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A HARD GAMIE TODAY. a 1 lit'i'a 1 0100011 lt- od~i('. o'tl
u1sn Irn o ( 11 ' jut l4l0101'I'olioorloll'
lolti Univer sity Team WillII ake a myis ll N0:Int0001 01000111' bri
Strong Eflhort to Add A nother 00(0101 So oh ndr liti nms Ls11101 ~ rn
ho o not o rtkerle oo li od t ow-b Ill .11
Victory to Her List. ,t :i oooo Ile will lit' \ 'y much in fit,
1' l~ h~l;4a llnlol tills01'0 4i.l 010
Io l ao l 010 (l l i 1 (- (no on -il lit I~t I n a 101 II' I (ll n (0 111l tis :
I I e I, l:tN uro und li 11(1 y III 111r An
In"1 tl( 1 i~ ((( l t~), n 111 : IW T I Sl 1 111,11 1111 t1111 1111 1(11 11111 (1111 110001
10t'i 0111151 or l n n11111 11 ]11 in- 5 " tS I111111 1 1 hr)kt 111, 0. 0 . hic
111l l w i'l t " l '11 is 5 e i 1 f irtd n I 1 Itim 1 101 nSl n .
a1t11 mot0r(,by1 1011' .\l lapolldefeat-ll. I1
>i I (r Pt l b 1111 III 1t Co0r.(Tus(I O im . bu 11m may I ay11 i0 ' oviv 11(1 -
l a v m an i l 11111010 r ii 'a t r 1I 1 t( Capt.)'l1 I . I. S m l y w ~ li -
tits ("10 o W rsl Jnd a NetUgl, . 1 ino Ls lt ion '
11 11 ((0 lgh (0pi li~ '(( '1111 v uT e': (1''un
:111,1111 II 11wo km l Iii(((1111ti'lSnW 11 . l 4 z 'r, 111 o
no q) \ I i lt e0111(1 a si y s11 ,ti "l orl . .i .: 'l(11 C n o , . t
I1 ,t1't lt 1 i01 n n h ~''1, i,1.t':t:It l~' ,e
Yo)t nntnn~od hi ,1t- t\''0 ,.tlar~T:I~i ( t I ool III.
i~f v i~ n a, h v sh o in g. ft, sa d : 1 l + te~l,1. t., L a k in (Ti lt on.01(0
An Assuied Succoess-.rofe0000 Stan-l
ley to Act as Leiidiiotoi-Hood
anld Glle Cilboto Asss.
III' l lll 1lobIII V 10 '111 0(o 1r 1
Ii111 1 ' of tSi. Iooo ioo Iwo I ltl fo
1(1 0lol ll itol( ( :1111 1(' 00 l'1'00'0'0 011
-111 ~ , (I I 1 ((11.iI 0o t o(11 .+"11) a
1111 I ,I ' ill 1 l11d o 1';1(0-I ll t1 tar 10 '.
N-o. 29
INatatorium Agitation.
0l o1(tIlg' titi l(11 110 11(1au1' ' w l
i'itloIt-l l iitll> have.ond. that11 1is
1(0(10(1 00'illll 0 ill I lii1110w' oll ithI1 (01
\" 117;I itll .1'! heo' ll' I lo' 111(00 1 (1 1
l; S> l ''i 101la'000(0'(0l ' ' oit 11110 111
vi ol (1(1111 1t1 h, ((Il 1'1" 1111 ta11(0111.0
ill!_ Ilwill.
'4rl I}"of a ' 41(111 gtankDr lla
tilt(ul hN e ( 10 (0 lo l l 00 (1 --la t he110
ll iil4 an ta ,I( uII )I~ (( cl( lhll o ('1 1(10 1 o(00;11 1111iot 1to{IR!
1. ll. ll(14'(I'I 111r"110 0 -my (111 lo oidr lwf1,for 1( specia (l 11110 )1111-
1 (0(01:101 night lo ' lol 11. Illns(10. lo .ni IIh ('('01 0(1 '111and i' would pay
c . l ,I 11 th o I,( lob111) 1sail. '"too l zl ', is l' No, (I14 I"1ca 00 ( /1 001110 0101110
o 0111 1 1(0l ait- 10 p of l k-11( w1 11 1 1111 it, titof l 0110 a1 last. unless1 he1 ha1.A110
0 1111401' '10(114lforl'I kotoxv t1h1a1tIalt : 1 li b i; 1111 1 14 .
