'THE -MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS 4 . . + + , Thle Most GonvioGinU 1111n1 that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES+ would be to introduce you to a man who hat worn them. + We cannot command the language with which to tell you how g~ood these clothes are. The nmakers attach thscir label he- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of +~ their reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style, +. fabrics or tailoring, is permitted to enter any part ox thei r ptroduction. You don't know how cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn them. Why daily with the unknoiwns quantity of doubtful tnske,xvhen you can bity the real thing's . L1ND[ENS6HM11 & AFlIEL Sa Y ouMofIIU _OSN + INSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES ;v I'or yosr Laboratory Coxurses lit + IACTEANIIOG~Y. RIslotucY, - II ISTOLOJGY, :ant!1PATJ OJ.OGY + We lmytin a xrse inns ixtien at tl'e right psriosandxiean iaase y aui from,90to 25 lE d"'ENTaon YOU"air xarx' ixx-x n D ar. W + -21h is teyour alirxn titoou IUtANGH . ! + TURtt i 'O eartiiS al l ireof. EBERBACH & SON, +. impoirte'rs ainl SManufaeturers of (.+ C'ltMtICALS, \AtA''TUS, lNSTttlMxN''Si & SdPLiIES +. fir "ixxhoxxls ai Labohratoris.+ ++++++++++++++++++++A. "++-.-++++++4 ++ ++ "obtter Turkish Cigarettes can ~emade." (Cork Tipp- d. ) 1 1 S .4.4.4..' + Full Line of + LATEST SUITINGS AND + TROUSERI NGS B[UROFIL .,. . . . F* ,..,, GHIiISTIN J. IU[M[NDINGEft 1ia._L, ii IN FINE ART GOODS Framing a Specialty. ' STUDENTS I Ii 'xixan t iitiarnicish your x.tpariinsxi Ctxi ix s x cal , neil sex' nie -' bicr' huiaty -: 'xs'hx'x"'. I tiavi e ect i-asc t Stuns 'shli, 'h ; irs,x' iLe., : ni t vtll sat.- y~ F. W. WILKINSON, :331 S. Masin t. +++++ 3 ++++++.4. H++..4.44....44..4..44..44..4+.I l P-t 3!II!14. MICHIGAN NOTES. h , M. STAEBLER A'tgett fir Crescent, Co~u nbiax Stearns, Syracuise andithxer Bixcx'r'lcxx Y, Blicie ip iIi'S xi pirx- P'aideIxx5 ii~r reni, 11x 'i 1' Siii i' i 1. x Rowe's City Laundry, WVork ieatly ant fl 1ui id t-p-roixsptlydone, ti P ;,.. .1..15 lirirati ++i FOR STYLE+ 4AND) SEpVICE... 4. "ldDEiNTS ALWAYS PA rRONIZIE SHOLMES ' ES SLIVERY On MOEYLOANED sete. ) n ndf ca sa a a other Pr soai t Pi'sixrty. fSil t efiradeixs'r. iiiE.; a.t i itu.ti . Albsisxc13aa. in. and i to 34i0and toxi A. nt. JOSEPH C. WATTS; LcTIaRA RNITE and MARBLE WORKS' Chap. A.rcotProti. Manaitreandaide- xter iMARTISTIC MErIORIALS. Wei madenra n l4Cnia To (>aef C3 trotsa 00. . MARTIN,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ( fie2195S. iiih As l. ' hone si .1', i ' tIA 0 'itt Pt a -:14. Am- bl ct onixal xxt) xt xiii. f psit"ai.i 1.11iiUt iiti isits 'so Cal. tii txiiii'ti'p a v iixi liit ix, si of 1fliiigot:1ii oisixixi 1' t i 'i inuS io .1)tti' ix iix"llliz .