THE NtJCJ lGA:N DAILY-NEW NOBBY HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES !N NECK DRESSINGS WAGNER & CO. S >HAWES $3.00 HATS 323 South ruain Street I m v zl r r=" T L-1 NO\A/READYI 2FImrwTh SELOND EDITION TEMPORARY BINDER A Handbooll on U I U B Ili tis.Awow PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE, t":. w s.01 rlfC.eEUaltt b-y RUVFUd *S WAPL.FS. f y r~r [ , ri11F5 f44P One Volvr"w- quarto, $i.oo Net. All Booksellers or!FJ.SliEDE CALLGHAN&COMPANY, s carF. t l1awP 1mlim trs { c .} 1PlGk i ildl 1 PdaiOMPS dnd BOnwIha~ NNy NV'R I . NCH: -44) STATEL-S., pposieL asin1tilin j77 "" Np"'" l NIVIIR1)1IV 5N' Vi i ,>. . , . . , , .. : .. :" ....7 '_ The Sum m er... Vit.lentsch~cv, the f" 'otog r pher. i I1ovr.10 t 91 o F l es -,0'. Our Fat! NEW STORv-'E triadeitatheaes 119 S. MAIN ST.. 1 (, t- 1 i ' iio >1 ''v 1') .1114> 'IofI+" 11 i 'll 14 ii.1ix tl 1i1iiii t "lltI'livl.i, (l'11)'1s $ .I.I)'l. 1l$2.50HC ,i AND $ F . t o AN 3.0 M erchant;ailor.,I1.. :A.lIcn . I \ . 11nton's;r).1 -v. ± 411t)' t >IwGlas ' Shoe .Stor ______________________' (s: iP1 ',',i~eIlil ltt bn. . 1{ r.t.' s f.t.*n : Iis., i NI p ..Repairing a Specialty SPECIAL BARGAINS \1, I1 l 1711.11,.11111 .._ . __ ,__-Pictures 1 '1>01. 51, ttil41u, 3g4)14 .n414i11iol1 .i1 1 (46>1ttt.1 >. t I'.'1, 414' >mt16. t.(( 1 14 .inltlrurt. $22 8'. shalt 'xit''i115.41) .:I 1 2 W 2ls I .4.i;.52 >1y40,' (X44rolhil . ; 4 I41illi' o ls...... ...... yll.', . ..... Ia,'. CIOE, 1 N I1>1-1141 ,'1151"l. ANN ARBOR MhUSIC CO. 209--211 E. Washington MICGHIAN CNLRA "The A agara F41,:Rowe" THlE SHORTI NE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON~ w itit, [ ('''i'.' 4(1Y,'44 r'. 1'4i z:"(Arbor>1 RA LROAD TIME TABLE T'1344041>41.4tore 4.9(44. Tratns leave AnA,~ .rsr ty ('entrel Stad-' rd Tine. (44.41T11 ['NORTH *No. (.- 7:215 A. Mi. No. 1. (4544 A. MI. No. 8-11:h)A. m. *No).5[-2:4441 4. M. No. 4.--414>p. M. ! Nn. R.- 4:50P.Mb. w"1 10 805 Y. MN . t 4441 '9:0s1> . t *Rntween414040 An Aroo~r and 1Taledo only All trains ally 1except, Sunayo. W. 1. WILLIS. Agenlt. W H. t1ENNIITT. 0. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & ,Jackson Ry. Cars leave for lDetrot every ha14lf hur beginnling 441 645 N. m. until 8:45 11. in. Afterrth4(t4to )tl,5ol 1:45wr14(11:15p. m Cars 1 4vi14g Annl Arbo , s.1:15, 10:15 vnd 10:45 run1only f as4r as Y'4psilantli. Waiting tlrt~m cornr '~An ad Main40Sts.: Detroit, 740 Wonward aVe0. We "toldl Sil t a'Jill f1411.'1r5414(1.1WO w 1(1 oo z"1(41.ltil rts o s l t , 11I.4.1.11118.111W '1 141Y T4)11.E.3I 4 '441' 1 4 1 11141 ("41 .1"44 }414i Ite( i 1 -4 Scsri> 1'lt.(411' i'i 44('. 2 I.i 11ldV44 iliIil P41111111'( Catholic Church; ,lasses 8:00, 10:30 a. mn.; Vespers 7:301)p. im. (441114) ST 11')131N'T, 'l t' T oltt 4.:u11411 Yi(>') . 441 144 14'il11, ()., ((((Its to ciy ol1(1 1411 's' 1work' .(4,:Ii on' v :t121 S.4.A54:411SL1. 11(11(145-I5. .i ' 13 (4 4 1 11. l l , 1 1.1 L"ii4'i \ 1 1' (4 144 R('44 54>h5t1yIwo i~lito. 27vf' o 541 PTA 1i), 'fill1PRINTER. t I 1 1,44LO .'>4'(I" .451' iron ' 1>t (54t. a litInv4411(14441w4>1t4r. 1'4N' s'11 4io 144'5' 11 141 i t{I41. 