosvem- 7:30 g eMrviM'e' iini br2.I.'.ii resin ssill be comptosed i 'mi :of1 six Mwell. Ov5ngti o thlie' iactin ofthe111' ale' -(IMoom rnin~lMlg, lhaive7you1 een1 trMo- facu'ilty' in refusinig to alliow Yale to ltesedcitA""'is, SIMMllndersI'taindlliii 1w in bohutiitislw leaguebieLMliYale, uisualii-,MM' IiliCii aiinon iii; the tMetes of Ils end'1'it.i''lt m'l aclidii um beitiitr ofi'IoMiss'Minneii'sotati atudWisconMsin. iiyla~'cI c-ii' lle."e'is, antillthM'Ness Eng- Ni .7"iN ciA. tisi 5 M' is twtido o uJms Yaehsieineli ed i' to wthiriluli'RairisdV. itenoit sM'ili'N~tMitnto 'oii1i1w'buter lisauie. Nale is, hiii-5 0aol intgoi iUirsi.ty, SM. Ioiiis. vvx sitms to lur Atiest Ithis star an etntiontsMite ost' 5 tntuss'withl Deaniiinl''sdlei'o5f itii' iiitiMMMMathlM ai Mviii toiM ii tg the ;gmi~ M elicetihad dM i't1' ihuh is ill Nets'YN itt- oo ssl'isltsd lot' li. 51ishetiYale -- - - 55515a i lici1it ci' of (they NowEns 1glainidiPttNSIClit. tEtDUCTION NOCI'tttY. { J 7 s " 4 l M. STAEBLER Agetrfor CreSent, Columbia, Stearns. Syracuse necci Stipplies, Bicycle Repair- img, Ladies and Genit's Blicycles anli Ttndenj for rent. X19 W Wismigtsoli 'Telephonetis8 " GO TOm evO n BILLIARD PARLORS 312 S. STATE STREET FOR STYLE ADSERVICEL... ALWAYS HOLMES' R e' City Laundry, 11',Work neatlsy anid promuptly e os, 7~1 ' t_ lIi 5. ' 1. 7t itrait NI. Q.M. MARTIN.,. FUNERAL ()f- ,DIRECTOR Is e 1 1 NaIs , ...sEA 1.191 iN.._ FINE ART GOODS Framing a Specialty. tt1ii F. I Ocon,ti..iAnnusArbori STUDENTS! It you s iti-i liioisirish 7115? apacitm Ill i. p1'ists, ciia ll d si's'msicbefore lisyins elsesshiire. Iihase seond-'handistves. tibles, cha'irsMec".iiind will sivelo F. W. WILKINSON, fit S. Main Sc. TUTTLE'S LUNCH 1ROOM 338 S. State St. OAN U DANCE? Nyilr. 7ii IS.liss s anser ((lice4 IN NE'W QUFIT[I8., i'. hv just sovisd to Stile "St.(hei d o WM. HCCHREIN, Saitr a''s P inl r. Steim aeli ts Fit#.ist Por-tfland.Cafe fOltti day asid ight. H'uron 5t. O 1pp. Court H'ouse DANCING. _' sss itI i i vrsi y" sA sc islc y wi? bills 1 " tis itrii (Xl ct' ('Gnsilt ~ 12 a. imi..I,dists ' ti4 p in., Iuesshay ciei cihi . 1t. (9 ciicriiiIit uctioi_ ild A, nilus is r isimbetres ot chass. Prisf. F 1W. Scott, Instructor. SPA5LUlNOS FOOT BALL SHJOES r ' sssf ssii' es® Iul She lss'veae 10ki thwV puttinsgrd is 5 slclets it 1 f :1 t 1 t 1 3 t i t f IN'isidels't S'. 5". Slsosum,.whotissii Mitju isis ''tss s tluletisma iuie spenit iii ts' ast. ihias inisossit tisso tthe trusties of(o'is olorcoltscis"ests'elrii i'p'ttoit .y400,S- oo cshl tis ushit ta'lMs'srectiol of a till ofsit' nc Ti ss'' hss'ge'isssssro issu s 'dnr lvtii hotshis nites',itirisilut. tisisisiss tiu shily 0155155ss'vith hri-litr pospctstuhnlor nserl sytu's. This'ni'li lmenst is greattishiass it SisisthIsitIim' ist 7 soie, hutit swil pass 6iststhis tMinis, itsisiss ee'ms. ISin- Itn avies' 'osim'e'sfiioininy stastesiuid front~ stis i h s'sitis. Tih cAsi sis' stius scittsis'tiii'i' M i's55 sot it's' NN'. 5'. Visit Iii sf titian'tsssi'14ts SicIirda, Nsit tis'tSi istisussa ' i.sln on' 1 of the, U'ive rsity:S XMisos'ertha iSliew- at (if Annuti Nn rII. M11y sf thei-gyin- na its, Nis s ({ is ii.t'.readM . s'iftt''' if Deitrosit. 'tili'in'meeii tng upromissto iii' reptle' i'inl inist.itothses' ht'rts 't' TN~ fsit ci tsis'ii' s' i's, I ..., a ® _ BATH TOWELS "or youlr roornii or the gyni. At all Prices. DESK BLOTTERS give thesm away. gi WILDER "S PH ARf MACY' F F . , c A~ MONEY LOANED I G!ECTiniC ossNIII ad MsARiLE WORKS h an SI st s's, Iuiauissssui'.VM~ss i l it t 'e , : C' t hsis. A i. i'P'op. lsti t i iircr iand 'is t~b 'noses . ssuc ii 5 Csat .c i Ms'" h; 1. MncusoiAK SS I f5. , cRIo iAcS. \I t d ayrS 'h '' . AiliAl .., :ndsba-eifr M,1tsiil'ihi Ictr t iito21:6 . .. ..t !M, , us, us'S littt.tc s, ,sitf. t }-' st ~~tt J. r SCI-UI-, SAuNITFARY PLUMBING Artstti sasudle~ctri,"M ix i's. Stem anis atii Watersiii'sii his. 0 ssei i Mliiii, :Ui EAS"f 5WASHINGTlON STE'Tlk. IF Y'OU'LL JUST DROP IN... sshesn otiour street ansuet acuicaisnted w e swilltellhypusfosw to osme nimy. Suits Prs'sseil - - - 25c TJ.rouss s - - SOc FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. itt9 E. Wiliams St. First Store West of State Street. 1 J Mayesrs sof COLLEGIATE CAPS. GOWNSs and MOODS. Regtiss a? CAPS amid GOWNS.: A SP ECljgLTY. CLASS CASNES. COi-LECE FLAGS COLLEGE PINS, YCLASS .end COILLEGiE VA s.FTS indi 5 .i -11* WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS..