THE MICHIGAN DAILY- TEWS Oy tr C ck a*SEuthymal Tooth Paste tae-20 Packers's Tar Soap la - 2c+ Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets - - 85c* i d yPeruna - - - - 80c 4 CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 50. STATE ST, + NOW READY LI NEN PAPER SECOND EDITION A Handbook h LIet us show you the duality we sell PARLSIAMENTARY PRACTICE, at 15, ao and 25c a l1)... .. ... by RUFUS IVAPLES. Our Playing Cards are the standard One Volvmee quarto, $t oo Net. All Booksellers or at io, 55, 2u and 25c a package. . CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, MARTIN SOHALLER (I aw Publishe~rs, Chicago.) ?ANN ARBOR BRANCHt 340 STATE ST.,(Ippostc las' buildintg, II6 SOE. MAIN ST. Visit...* Fulde's NEW STORE 119 S. MAIN ST. MerchantiTailor. SPECIAL BARGAINS 1V:i l<, X oh ,5 tle.list' :Sltoi]'.. 6 0 1 W Xlilsfosts, $221 415'lo, ox(o' (1,tt111.100 1WA14,lisssoss,$35 fstol, lst i . is (0 tolt 10.00 sllogoola COM~E 'NI) 81,8K PI j11'KM. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 2W--2.1 E. Washington MaIfLIoAN CENTAL I'MeNiagaras FaMa Rmo." THlE SHOtRT TANS1- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With dirgee6k en~tsseotw itn at go for s5t. Louis, KPasme Ct ity1. 15XLind ttthe whit. _,rtofuornxdso ot ttrotietticotsscall on or write to it. W. HAVIES. AieotAnti Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE 'tolsii s ift IIIIe "Lt ., 1901 Trainsle'asrnonAborlytCotraltStand- rd Tit'se. SOUTH NORTH 'No. 8.- 7:25 A. ox: No. l.- 8:50 A. X. NO. 8-1t16. . * No. 6.-12:30 . o. No. 4.- 0:30 P. o. No. R.- 41561 P.sM. " 142 0 t ts. r'" 1Ox-:05 A to. 'Run betwee Ann Arbor ansd Totedo only. All trains doa ietjest Sunday. Ws. T. WILtS. Agent. W0 H. REN WT. 0. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Ry. Cars leave fosr 1) rolt, every hialf hour bginniof665-'a. us. until 8:45 I'. m. After that tx) IDeroit 41:45and 11:15 p. m. Coa leaving Ann Arbor a 9:15, 10:15 anod 10:45 run only.a far as Ypsilanoti. Waiting rous corner Ants and Main !!ts.: D)etolt, 70) Woo ward ave. lZentschlev, the lhbotographer. rCALENDAR AND READING NOTICES. 01 ) O ) A 5. .ll1::~ if::m C.::ooI o?. ll. s.X~: -oy t s l. III (ooo-1.st29 :,1 Slit: goooo3t ll too.I soI Clus.gots IlAI. l.t'S IVI 'il' -cr4).111( l-..L R.taod t. (,t . so In poto. h-o'.o flit"h'41; a ill Co ratIti-:-o ortos'ofVs II 11 , TiLE PR ",INR.4I tR .1.4)0 Sooltot to1:1Fus:::::: I::. st it :11 .L. .1818S.-: 118 1.11 V S~tO1:.1.. ONE18 1050K WEST 0OF1 CMI'Al O)::o. latfgt. f1-iou::suot:'- : nl:-OtssooN-o) i 1*01I 1olsi ::t ol s: fit: tisoolootsfir, Iplato-o, ('ltiOi I t::stl+ fSl t t l t fill: iso. Sold*voil t f tlw -e: : w su 1tl 11XSI.E.18S J.II1XRIl:Y 8T):12 Catholic Church; slasses 8:00, 10:30 a. ni.; Vespers 7:30 p. Im. (AIoIt) STUl)ENTS - TIse 1ol1edo lalnuilcy Go, of To:leos, 0., s an s to dot yt:- Ittisndry -work. ILeave orders of 121 ..MatinsSt. Phlone "55. tOt;(,'' 5Nolir . s.AltilI t-f?,kt :5 1.5L- O:'otto-itsandootl-I :sOqusteolat Reid XiR~vsolols Billiard Pa:rlotrs. 