"._'e ichigan 11Dai y Vo_ NY. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, OCTOB R 23, 1904 No. 24 NEWREOR !yesterday's (FootballIScores IANEATR ME Varsity Scores 130 Points on West _ Manager Baird Receives Offers From Virinia-Easterners Weak -- Three Eastern Elevens for Weak-Coaoh Curtis EASTERN GAMES WESTERN GAMES ( Game on Thanksgiv- Watches Game. -- ing Day. _____Wes ct Point, 11: y le, I. 2-ichiga n, t:8; OW est Virginia 0. I Whein Michigan's 1f01tball iteant o1 Amhti Brown, 0. .ichiatihas thad offers for a lyoitusedi'it1380points against te totneli . 11;Franklin & Marstial, 5 0. .I'. tc, Case, 5. fThantsgiving game from three east- 'naix-~i l of Buftl''to, it ws stila-] Princeton. 60; Lhtighi. o.M1innesota, 1461; (rinnel, 0. errn teams."- Ttis wo the statement Po hat airecordl tadtibeen fre Lrassvyeite,4; Swarttimore, 0 Neraska, :4;tKnox . tmnade iy Manager Cha. Baird yester- el Aliski-icrl tet&+ghiso'ringlinlasHarr, 1; Itdians, . liittors -I:; turdue, . ay 'svening, antI Michigan's pros- -tine i Ii i ill twso uiveirsity ittvens Syracuse, 2; Niagara, 4 ees for a cotiest otutrkey day lb. li ~ (llt' p 11 1 Anntapolis, 0; Dickinson, 0.IChicago. 312; Nothwitestertn, iok110repit'jtii all" ecocdi I t'ni ic(Ill, i orCmItos- Pettnsylvranksa, Cotititiia, 0 Wlisconsin, 81;ItDrake. L.l.et irs ae btet received from ifon illii as'lia total of___ ]"it. lthe- Ititerity of Citncinnati, the ainst ih lnrri't co \e't'Vi5it'- aTO ~luittmtof Amhiest. atd from Brown giitai Il t'i'l', ititlldt lo aft SINGING M EIN RAES TLO ruDIuOut itlersty, alt askng for Tanksgiv- 1111 lii ii iois g boalt' OX I Will Be Held in University Hall at S Athletic Association Secures a Fare N-o dehntte arrangements have een Ci~iii liiiap.i iviSirmtt Tomorrow-Apathy Must Within the Reach of All= ' eioiiinidl ut it semis certain that eosi atray ot Ws Vrina Be Overcome-Yost Worrying Eight Dollars for the tast oeulst w-t-in-k TIhi'e ir ffnot Ovr isosi Gmeieliigiticati get a cottest tith any wa lw n yamsi111Il iiittiiiv i- c icosnGm. Rouhd Trip it thse teamis it she cares for it. aS;5I iiiil ii i lii 'illi itsr Tottoirrots'ftight at 5 oclock a sitig- In re hardto iithe elates to te tattc l btriiss'tii hterhthernothetciile, po ae t I lioiithelbll.Iileotusit in etngllll g eiteldciiini rioter- ataidison, OWis,,nextrSattrday.thrjbilgest'l le accepted. At present, wasfai a lios bu tey er won sity halltolipraltile sontganit yells 0o11 ulogsii befioire i ith emi fth ine,11iti h tsriisl gli. - Athletic assiciationi have evellenintothi 0Ciah Yost 'nitManager Baird ali 1ill Iili iltIiI titiiitsioliilg (here seems to be a general feelingitcnelito fersIhaItctamsilavishnd the full !itithi.XWisconsini ani C ~cgo lii v riirit5 i es. it apathy amontg the stidnt-tbiody A ive tdollar ate fromiiniAtirbAorii I tinlthai it t 111111 1put1alittle cincring 1110teiWisconsinigame Even aiaoailrtirivale5 .ms andlno arrangements with 11111 i 1111to11 iCihIciiiag's oadreunvith -M.C aolern-chooe111lvsill e taen up n- spiri iniolt heir lty isda h msetusiastic roe t l o t I. oillaii ir iria igi th iis oiet r et d thantl yhav bea doi,, aitICall-oremiitoirialie'that the 'Varsity is ado eodunlaigfrmhr- hcgFia iX 01Sit ill tr asi ccl'oari.-XXWhein dallger ot iefrat Ithan it has ever than le Mndilay nighttfollwitg ays ago froiniSadioin, thinks the ailih, it 11 ,a sl h canesbgbioiisoies'saotiitiWOisconsin's il11111bseen trI ant 1111since Coach Yost casn or'l Ann lF1ronm thiclagoito Maiisoniltol rats ( 1w 1liteam have i-t11111foundation. ofI 1wing W 5 iosintheliicattain Ir- rblor.It is liotg-enaly Iunietood111 ae rns-tr-iOi 11.11. I'IeyaeIk rvtflo .si lli ti aihits'orti dulablell isolnsin rtaly is, e -n ,i yesi ain ilgv (Ter chailnce.t but11emphalticiioalty aiseret-Their presenttleantis vithot: oilubltit ov-r thle Northiwst'r rti01C, M. &S. i ~,I yetmtin ilgv lidtt th hacsla, o bte PBR. .fr $',00, 0111111ony ion trainstichSi gan a hirt ight" The rumors itsistrlathas anyithis1hlii Ievet 10 0 lofla das ant- listinitssmrsermret re ta even, aing M-aioin Sattrdy night.heTrI tseiiii nI-n em h rented 11115-th isofscii oints-$ t alc-iequilaly groundl~less, anihfriim all ap- '1'h -utf iro .,iof he pecttes e1da-the s 1oe1 ills on tr rte if $ triill eacetdrdanaytai ain aacsthBdgsaepeaig was ci 0111 i Itoi lcth iirIinot111the O lt v tI-sin which lat year held loa ally rtoaliayt'anhail- eriptipitseIlineaithrstaeiprepsing Dluiii. .111oe illd b11izi excreidi'itandlichl ig an to 47Ipoitts. M-aison on or tbefore Modua t.i I~l ilIleln ihteruta Ili~r It Is a rliitid luil si atIn vswit-t, (oach Yiot is far from san-shoP a, As ilt e seen, this ater rate vs acigro 1111wnu treanolvree pa- i h Ltt tiihbgCrilsilo1111 outicolme, and is Idiscouoraged at alose lne toto0101 ovtrat Maisoniiidgiiir tn 11teW 'rn g tI~~svea ildaysl it l i alt11-teit ofivroniltc ie'ltIi,;taidexcitemntcolver the for vr frte ve gscn tegnrltling o vrofdneseseragdaysis itne n trrtswl 111111 vIt, 111 ndilItil'e i'reco -ar s'd ih rwa its nn Ni te Thielast hiraininliither 14.