1' lo 11il 0 11 i olxo IllVll' 1 (1k11:11 r )111012ioo ll harbour1:'1000 101 01011 1100
Illert1 ar(, .o0mlly t11'110 (000110 ab1o00
I l, 24ol'0 0 Im am" o 001' of'1114' 11'. 0(4f 114, I a (( ' 101l0('O(1ll1' ill 1110 solyn-
SI. hoInl. (1(0 01a1ked1to plvl'00'l (th ( ol o d~ 1( ((11r. 11.11at 1111(111' feel 11100
11.tr t' 'lt 01(t'1 plol '011'for 0I 0(11' (II 11'in i 1(1sn em~iy oglit
(0 0-111. :lll II l1(l S (ol 0 w ~ ilu\ s >loO(010 ((iti 1 1as10111 apxrt
(14t l plot'<I 41ho ~i~lor ?'Ili( 1'(011 lb 1iI11~' 1hil((((000 ( 11 11101
i t t e e 1 ((0 (tl lit(((('' 0 '(((vI \vi ((0.1 1(01 00l(1'(0-11(0 thing o'lo has1 1)0( -
lit,0A1 a (1( 111 tu ' 41(n, ifs' ;h t e ' 141w is ( oo11 1; (,1' loooll l 'h0110.0
lSoIld (:1Ills (()11141 w 1)r001 ' A - ~ d 'lt (oo ~ ts l II d In h r l
(0 ( 0 llo( o 14>44-ioll(o I 00 11 fi'l('('I 11t r olW0 olo loll,1(0s (11 io (1(011 l no' 1110
s+}u os IS t14,('''Il 01 0( 00 lo Or~wI (0 110001 1 'to1 (' ()((0 %n 10.111 II'.() 1(1(1:2lit
I oo (('I i t-w i (In' :h lonl ('0 (1of 10(0 b l'' ( 01(l!
"1 (;14 00(1(1s:4\- Olbo' is(1'IIr 00(11 :(1, (1
1(:' IU(, I (1 1',11'(0 4l ohlo'r (1(01 1I;l 111 '~ til 1:V ,h~t,
11'-bl,, 0000i1 so! lo n 1(1(0 (1So 0 fostototrsili
1(11 I' I;1I lo lI(00 n1li1110 01 . 11101 l(.0
( 0000 slo ut(0 o('o'o( i 1ool 14 1 t 00' ( (n1,(00 0 '0' (rI~i1 is miller 1 11 11 loolit
;111 ; ((( o o i ;1;4 I l((' 110 4w(( ( 1 s im. lb l ub
((l ( ci r 4(11 ''0l s }-)0 ( 1)i.000 ( ' 0 T 1' t14tI S 1,f l o I lb II~ ~ t '
' ' 1:t1 1,11 (1 (111'Il'1"110 .
l''''1(n1(1' 0001' r I'll' lt, 111' $ tf1 o (I 1') l ' NIl . 'lit' 1 (1
1111)l"'t'01111loIn I ,oo(O 11ll"111'1111(f1111101\
.11(1 i 1 t lal ( :t 11 ( lo ll l:11' (0 111 I': t 0 r,,- II 'o . i(' II1 1 1' 11 1 1 I( 1(C11' II1 1 1i ot :{I 1'ss 11'1oday. lg
:t (1, 111 i 1 '1: :t ai 10 001 lol(In{ 1t((0o0 I(( ( (( ('((, t ';II 1lI ' (1 21 )1 o ' I 11:01(tl1)1 1 0l r lIlI(10 T he10 le0 ("1(1w11
.. iI1 ,I I i1l tt :1 iI 1 1ck 0 bo111 000ttIIII 1(111' 1 II lot' 1111 1 01 IV <i01111
11111oil:1(111'('1 o ll. Hllon:!14 , ':I r((ii io.t. I t1iiOO OC I, lI I 1! I)il 0 '111 'ows '! (llI101' 1"
on 'a ( I I13 tI :l 1 0 I'll l1o110111o!llh1 1 i.,-'0 1 1 . o 'II O. (ll'l( 1 1s(( lltooao ,11101 ('(( 1 1 1' '(1101(114:1211
'1loox'lo +:1?'10 iii 1111(0' 'ls1!]oolIll' 'l1(1 1( (IIol'v( 111 (II~ :I II II' s 10 101(1000 I
, u i . ' 111l 1 1(111 ' l il' l4 Ion 0(0)1 .' 1101 '1'0 0(11; 1' oI; llo oo11- I .:I boo (( IiLI II l l ' 0'1'0'1ls10'11: '114, 1'1'\ 0(11
(111 I t iI 0(1 l ' I ' 11II III iI I I ttI1 ( 't11 b(ll' 0'(i (01 lt 110 ooo (1 1 lo 11 , Ii 10(i "1 1 l lils- b11 11''.1lo 4('}) '.
