THE MICHIGAN DAILY .""""""""""......". ".... THE 11C HIGAN DAILY. W E WOULD HAVE E eris se,( I nd v ts$inIter at the Ann ~ V YOU TO KNOW:.Iuh slddly(lol( yecII ~uaa h That we are doing business at Mnagig Editr, J. STANLEY HALEY. BousesMnager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. OUR ]NEW TSTORElEDTRS 31l South State Street : AhNe------- . .-------.nt.iE ,. 1iv A .SSOC'itl'5 A. IM. (1 raverI. H ary H. Adrews Roy lPebls I. %Vaie aye Geore A Osbrn . . 9N er -That our New Woolens for Ida M. Ir::rlgg AI.LiOrtmeyer 11,,the coming fall trade are a Allen- AJ99E. Ptzer, A. It. Is That we make superb gar RA~TES: $2.5)pcrvetar, or $.asf if paidtoil ments for gentlemen. dflntes 0 ,at~a±AOfice Hour: 12:0 to 130 ad 6:30 t 7:30 *That we appreciate your tradeI Address: CLAUD:; A.TH-OIPSON, Busness * and respectfully solicit a Ilosger, 331 Pakard St., Tlphoe 461. " continuantce of the smn. -- .. -- -- -- t G. H. WILD CO. __ _ _ __ _ _ _ g AILORSI 311 South Stt Street. Friday, October 21, 1914. -NOTE-Th:seuferfriends whi: l:t:: Editor Today-LOUIS D. STICKNEY. no titbeen: tsr litron eloudcr diaiyisiteuefi~rN5V.CALENDAR. eO@@@@@OeoeeO@@ee.. ftOctober 21.-Djean Jordan's reception jto junior girls at arbour gym- ,C OLLEGE TEXT-BOOKS Ocobr 2. bl WstVrii Otobr2,7 -Deta Vaughan adresses ALL DEPARTENTS vs.Michigan: at Ann Arbor. 9YM C. A. at MacMillan Hal. 5October 28-Dean Jordan's reception to s.: or girls at Barbour gym.' [OUNIN ~P[NS nasium. October 29-Foball; Wiconsin vs. ' from $1 up Miigan at Mbadiso. Nov. 1--Ieiy XWalersons lectue ii All guaranteed. : S L. A. cors:. - November 11.-Michigan Club ouse' banquet at Waterman gymna jsum. frAT"C"~ATICAL Novenber 20.-Woman's League Re DRAWNG eption to all University womne, OI~AINO a at aror Gymnasium. INSTRUMElNTS T Ihe:rubhfor Itices lto the Mii tiihi vrat siuen-t itetrest in this A~tiCEIC r1I siiadale undieraking. That thy' its. ATI1LFTC :e:iwill be a success is cvrain. Ad _________with the firs anual banquvt a sli- r:es thy club hotse is tratically assared.I tObviutsly, Michigatspfilt Come in ivtet otrpricet. vas iaiened and the otnivrsity is _________ svated in a nest era of proserity. HEEIIA & COUNION COMMITTEE NOTICE SBEHA &COAltimporat in('ti g oftils con- 820S.Stae t.mitteeiwill lbeieltithis at eriniat 120 5 t te S 9 o'clck in rooni i,.West all. .o ~ m e o *SEtRE~TARY. ___________________NOTICE A. IT WILL PAY YOU Class in sight singing wiltliv' or gaiedIin School of Musi. Earl fG. To omedow ito ' ti Cl- Killeen, who will coniuit: this class. le. eer en ri~':yuihavie' any Je'werry ri'piairing t sit iv ei t tdvnsat 2ii'clockSalr- lisri' oo. day morintg at the 'Shiiiil of Multsic. Don't take a chance 2223 and have your jewelry and_____ ___ watches tinkered with Try :a virassag:' atTrojy's. It is Whe yu cap litre at great. 22tf W .the sOamli'e WMs. ARNOLD, COLLEG 220 South SMain Street UOt [[U BEST LONG DISTANCE IThe Students' Lecture Association 1904 a Jfttp rzt season = 1005 COMMUNICATION. (Thue11a11y asmes' noireiiponiibil- Detroii-,.M1chii Oit.tally: 4. 'Ilto' alichliun ily:':-c~l i nr vi':: agfittin tact Ihalei so-calledsom tationo iing bos:'prob lemiiis I:intrst ing, in tim:' witiinltthe lastivhe ortsix veassj Whet: youi :vrite bvutme use ha: hy'iiii Ii'rits ciiiiilalelv ur departltetit stationery for havoeiomelup, hai'tnortiv beinld fvor Literary. Medical, Engineer- thae actinomeilt.hil ooiiesis for itig ani L awvDenar- ( q~ustin. inv ver Mihigti to nietits. at, per pound__3) ietit sh:oldllookv thiemailer squiarelv NV(" lso ar.ii'i 'a c:'o7it0lelv in the face and ask~: "WVhat are vve lieo calls 1o the rooming