r + + + 4. 4. *1. + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + 4. 4.4 The MOst GODVIOG! that we to ill do that would tend1 STEIN-BLOCH CI wcould he to ntroduce you to a -san We cannot command the language wit} 17oI these clothes are. The makers neath the coat (01lar of their coats, ar their reputation, that pot the slightest iabiric~s or tailoring, is permitted toe tproduiction. ou lou't knows hoiv che STEIN-BLOCH CL are ,unitil syou havessworn thtem. Whlit qantity of d1 stul mske stiensyou) LIND[ENS6IMITT THE MICHIGAN DAILY-N\EWS ++++++++++++++++++++.:.4.4.-; +++4.4+++++++++++++++!++++++ ++4..+. + +.4..++.. +D TiU. SdVG You MomGO + to induce you to huy + LOTHES +s+N nwho has wornsthens. +/#- INSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES h twhich to tell you howtvtor your ILahoratory Courses in +4 attach their label he- +4t tAT 101,06~tIY. ILlLOil Y, 4. id they are sio proud iof q+ ?,. ItIt"c) 51 Oh.' 151st A 'IIIOLO(ItY + LI d fecteithier sif style, 4 s-t+ ls)-s'a +i 55 55 i +44 cnter any' tart of the-ir + -ries Inl cn ive yo rom60t 2 HI + ; ,.(T V' o 3 ur. ijr1),tt sin mr lme. W 4. ed-alt....«pjmI iIO, your siten tin s c sais iANCH +4. fully withts-essnknowtn 4( -P EBERBA(DH &.. SON ai site ralt ng Impuiters andh las isfacrus irs ossl ( Dr i + 'st' A'th IAltiS, 1STIII M ENIS A StPPLIES + t. + il t~t ' issfo tso) Is n d aiit ii tr ii-. 1++++++++++++4++++++....44........4+.....4.................................. .4.4...4SM OKE..444....4444.. 4. 4.PTA 4. DETE +4-+++++++4.++++ TD6 B6S6 DrOSScfl 6o1 16g6 M611 Gett their S ITS utid 11' II XISI- t 7r . ,I N (S it th~e Lsh ions hit ( Istli it Parilors if.... Ill ENIE - PIlL - 211 &. MAIN SI. !ANN AIRBORI MICHIGAN NOTES. S 0 R 0 S S S Th ikpafl;jf ,i if. I IEt The Sorousis, The Queen Quality, and the Ralston Health Shoe is GEO. H. MILLER'S '22 i~ How's City Laundry, 11'11 st i l et' 1. as. f Is si l rt fii "C :jFO F(STYLE 4 4. ANI) S;ERVICE... .; 4.SiTDENTS 4.ALW'4AYti 4+ 4. PA llO)NIZE + HOLMES' + LIVERY + on4. lis ~iin i~:Ort'y - " ,. rtrIII 4. f; : Yr te4.. c~~ 4. 4. '.WA "' C h at ,. . l . I' or "r m l e ti - I si, 11i - %'Iii f iis so asmo 5. 55, . .ft'', ists--i iisssi..T. 0. M, MARTIN,,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ii, i S i.s, - :- 14. fussi si - i. ll l.sdl1l i Ii I li 1l i , 1l: 5 5 ' tl ' s1 1 11 ; t 17 i t'5 p t). ( 1l tS i (i is t l t ; t ; ' l l~ t t f 1 l I t I t555 t .5 lt -s 55--L ltl ll t tl i')~ ii( t 'itt v 1'\ l 55-; 5 li sI l 1 is, o ti il i ll si lii - l ttis ' !ttli ll pith 5 I - I -ii ties. - is-is -Oss it ' t 7 15 ilt- is s l'. .. . . 5 ' I i.'I I5'11 t-x:.11s ii t - tc is- Ii issii iissiii 5 tt I IdXt. lIAN~tt'11i ,,r 41f I It >Ifhe SupiorAlI .If' - I Co's. po iit'- s111 M ists NI t si sisi.s . flt AGEN .i 1iTS WAN 111-1i1' TED11r~li -f 1' ttIl it I l t'litt ii t,1 i i iei i 11t. It rii (-5. 5 c i"1 [ 1 : 1111il . i~ is s l5. it t i ii-ss. ii iis II - Iis. Ii tt '',t i i 1'+ " t' silO- l itssi, si.. si111");l1 1" II i- S ;. (isiii i. -iii is t is-s a'I~ , i tii ft'{ i lis7 sisiliss. is Bu heyurastDermnt.1ai ;s aI, ..1.1:t1(Ilarkharn'st , ilt"( l II ;1"1 l;~'i a ln ls t II. :1 1 I R. S. PAU L, 120) W. Washington St. You will find a nice tine of (isood Butter and Fresh Eggs al- ways on hand, at reasonable prices. (live me a trial and be convinced. Remember thne Place. isis- Si'ti:t.l120-IV. sashinsgtons sSi- TUTTLE'S LU NCH ROOM 338 S. State St. i i this tart DANCING - is 5. isisis- lts-ysii-e iss lie ti wl isslisi'erW Aesiismsrn , Bicycles Repaired, A~so I !'II 5,5 . f sun r1es WTVM. J. WENDER, I:>. T ~ i i- - --'hsane s5s: SCOTT'S l)ANCINOi ACADEMY, Nisi 6'isi ts ti Tssie it. Stts o suil ist uxtioltsssAsss-mhiy ~ts'crtt gs is i r.\ t s is i i s . i - ti-i t i Prof. F. ' . Scottinstructor. Bailey & Edm~unds, (3ions, Amniunition and F-ishing Tackle, 5 1 -lm; int iensersal Repaiingsi 121 E.Liberty St. c rott Ball Supples 4 ito s os cao n 5 .itI ASusm ig 55 + is, sit)ca ,Head i $ ~i' ter~ttslsigsiiuss-.4t $ clitt , i 1t , ii-t t 5 talp i s s e it. .i tr ii i "r - s ; t i us tt, ssut s-e~ttiis $ 4.~~~~~Mitr ofs.itti~ 0 10. J. ff.SCHUH, Hi htlt i i s - t i is 5 5 5t.[ F.' u ;+ tt u 5 itu tiii ttlr u l ai _ SA1NITAXRY PLUMBING tuii- i ii i Fietri"F i ts- so susst" i usttill')ti 5555, it/s - - . in s lchf MILLARD MORAN'S THE PRINTER ;t7N.ImivisuisiyAvi. C7OLLEGIATt CAPS. sOWNS and HOODS. iititg iof CAPS arsd GOWNS, CLSSaCtNES, yCOLLEGE PINS, CLASS .and COLLEGEt flATS .and CA PS.,. W.C. { r N &Co. s5AO.IL 5I p 74. .4. 4. :4. 4. 4. 4. FULLER & O'CONNOR 6 19 E. WILLIAM S ST. 'PHONE 434 4. 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4. s -9, _. I ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WE PATRONIF GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.