THE MICHIGAN DAILY OeO START FRESHMEN RIGHT SWISS MIIK CNOCOLA1 Ano-iresisibldlcos"cofr Peter's Is the Original Fo'ae everyw hero'. tBetRb IG hevr b ( It-Buh "Cof't'Th FLAT((~oS scN ore "atte ftt -y r "gol." .wfr h rih. The so 1011 for0. rPhon i. tN ordes.forcbs . f or atis r e ntai n- metsll er takn tis easn"ues Walkener'1.St er Stre W. H.ninsr *@@@O e@teoo l St 0@O@@l Are yes aware of how Li far tsyounwatk? c j Apedmetr ittregs- Leading A pdoetr wllreis NEW LITERARY SOCIETY club" lTisoganibation11fills a. place unoccupied pr1ese111. 111110 1is n1 sin(e 111'e1Political 81c0110ce011b1has 1111 111object(If 1this 111g11100 lonl is up i111th11111e1'literar11y 011111111s1of (,be un1iversit11y. 1111e 111111111s1 will, fr1m1time t1111ne, present11 1p11pers (on 1arou elonomc1011111 uest1111011, 10111('5110e- ('1al11y1question1s11along 1111 11i1e (f (If Is 1 orgaizers.01, 0as s11111105< 10 01111 has beIcome'1111' 1r1inly ('5tah(i5110(l to 1101ke in1 11ininbers (If 1110faculty in t1111d11 1111 en of 111 econo'mic 111111s 0s honor'ary membell1(rs. HIt s 1the a1111of Ille' new1organ'iza-O0 b1111y b155s11isfyiog a1 lng-felt swant. 't1'hrs 1much1(1 (f intereost along these0 con11inua1ll1y 10m11110bsfore the1'Anmer- ican111p11111c and(1are becomng the 1olitica(01ssoul'sof (the' (ay. 'These q1uestio1ns11 will come up for dliscusion beor the f new111'11(club. '111Thefollown111g officeors1w000e('lected: S1i11ey' t. Millertpreside~nt; H. E. C('fla11(, vice president;; Chas. E. Winstead, secretary, and A. 0'. Chubb, chal~irmaln (If 1110 exectiel mitee 01000. '1110firstet 1 ingelf 11111'organiza- tion111w111 1be'announced0(1later. 'Illsfolks ilt 1111111'ou01111p0111ciate a .\licinni('11 an1'11. $1 .0011each at0 W(Sater's. tf Honk-mad111111'c('1e11'n111(ol(11s1at Miss 111111 I's. ::22S. S(t011'(second1(1floor). 22-2:3 111Septemnber'I 1111' Columlbian 1 N6, R[Y[R &co. j Arkansas, Tea , Mexico ill gise free of chalrge with I CALIFORNIA + Are Best Reched via . every purIchase11 (f .A 3 St. Louis, World's fair city, 12.00 SUIT OR OVERCOAT, AND THE i Iron Mountain Route A ed m eer I Two Daily Traino to California ! Three Daily Trains to M.xics jFoorDaily Trains to Texas Clothiers, Hlatters, Furnishers Foix Daily Trains toLittleprinsr 109-Ill East Washington St. o Te BEST o Everything C 1L L.)r WRITE ME, ' ni D. Armstrong, T. IP. A., 7raphe+ 1233 WashtenawAv. *- ANN ARBOR, MICH. Job Printing. Meyers' 215' Main St a. ".' . south. Phone 201. f Michiganensians $1.00 each at 4 Sheehan's. f .. OYSTER zC BAY Try s0om0 of Cshin's tine Coco -_________ ttes. t. ' -- - Students' books and clothing 10001ur- ed at atproximately 35c for $100 in- surance. Phone or write. 1 W. H. BUTLER ASK FOR (110rl'itI1i S 1 Both Phones 41. 200 E Huron . O N IANI'1'i AND) Two new mandolins for sale In i 1' 0 S iI 1. RK'1' IIif S quire at 331 Packard stree. 1-tf La test novelties in oitings at Ful- 4 ler & O'Connor's, 619 E. William St. Sits ressed, 25o; trosers, t0c.- Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E William St. 4. 315 S. State St No better selection of Shirts i11 the « -444..f4t.t..n .e.~ city thoainatCouttig R151r & Co.'s. Steam and French di'y cleaning and repairing at Fuller & O'Connor's 619 Tc~c er n-m '1. William St. D e.. ti C i~~i~~U Michigan ensians $1.00eah t Uni verrity Academy, 336 Sate Street Wahr's. ec t ..-...e..+ ... . -.1 Nito l etr selection of 81110011 10 0h1 Furnished Floor 0(10 1igh111oIse-li EIGHTI AND POW[R CO., leeping, 4 rooms, all conveniences01. 200 E. WASH-INGTON ST. $16 11e0 Ilonli. Referiees 11required- :111 E. CathierineO St. odtf- BAILEY & EDMUNDS LADIES! losI 1 You0 will find a first-clas antiseptic Guno - ishing Tackle. Ammunitio Hair dressing parlor. No danger of Fih Neto toe Decoraineg catching dandrutff or any other scalp 011 1.(0I0(5 1111 .'(nss h.5010.51111 or sin disease a. everything used is '- sterilioed. Soft water for shamposoing r at irs. JR Trjanowski's, 322 So HI.E T A IE DIRECT LINE Get yor Gym supplieo at Cushing's. T1-7 I7" O--© L' CCCC Bewitching pictures at Foster's Art "Peor Cart on atl Tens toos. f.-r I. V. A. A. Z' J. Railway DARLING & MVALLAUX...."N'l lichigan Pillows, Pennants 1 ') ',, i o(ill l6A), 40,; Oand and Room Decorations. r. I . I 1,l:Iosly low I >:I .226 osthStateStre t ii 1.(1 1> lt. (I . .11. .1') . end ( 11111). ..26 SuthStte tr011 0 i(1-- f1cure she 10ill be pleastdtto h aie o~f'11OUR CANDIES = hWhy 1100t(b1uyoile5now PENNYCOOK, the Confectioner I _ T30 Soth State Stee. coio'usoi Nvitla coiumwa, at NeW Yot'K. jLA W STUDENTSS QUIZ BOOKS R DICTIONARIES - CALLAGHAN & CO., Law Publishers, Chicago, Ill. C ANN ARBOR BRANCH: 340 State St., Opposite Law Bldg. $3.50 rrln S os $4.00 LOKFOR THE NAME. You will Sond it on every oair of Genuine Puritan Shoes. FORK SALE EIXC1.tSiIV11by tiew Mnnish119 SOUTH MAIN STREET. lilull orlOrect' Try our new Electric Shoe Shining Chair-5cpe shine. style' izti (011ton '(ope +: adios. FIVE TICKETS TREE with every patr of Poritan Shoes. LGY Iv No F!etter T urkish Cigarette can he made CORK TIPS OR PLAIN Always Ahead In styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. Look A'or.'n The Best of Everytbing in Tailoring