-;a ixixt1ti xi te>is ii t Il (,W Ii I tilfaI a1.-'a u mRti' x iiix rifir . 1i t ~ii'1-W 11 t t i ixx. il Il' f'i s~v tll' o ll~,"'iixxxixxlt' t ' c'' lii i]) i ill 1ixix.-. lla Iii. l11, l l ii..lIi i i ixixi Intl ii l at xx a :II l I~t 4ifu 1i r 1 I xx7 ;2I I t xx xi x r xiiif,5tt i xl ti alll1i. t1i " to t i a ' i xii iit, ' I i xxiiit for : xx I)R~tIII I ' 'w, itt t I Ct i ll-xI''utI ix aix. \'i' x1)t xi xit, a iid 1'4) 11 t7 Ill t~~t II iv' T'II II~iic . .xll xx I' ii:I xi xii xi t 'l 't' it' lltlifi 1i xflit 'xxx x i. litl" it tIl''t', lIt f l't'' ;t1I "J lt 1*'4' .itn1 tI I xI, axi.'Ii ;f - 'iS :IY Ll IIlt' ii x xI .. -x ,[ frt' Ill itfIt ~ ' ix,=Ii « :x. txrfix tl .ix i 't .l' T x it'r ltl. ) _ r')+ l tt f l\';-: Ii~t tI f":I('I t~ .Ir. ,lt 't' eat ;1 t . " I__', Ill_:tI W j 1._l l_'_ t x2ItI }i) III^ It ~l((IIutt:t ( r': ''I itxx t'^t~ '(t ~ ~t1itr' i I s r r s i i I i i 1 1 i f ({( t I11'I~ii{o l .t' itti lt illt ?l~t't;xri . . i t lIx c xxi\( ixi . iii'I'i4 tT t xx I~ Itt i- of ta i li lI. Siir i. Xxix xx hiss 01 ' xxIII axi al IEcit .ix'iiiixI i i I I rr. tril. xxII: _ iii iii,' Ixixixix Itiitai fiii' IxI.I tti Ir..Ii }:tx-i. t xx-,' xxxii xi.)txxlixsxlifi.'t anitti is xaxxtaf iy. 'Ixiii' 't' ut Ilxli iii., xi it'n ul xiii "roc r i i'iw, ixxixm114 iii r xx ol Ixi I a x . .i Ixit xxxic Ix ii is ix 'l 'iii tI 1 ITUTTLE'S- LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State St. CHILDREN 5 ia a lt ixn,iixx foriii ii i .5 i'. 'Ix xiii Sie '"'iii xo ir i's. liosii,' itxi at xi' ' itn t . T itxii i'xx x.o l i ]i n ixxxx , ii IN IN[W (IUfIIIILI, 1 t lut' Movd t'stxaff xS. lxxx si WN*I iHCCHFN Po~rtlanid Cafe l'luron 'St. Opp. Court HO'.Isl DANCING. ;~' liiivx'sxi Asxxii 'v II: i 12's to.1i p.3,n. i , .viixix tcxi;_, 1 . II I x,' n ra t trxx.'iol Prof.1F.VW. Scott, Instructor. + SPfALDING'8 r Foul Ball Supplies + > SOnixLEATHER SilHsINtGARS +. ixxeatrfibein iiiiid 4.1tg Absolut 4. ii.'rxx''.,iishnA ii F ixix fiixa oxs lts ixie adiaEl- ++pALDINO & iBr., 4. + t an 1) earBead +iCAa iis,4 ther ++ CvA ac GWNiS. + CLASS CelNES, ++;pdII 'MiaCFotSalEGue INS 1 .S S. ..BATH TOWELS.. 'xir your room or the gymx. At all Prices. DESK BLOTTERS .WE ... prite iaiemi avay. M , IWILDER'"S PHARMACY J. F. SCHUH, SA~NITAXRY PLUMBING . rist<"{a~s ,t~f , c~e~r . ' at x A: . zi it ix\ t t '1 . latc "^ vu 9."it IF YOU'LL JUST DROP IN... sebex iiincxxxstreet and iV'et :'xc1iti iitxi l 'x iiill to-ll lalix ions a i' xxmiiiy. 'anitastPrssed' - - - - 25c. Trousers - '- FULLER & O'CONNOR, "TAILORS. (J9t E. William St. FlxirstSore West of State Street. { IOc WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FO~DUS