TtIE AMICHIGAN\DAI.LY-NEWS Euth inal 'loath Past; 20C . =- Packer's Tar Soap - - 20c + +Stuart's Dlyspepsia Tablets - s5c Toayflaltine - - 85c5 Peruna 80 S c . ICALKIS7"PHAM ACY 324 SO. STATE ST.a MILLER'S ABRIDGMENT COMPILED LAWS LI NEN PAPER MICHIG.AN Let us show you the q~uality' we sell at 15 , 20 and z je a l1)t Bieing a tioecettitnit o the 1mo(st imoportantt statutes arra'u-(A and ANNOTATED) for thse use of Students. Our Playing Cards are the standard ONE VOLUME, - - - $3.00 tt.1. . n 5: siae CALLAGHAN &COMwPANY, MARTIN SOHALLER (LwPbihrCiao)NN 1104)[t [ilk. NCR: 340 STATE ST., Opposite law' Iuilliltig, I / I !SO. MAIN ST. Vii.. Rentch~cv, the Ir"botogaphcr.35 Pulde's-- C NE~W STOREi 119 S. MAIN ST. Merchant Tailor. SPECIAL BARGAINS ] Touts h1.tlnt 1t, xytlconuditionl.$ 4A) I Wttlhuru, $22 Orb-J, t'x{'tlit't 10.00) 1 tsi. hvl n, $18 'I rf', l(Ast112.001 1 W"a-dthorn, '$22 1t}lt' shtil wt O't 15.(0) ] Iloh''tta. $5 tyj'(-I-, tiutinl s ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 209-211 E. Washington NI~rlLG1AN:CENTImJ "The. Niagara Falls Bouae." THLE SllOT L LNE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Ithui, tistt'ii.t. Fa0"" t' "tmItnt' 51.t w ite o1i. 0\V Is . Aiztit. AsmArbort' CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES. Oc. :5I'*-pt 'or s okr Sl1xt r 1 1 1 1_ A1, a S-it p diy. ol.t>20-lio -ii ltl" 11.1 tIEII's .1EWiI.itY 51011 'iti. _______________ Sct.i.5--seniorsluttrsti'liltJAII. TILE PRINtE11. Oct. 2a- tuttla t Atnin i oc- __________ to 6Ia. Ill. - Oc. i;t- S. I.. A. -Ilsii. W u o t c thug;. 114. II 1's .EW1.IlRlY ''IIll. Octt. 2l-:ft Sttst;'tti'. i' tl'a ti- ______ __of__ 'Nn-i' -,C"' (is I. tliits -' Catholic Church; 1lasses 8:00, iiiI tlt'10:30 a. in.; Vespers 7:30 p. mn. No' Wt'rimtu Cus. tiittr s. I .- __ flI~isitti its-u ot'tll u rr; itifts-itt .ii 121 S.'fulti fSt. Phtone' 545. it}; \ iIIr I..\lItI ' t s i . II .11. I1IGKIGK I: Iid ""d rd1. N:Rloi duBlld I'ovlo 707 ttdIl lNIV il ISI'V AXEII:I':ItE R nirt * a .l t W. L.DOUGLAS UNIONI FINE SHOES .,MADE' OUR Double Deckers AND OUR GENUINE FREAKS LEADS Others Follow W hThe Shoeinan, Free Shines. CAMI3US VIEW'S 20) Cents a Set of 12 Pictures -' It' LOVELL'S CORNER STORE, (Il'u. L LWtllc intsit. gststutsltbning btiiist. R, repci. C. E. 0itEENn.Vmsc-irt'e IhC u n fRM trOFSavinGS Bani' Ca iltcktisu M.S rpltt s 5 00. t R e sourlttceis. S1t700,060a. ofts ht.Ri es posit ^ t, tbuy ls a Lt0I Statest.Dtafttscatsedtuos 1 tc idetifictllation 1101 man, . ot Ann ArtI~t FIRST NATION AL BANK Orgwant'ds8 Capitalt,00l. Suapltus a td PronteEC 'rnstnssagetnital tii isl . Foreg setshattgtbousgt atditldti."Fuiseit stersOf creitl. E. D. KtINNE, Ites. HAISON SOULEI. VicePey S. 3W. t'LARK~SOt)N 'Iii W.AIINsIn, ltVice-prey ~ 3nu WALTtZ, Atust.Cs Transaaets a general Banking Bustness. Goodyear Glove Rubber Full tins ot Etkstskitu Ct-r. Shoes, LAM B ERT, 6ta Willians St- ANN ARBOR L,1.AM.II RAILROAD lHon. George R. Wen As..ZTSD iuL' sOIT - 1, ; orMrba "t TIME TABLE His Excellency Wu T Trans leant's lAnArtbor ty 5Clotra Stianit- 1Oti. 1HesNtt WA''T~Ttstis. O SO 1 THNOR1TH'ii 15 t'ttltl,t. 51 "ler Rol~tp No.a. 15-150 A. *No.-5. -3 . . IAMIIITtt5%V. Ms 111. ontl"Lii N. -us.'5 P . Not . -) s, .M. K THEINItIDt(tttMtAV COtiNC lI 1 02 :1(,'. r. 10 :0 ts o. tt . VHAILTONII > I S l On ALMTAttts'atONO.,PItCttu All IrtnHarItyanstp'ullldilt tY. T. W1ilS Agnet. Fotir other high class ni W R. (ENIITT ' .(I" A ____SIENATOR IIEVERIDGE a Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & 'tickets on sale ata Jackson Ry.-_. O'trs leavt' 'or Dilsrolt every ItItlftih1ur FlTHE IHIOOC beginnlin ti ttu 45 A. r l l til 8:5 p. B (Cacs (oing Atnn Arbottt ill 5 10 1. 1 i it rortaits Ts ssi, "' nd 1045 rutn nly taltfaras Yjtstltn1(11 Wrteth W.LTV Wi Iltig root trn 011r Anntan t ;itt) S tls.Wrt J. .LA I) Icitt, 70WoV dwtt d ac e.DE- idling on " Stonewall Jackson " Oct. 30. Ting-fang, Nov. z. v-,;of illiaam MeKtil." SIIi tn ;t, Won"ia ors"WtcIuuottnstud it' i tsidtGatitlo"Mosial t,st'sdv. "I i'Ily. timbers, with GROVER CLEVELAND) and as very stroingtprobabilities. Ill times at Wilder's, 336 State St. (ING VALLEY RY.!!1 ythit si 81,"RVIEEtQUlI'MElNT andtiROtADBIEDI. ..EDO TO COLUMBUS ID11AN, General Traveling Agent, 3TROIT, MICHIGAN. +++4 +++++++++++++4-++i . Ar-a-w++ ! -I ++.k++++++++++++++++++++t .5.54..5M +++++++"8''i'1 l'+++4i1T ++l +++++ +++++++l+r+++ ++++ +++ i .54 .5.5.+++4.54i'+.4++++ .5+++ 4.44 A GOOD SHAVE. t Hugh Johnson's WI. oft (It Ilotlut" tl St. CAMPUS BARBtiiERSHOP 1"or a first-class r aic Cut and an Easy Shar. - .- HERB JOHNSON U. 0f M Barber I'tei teaming and Shop and Bath t~y tni y lat"lO mttttsts. t(lert0 R 011,322 STATE. J. R. TrIattnwiwI THLE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NOB BY BROWNS vi ILWAR