1Iltitill l nts: Io ii ttl 5 si.t 1LLAIII, THE PRINTEIR. $3.50 W.L.OUIJGA5uL"010 FINE SHOES fleD I OUR Double Deckers AND OUR GENUINE FREAKS LEADS Others Follow Wvabr, The Shosnian, Free Shines. All Kinds of MICHIGAN BANNERS and Banners of all Colleges at 10OYELL'S CORNER STORE, (app. LiaIBuilding.I Cor.SMato and tioron Ssrsotts. Caopital, $50,00. Surplus, $.%5,000. Traonsas general banking tuinerer. R, Raxrr, Pres. C. 1R. Goosne. ViceoPos. FossDl H BELoa.Cashier. The flnH PRrhor SavinaS Bank Capital Stock. $50,00. . irpitte, $150,000. Resourcest. $1,70005. Organised underfte(General Bning Lays of tlits Sts. Reeives deposts,. buye sod tells excanoge o tlieprincipa litsofthe lietoIed Statoe. Orafts tasked upon proper identfcto Safety deposit boxs tonretnt. Opricoos: ChlestE.511-.: ock. Prrs.; W. D. Hor, moo, Vice-Prr.: 'M. J. Fritz, Caslier. FIRST NATIDONAL BANK tergooloozd8_ Capitol. 0100,000. Sorplorsod Protes, 51,51 Transacet a goneral booking bursines. Foreigni eacliagoelioglitasrold. Furoishlilettosre o1 credit. E.0D. KINNE, Fres. HARRISON S0OULE, V ice-Poe' S. W. CLARRSON Cashier W1. J. !SO~O, PREaS. T W. Aeaxss, set VIce-pret i T! .. V. Sneseca. Id Vicesprer s nv G JOo. C.Weisz, Amtt. Cashier R I6 Transacs a general Banking tBusineos. Goodyear Glove Rubber Full line of Elkskin Gym. Shoes, LAM BERT, 603 William St. rIGRWIGK BiIliar~d Prl~ors adiBowline 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE S. L. A. 15 No's $1.5 0 l-ion. George R. Wendling on " Stonewall Jackson" or "Mirabeau." Oct. 30. His Excellency Wu Ting-fang, Nov. i. lto. tls'.tssWATT stttti on"AfrahLin:: scoln. PS.T-MASoERtsGENsoALsSMITs,-Th1orator of tli admtinitration,.o "Tli Chatrsacter adPublic 5-rvioss uofWillitam M~inley.- MAXO PREL5. os "tier Roy-al Higlines, Woman," or "Woan:snd !Love i Epilgram aiditum0r." LELANDt T. Powutts, in5).avid Garriek"5or'"M0n01eur Brous j t.' HILONo W. MAsitI. o "Literature At a Pesonal Rtource." KERItotN Rsos 'war CONCEsRCOMsPAiY.1 HON. J. HAMILeON Lowis, on "ThoetPrufessional 1Politic-ian." A .sono RTARSTONGi~o'S CTsoEssPLAY. CHsaALES BRTLLssttLoomis, tHumurist. Four other high class numbers, with GROVER CLEVELAND and SENATOR BEVERIDGE as very strong probabilities. Tickets on sale at all times at Wilder's, 336 Stale St. --THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!II Thttomeatnss tthe best of everythsing: SERVICE. EQUIPMENT sod ROADHEAD). Vetibuled etraIns. ' with lor r TOLED TO COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDI'IANN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MIHIGAN. THU11 BEST SH)tOT O(2OLATE. FINE CONFECTIONS. HANGISTERFER'S, 200 E. WASHINGTON ST., 316 S. STATE S'. ++++++++++4+'- 4.4-1-4d4b44dd~d~LaJ..L+l4.l,444 +i A GOOD SHAVE, hg ono' Razor lon)ing , hrooH 0omen Sundae, Piooseer Ca110, 215 K. lsro t.t 9.12. IH. B. WELChOndit a :y or night. Roardl $250 per Nvk W. of . nk [Ittasto. Haros St. CAMPUS BARB3ER SHOP For a first-class Htair Cut and an Easy Shave . . . . HERB JOHNSON U. ofl MBarber Pace staetio and Shop and Bath ty, done by lstero Rooms, 11152 S a n td Saris 519W0 ROOM 888STAT. J.R. Trolanowasi THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY H-AVE YOU SEEN THOSE NOBBY BROWNS MIL WARD