51414. II114d 144441 1441(1.4"' ,lit-a . '451. 2191. "5_'.1 E. l lr Is l n ' ~~r 11 "r14~ 1 '.4' i0 '=':1,ii 54(14111(4 rlt tt I ttt~ 'ts 711'NP .ItI> 5 1 t l iii Niti Ii '441 l, .3 r 1 : (11 1 1 l i~. tt ll;l'lo Itt'-i and Artistic Framing DeFries Art Store 217 S. Fourth Ave. DON'T BE FOOLED 115 a1411414 LePal1inioned Clock lil41 a50g4(1 STEEL PINIONED Clock for $1.0 01) oth4444clocks4on exhi- biin1 l 4 11 1 wiri 1N4d144)1 J. L. Chapman, Cor.1PMainoani 1(1(41irtet I S. L. A. 15 No's. $1.350 lion. George R. Wenidling on "Stonewall Jackson" or jMirabeau." Oct. 30. His Excellency Wu Ting-fang, Nov. I. MAN s 4')yR~r,, .4 "4cr Uoyat lliglIho's., 01(4man,"' r W mt ;dr 341() '14 lovet) 1.44.4 .>4T. 4'4iwt'io. 4 'is a idl Garriek'' or ''Mosi(41r 114'1444''t" HI LONIIr(s6.W 441. MAIEon"L~iterature'(1As t P11 oi a sor ce11140)4>.' KAT'iERINElol' 1 (;114(1445'0 44>44C1> PAY.t . [1445. J. oAMII.TO Ws )4. >Ou "Tri o f> essional 'oiiti'1444.' Four 044cr high class nunmbers, withl GROV'ER CILEVEL' 1ANDI)and SE:NAlrOR 3EV ERIDlGE as very strong probabilities. Tickets on sale at all times at Wilder's, 336 Slate St. THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.I I Min1t me4as 11 'the 44est5of eveytin>g: 4SERVXICEI. F.IIIMIENT sandl OADBEAI). withl~arorCaroT OLEDO TO0 COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDIIANN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Caopital, ill,0jK0. Surplus", q3).1(0. 1ranaact:' gi(44>4)1lmnk14in1014 i((l .'' 4044 144 10 4r:.'> .4'r. k flpn ilrbor Sav1nasIBang CaopitlStock. 8,01404. Si;ns .1.4t.0,001. llwossltee'. 51. Th0.(41 ~ Ogn1451)51 under111 the'I General5>11 nh111)1 Law- of 1i00- sllo'. lReceives (de'0l44. t441buys lnd eeile I(xcil)1sg4on the lprincipal cities of the UTnited Ststes. Drafts cashed upon10>rope1>identification Safety 0440044 boxs to rort 0 4444444 (1 1 r(4'E,1 11l:C. Pr"s.:W. 0. lH,sma, ViceIrw:I.J.Fr(itz4,4Cair. FIRST NATIONAL BANK r sni d I84 Capital, [010.,000. 50414>. and loon>. [11C.0.10 Transacts a general banking hnelne(0>. FoeigL exchange 'boaght and Bold. Fnrnish 1etter*. o4. credlit. E. D. KINNE, Pree. IHARRISON ScOULE, Vice-Pre. S: W. CLARKSON Cahier W. a. BOOTH, PREP.rT W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pros J. V. SazatIiA d Vtc.pyr.4a NG JOIIN.C. Wa.Nr, Aswst. aser 'TVN 13141 K Transacta a general Banking IBusiness. Goodyear Glove Rubher Fol in144'of Elkskin (1ym. 5S01's, LAM BERT, 613 William St. I .4.4I++.I++ III II+111111: +ii 1 .l.lll+++++++. 41. . .+I++4-++4 Till) BEST LIOT CHtOQiOIAT1.1', INE CONFICTIONS. HANG STE RFER'S, 200 E0. WASHINGTON ST., 316i S. STATE ST. A GOOD SHAVE, Hugh Johnson's Itzr H eg, 11iat.)4mr0441 a1tl lida)'14 Pion1444'> Caf1e, 214 1'. Ihron St. 9-12. IH. B. WELCl (44440 ly or inighit.1Boa4rd$2 504 14rssk. W. of Coolouse [[41uro4 1 HAVE YOU SEEN THOSENOBBY BROWNS IIL~ CAMPUS BARBER SNOP For a first-class Hlair Cut and aii FEasy hlave .... HERB JOHNSON AR D U. of M Barber Faceesteaming and Shop and Bath 644. done by ita methlods. (Berlin Rooms,82STaTn Parias110 82 TT . J.1. Tranotwakl THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUIINGS IN THE CITY