III (11(1(oo - '0 (Ii III 1 11 1.111 11 0 1 (;1-(1( 1 11(. 'l ('olo I l ooIe. 1 11o 1(0 ''I~o
(0 00110111 o 11i '1:0( oo to, o'(04111'1Ilb'0 IlI' 'l'5'iI' o i (0101:botI 00110xt~
1' 1',140 14 11 4,VI tl~l'( I. 0(1 (o ((11 (olodo 10 (o 011 n 111-1-l '1( l1ll
1 1 1 11(1(1 1 n (1111 nli.Il e is 100 1101 '1'ta11'e ' I oole''I' ox:. 011 io1'1' 0 C00 bolass oo 111llesT d y
(1(01 l,'Il ol b boo11, 1,:1:.'ll ', bob -I 111 "10 '(II b1I ':! 1 It .III I'1 I' I'(tf ,:t 'Itl 1 i1 t w l l o 1I 1 11
-ttt1t( :!11 :112-lb xt''l'001 1' 11l1 o- O21ll 0 0 0" ( I',( tl- s1ve al ftn )
11I'I a ootlla, ' olt h e 11,1ol'1Is :li01111.. The tintb , r('n1 ll11l111 o1)1l' 1100-
( 1((000010(0(i0iiisier() or. Ko o olio Announlb ement. t 1(1'1(Ilolw I inopoitaloot Ga es oday. la
"l 11o'1 'll1 s u ll l' I- lo Ilt1 , t ' 1 00(1 11 ollo(o I llo 1 10-' 1('' 00 1"bleat110 0'looo 1 1('(loll I (14, (':l00. t1ely Il~t I1(
1n1 'tilt :11 1 I11140- et. 1 111 t ,ll' O l (111 0' t tit ' 4 11 1 1til'0'l 1 110000, (of 111;1 111o .1 Ill I 1 1 ltxto v e pe te.'.1
I~'t'(10 ' a110 fl '111 t'oxx' i lit iIll oot' 011(0llll's1* 11 '111111'' 01111111 1011110 1 0 It:(1v11' ircl. ( ~lws41!
011,1 C4 r :1 11('1 Io ou 110 ;11 oxl i n ilh 100" 1111d1 '1111t'a i 1' 'III- O ''' oxxo"is itI 0:11 SN i'11 lltil' 111\ til, ''l v i t n
01 01 x I l xi I ix 11! 11 1( 1 L1411 r c .12:11111 Ott 00 e Co-t ist~e r~l 1lell > 111'1111w0i ll ox14 '1114l )tltt.n",I.o
1100 I/(t' I loalI 1 ' ii 1 1(01 t'c1'100 ()o4 511 I t'o tr4*Iwo i1 .11' 10}1)_1,x' tt i ilo in'. Til, ti o l- Iirsle 11) 111t ow100. l
4t0 1-o11. \ t l's t t,10 0t ecl(.txito n1it( he1 itt' oxogxxtg1'4 ' h11 t. l' I11 0 1'11 0 1 0 rayti) p itl~t .o ( 1'1
l~olits11)tIloxaIlil : ol 1-'~ 11 V'10 ongflit.'1110 -tit0 oO(1111"' ot idcl 00 x ()ti t 1 l 'u tb.ia.~~l 1 1 ~
I- I ld tt ox 11ol w ek ;II'T'uesday
0I:I11. oo _s (lob clio is boollxd o I 0111
111{1111, r, .tnd lintt no rlt 1ll1te1 ol
10(10 lxxnIx 0ar lzk lwl a idIltwo
11111 1 1 1(100 1 llltt~ . wiooll l i s to11' j1 r1
boiil tit: oolo-CokI .0 . n 1 s01i'
Chtarles Laird's Mother Dead.
55i't, a ll'Ool i'llil 't sBaoo''o 'nlllotl' ol
Mr(. 1101011 0 boha, l 11 u w llo odsotnolin
lox'ie 11101sing 1(1(111110't.l 1(11011 will
11, 1 (1 x Slt 101 111.
Seniors and Sophomores Smtoke.
first(0 tooxo 11(00 Ili-lit. 1'11'h0001r
11- r vk i, 'ooo'I1 11110a 1, t agro.A
Cleat i 1, 100: s x' n'. blls ol 10010 111110-
:II' tat (1 oof 1th 01110soeIs 11000 lizut i mi111-
bo- ll ll' Oobfu lIre.
Thin in Michigan.
To '101. 11(0 Pro 0.1 0'-i 111 11 1010l 0 1'
t t ''1i e il "'olitxeo'11000.'' " of I1
stildoliol xxlox 111010 'l1 111at1Ile' 01110Ilr',-~
0-llll at a lctnre. ''oOI' estho 110' tRtw
w l ro ls lxxtosit in1 110'scxt 1110J1't.''
.I Ilomll b of-b' t00 e1 l aw11(0facilitt ell-so t i tx
foltlowinlg story of al' 01 O igoll 1situdxent:
(1110'ay(1':11e- 1aw IIultyl rece001ived aI
was10tal(1a(110001(0]fltotko mark01. Tie pe-
titioner d1lieolit Ox'Ilootld., 11111 Stin
lolito 4tt110r1111101 1111 lie, the pitioner,
the day ill 151051101, ton1, 1 iI'1w0as ot
present, 01lit,55was 001101
S ttecribe for thle Dnily-:dews.