'THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS : *+++++ 1 ! + ; -*- -AL - - 4 F+ i 4" i 44 1-4 4 .; + b -1 -1 i +++4+4wl 4 The Most GonviuGinu Thinsi that we could do that would tendl to induce you to huy STEIN-BLOOH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with svhich to tell you how good thsese clothes are. The makers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and thsey are soa proudl ot their reputation, that not the slightest dlefect either of style, fabrics or tailoring, is pernmitted to cuter any tart of thcir production. l osldou't know fsow ciseap... STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES arc, jntilsyou hase worn them.- Why daily with the unksosn I tanttty of douttful takesswhen you cat, buy thc real thing: LINIIWSGtMIII & AFFIL4 I I E BERBA + 1Impolcrters Ii fois chiii II: N1i tIAN.. smv You Mome INSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES For your Laboratory 4 'oat esn in BAX(-IT E114,101,06Y. lo (1,0Y, HIISTO LOGSY, us-I PATLOG ).Y Nv-t, u i n re 41ul i Oe4 4 to v igt. t ,ice', an cn st -, .iu ,Toi fO to a51'rtis t ENT 3mi or purf-.Lio u~r i n e.Ia S OCH &SON, ni AI sut ctttici of L'S, -I ltt .E1-NI - Vi'PLIFrS and ILabsoerstorits 4 '1- .1* .1. 4. 4, 4 4. + + 4 + + -I 4 .1- 4++++I.i+ i 1 11 11++ F 11 -t+++++ '**41**14++++++++++++++ ! ! +++++++++++++4-+4-1--l- +++44+oI fl. 1 EGYPTIAN DEITIES " NO better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EGYPTIANEMLM (Cork Tipped.) IM. STAEBLER .%%Lctit fr Crescenat, Columbia, Stearns, Syracusei lng, I-allie- s nd(cit's tcs des atsti anelenL or rest. B SNOLI)S BILLIARD PARLORS 312 S. STATE STREET FOR STYLE; IAND .sERVICE.. 4 STUDENTS j ALWAYS ± f PATRONIZE4 T. . y 7 r' 1 w a i y i '! ' r' 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. BRGCH F IE LD Full Line of LATEST SUITINGS AND TROUSER INGS !T+++'H4.+++++4++++..+++++++++++4.+++44+++++q..+.+++ '.4, .4. + 4'BU ROH FIbEDLD ++S++++4++0+++"r++++++++++++4 +++++ 4..44..4++4+ MICHIGAN NOTES. Ti IIl l:i "n 51t-OfM S-,ir- ROOTING VS. WARWHOOPS. \l~l~llil wil i l o Id i l'tis sat'- \lrIo :i I I I i' cii'r i. ~ r sdo i aI 111 \ il, 11 1 T h rclll il i il Ii lt ll 1 Ir l i 't Si,,m I I1 ,ll Ii I t i i ti } i t .11 si ii. I .311.1 -st I' liii '-. I *i ii' Si. ii 1.1 -ii 'ti ii'' E ' tl: 1' Y l ' :d lliIl l it i r 3 ' i (I K . Itt1 ',t' k;f 1 1t i ,; , Ilt-Ili:III; SY i i '+tI413I; . Tiw Y:11 '"}; a, c , . C1 .li :ail :it~ ~ ir '1 iii. t ail Ve' 'i l'1"'t' Il, w~{111t ~tt' tt i )ii f~t ,~ t ." .i it i~it ttti t', i~tc t " I ii i GfHl1STHI, J . A LM INGEP ..112 Lth N. FINE ART GOODS F raming; a Specialy. 0.ll ur l It tAnnti iti V STUDENTSI1 rilelt i, cal as ee a 1i 111bfirehu i -,5 esr" riehI. 1 lIave s, cIti-hand tii sic iables, chais i-tc. il w1s ay " ss'- 1. F. W.WILKINSON, 3;11 S. mauln ST. TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State St. CHILDREN S I- n : it 1't i ll r5 :11 t1 '_ y(-I' -- Portland Cafe Hlurton St. - Opp. Court luc ff N N[EW (UfII lEfS, Lilt t, idI i-i,- sri i WM..H"'HREIN, aiS r I'lm riii f :A IIts it n DANCING. htioi' t , l :;turd. ,Oct. . bi-ts ti01 Pro~f. F. W. SttI, InstructOr. SPALDINO'iS FOOT BALL SHOES t ®nltlliileu tlIa ile Itsu-tiu. i - ,I ., .li~ swnIt'.t ,qi-ii-i-'y+iii-. - 1S atd IOOGS. he CAPSVtncGOWs.. - vS It 'm :I I"'M liY Si11 it hw . ill 6.Sen for~ i i ii X i - I ' i i t -t ll I.1 ' I ! t~ l rI I 'I I :1 I li- l t r 1 '~~~t 1.;{ ii iiiill tIIci t; I i i I BATH TOWELS.. I-or youtr room or the gym. At all Prices. DESK BLOTTERS ... WE... .0i e theni away. pa WILDER'"S PHARMACY I IML4IIC i t1 LIVERY + Libferty fit. rRowe's City Laundry, °5~~Tsneatly and promptly donse, 1 l'lilli. 157." - - liltDeteui St. 4 Q.M, MARTIN.e, ' FUNERAL s tal~l5i DIRECTOR cfion cafll. II 11 )OEY LOANED FUCIS i5IIiiINAILEI OE i un atchs-. )iaud.&WIbeele andil u.er Ill-!ILCRCOAIEad1IRL?)OK ~i 3n l Proertty. Ofie 01i I 15155xlil.:301 F.' i+O A. isle. 11ct3.1 t a + ti 0trnt id d Lstilty3 Street. All lbuslrio6A eouti-et~ll ia-it"ee of ARTISTIC ISEIORIALS. 5 'i 5lIct IIP. m.i IltO-iP2'iC- WATIT ' ii ICanniiu.'1htn 1i0 - :4it}_ii..usi l ii w 3. F. SCHUH SA\NITACRY FPLLUMBING -l07 51,5,, IWASH1.INTONS-R.11ET. ; IF YOU'LL JUST DROP IN... StlS Pissi - - - - 25c Teousers - - - - c FULLER x O'CONNOR, TAILORS. fittih.. William ,St. First Store West of State Street,. WE PATR-ONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS. -----------------