'IHE SI CII3 :.' N D ALY- NEWS8 4 I I I .5. + 4, '1. + + 4. +4.+.4.++4~++4+4.+++++4.4+++++++++.++ ! 1+4!+.I *i 1.+ 1 *++++++++++++++4+4++4++++4+4++++11 14-14.+1 11 le.4i ++., The Most Gonvio~inu Ihinu that we tould! do that would tens! to induce yosutso hi'I STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES wools! be to introduce you to a man whto has worn theres. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers ttach their label be- neaths the coat collar of their coats, ante they are so proud of their reputation, that sot the slightest deet either ot style, tabrics or tailoring, is permitted to t ser anyvliars of their production. Viou Ion 't knessefsow cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, utsh sou hare sworn tlsem.s'WhIy idally swith thieuksiws qusantity (!of oubful stake xxhess sou cas busthsie real thing'. LINDLNSGITlJ IFtL, .4±T EBERBA sillstls Imiporsters at :1: .1. -~ ' S cholss smvGYoul MOD6U SON- INSTRUMENTS antd SUPPLIES .+: For yousr LIabhorstory CUssscn its + llAs"I'iEhhIL0s6l',. tt!OL0'(hY, .' tHIST)OOGY, ansi 1A't'11'.GtY W*Sr u stis :c~ si s I's'5' itsss 5, t i t s t isht . prices :mtstr sasseyousirot t osst5itti .+ 'tENT sins tsssrt'ss )as+'n is ie t. N\'e 4+- sstrti ,yousr'ttesstsion tsosour ilttA'ttii ,.. STO atti S outh 4 5al tr s ' 1 OCH & SON, lira M tt MIN'-' ur " 'L osf Ists! I hu t ,' ~ *10+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++q.- Ir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t I T v lpwnddl 3po-,) ++ a 1- Full Line of + ~BU RCUH Fl E LW Spnj G ' MICHIGAN NOTES. It-s4(Ii Aii.l l ii d fl a'his \Vsstttti's ('ts Meetim, 5 ' 'l; ; i a-1; i \\ 'I Slit. 111it; Y, fi l,' ;i t l t t. S*.i * li ' 3,% iis tt ( 1' : i'~ l Il{ llt 'l i' l 83TA1130~saif"tt Crescent, Columbia,s Stearns, Syracuse ' ind othe 1i~ rsNv, hesIe ,. s "1ng ad ls and (slit's Bicycles ansi Tansld 5 srrss (hO0 TO YN1B ) BILLIARD PARLORS; III! sI)Is)1,1" IIA: 312 S. STATE STREET Ft~k STY I. [.4 SAND SEIVIC +1+;4 4. STUDIENTS ALWAYS 4.4 PAI'RONIZEi +. HOLMES' 4. SLIVERY Liberty St. Rowe's City Laundry, unnally ansI promtoply stone, 'lsi ' 2 17. - - 155hDetrosit St. 01 M. MARTIN RR FUNERAL 0t DIRECTOR WE PAI Ii t s i ( t' * I't l l ' . it l l iI ' \i i 3 til . ittt"t :tti c fix ,- 13 ,i;til .i l >> , jrr";; a t; x1 i1;, ! ,t' i t" l i ititl , il t 1 [ " . 1'1 z, ", a r1: 'I i l ar a.' a' '' 5 l~ as- sta- . tl'stsslt''t t. It- Wj't 1imd ;. 5. ii. .1 11~ i1 l'' i s , Ii -i i i 'C 1 1 1 Il l I i i i -' i 1 'i ' I3i* ( rlil t 11 1 i i I ,j r , S lIt" KS'ti ' fils Ily W b 1 \'li' 5' + '~ l l ' t l'( t t i. ti ' p CHRFISTIAN J.'A.LLMENDINGLIA FINE ART GOODS F ramingaS~--pcilt. STUDENTS!1 fl' ,~ icr it l ni sirs dourat at n.," 51tit .sclit-sp 'I,. I a tI -a aC s' '-lband sts is. tb s,,I;irs tt'.. its l 0 1stl ass %~ F. W. WILKINSON, ITUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM / 338 S. State St. CHILDREN 55 1 t' . t1 t s t s iil",r t iiti t~sI' ts 1'i S{Portland Cafe Opndy si niht. iursim .. Opp. Court Clouse IN NEW QUIUVfRS, WM. HCGHREIN, "is is m 5m-.N '- PItt r stits iitdtl tstlittii' DANCING. 1>," >li~:,, ti:t is' a it (es 'hiss 2 mc- 1,;,d:- III It''p, Prsof.F W. S( t, Instructor. + _ SPLDING'S ' + feat Ball Supplies + . 4. <'1. s xi 5 sit' it i,i'et'i-ts'. 4. +. 4-. ,xll + . i o P rI i [i1 ,r Ill. 4. ,l, N _ }{arr en ( Cha ,l4 ct1Al.trs 4.4..4.4 DRUGS., tli' c' ' I ,l1 1f< i ll '5 +t.5' 1 't t i - 5 a ',j 3 It i il't 't)I'i l 'I i s i S I i 'si t i t ;I -lIly '2i+tl - its's '+t il's -' 111111 mil I ilim -- NmonmmmmpE,, BATH TOWELS.. At nl Prices 1)1SK BL-OTTERS .WE..- - a'ttttatess IWIL DER'S PHARMACY MONEY LOANED ELECIC itRAisNIrlTEiad~~ii555 Sit 55siixtst x, 1ist iss s ssR. i s' sis ss t..'r ''l t ssr exi'. its. 5i 5555 5 i I :s Lbysss i 'rswtireet.ty. 05551s"e ia t srs<