house or sorority " ihgn parlor?" Will anything be gained be- Coresonenc Lne yond the doubtftil sstisfaction of hav- .repnec ie log rigidly complieid with the formal 'Stamped wiith the Mi: hi, an Seal utuages of the outside wvorld? On thei-*n yelloiwsaiid blue. This'st.a- vther ianid, wvill not 1much belov :st? t* 111-1:' 1 nu'resii a iariety:of1de- Too: much tirotiriety is often as b~adt 0 vat 25c to 50c per quire. as too: lilite. The' frank, hlthlful Irv iiur "WAHe S SPCIAL" friendlsipiof me'n foil iomeni s1u- Foontain Pensat $1.00 deiits has alwrays beeii:one'of ihe inosti plelasant features:of .91chigan ' lire; can aiiyone imaginiv'aii ave-rag:eA I roioming house pailor' as--a suitleIi enIvirovnme'ntfo:r this friendhip? BOOKSTORES ,is a nailer if tacttieihpa: mel t ini whiv-lithe Michiigaii girl lias 1beeni UNIYERSITY HEADQUARTERS acivstonedl to rveveive tirtallers 15 103-1055N.Mats St. 316 5. State St. alinost alwsays :disigne r t:eIhis pitt posie, aund is just as suiitatblv-forl the' recepion of visitors as aiiy iarlor. -__________ thie grou:ndl if proptriety soniewhiat ridlicuilou:s? Friendtswho'h::lave visit ed t' ine a: tuee :unive'rsityv hasve iive:r fou:ndt faultawii t'p'evailinig coiiditionis in anly si-y, alt hi:igh liv'y hadl nnee tbee'n colleg:' studenvatis, aniitwvre ac- large city. In fact, tlieys' appeared: delightedl witi the rosy stuidies. This much niighit tbe idone. A few girls vwli::arve:ciige'nial :couldlcluib to:gethier and renti lie flvoor or a hoise, each tolling a room, one:1111' atbte apiartme'nii being iv'served:tfor a to the'ir iwn: last:esoil usedl for ill: reep'Itionl of visitors. Ini this wnay I theyc'utld reductheiiir rexpenses co:n- sideirabily, sec'ure'ampleaprivac'aind huet the fault-findlings o:f Mrs. fGruindy. Diii the parlor of a roomn- lng liouisi-frit:iichro:mos:on thi' watls alnt a sadi-eye'dipiano I in hecornier suiriimuitedIly family photos of te int agec of 18811 O:o:I Lord, Ic- liver Its! WVhatever'thi' outcome' if this lis- cuission: may tie, it is good to: hiar of the se'nsible andltactful alttitde if ill:'eprvesidlent tint thy'wovne's'vdeani. The lestinies of the girls at Mtichiganu are certainly in goodi haunts. \VOI.VFMIINE. ADELPHI SOCIETY 'l'b:' lprigrani for Fridayi9-evenIing wvill coinsist of pire'limiaiesv fur thei iile'rv::lt'gilr:aidebtat e. Alt sptii-vhi-s JUNIOR LAWS Viii. ;.,-iffany on itv'al Prhip:er:ty, ii =fCatlagian's. If Thhlde~ iri:of ilhe ItRhodeis schla~r- shil:for liv'estt co:f Kansas iwas re fuisi'ledenrance iiito St:: John's ecollege,. 5Ofoirdi, becauise lieuas iiit:a itmetiber of thlie Church of Englandt. - IION[ CO"1PANY 1. lid i i Thenam VARSITY DERBY Is th guaante of iuliiy. GOODSPEED'S 117 S. Stats St. Y[ou -are Not Fair} to your face' unless you sup- plyt it :with the creamy, heal- ing ltther of WILI M FS-VN BEST LOCAL SERVICE .ir.,r.,r.,ru..urvfili ei Mifiifa fif9' f'n fi'ii ".,ii~'g 'C^'nr "l'',"rv f'av iC'."ri'a i. .. fi'fi'a rf n'aneri aea ii .vaefiifi'fl ui avGOFFEE..* . a Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting Golden 1-io, per lb. - - I Sc Mlariaraba, per 11. 1 8c Pedang Java, per lb- 28c Arabian Mocha, per lb. 28c Dean&to.'sIBlend, pvr lb.,20c 2214 South Main St. DEAN & cO %la,'evi ha -Russell N. Conwell Henry Watterson John T. McCutcheon SOUSA'S BAND Gov. LaFollette Edward Bok Henry Van Dyke Leland T. Powers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest k ~Open' Number Ssonpicets$2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra Seaon icktsSingle Admission $1.00. You can secure tickets from student sellers or at Walhr's State street book store , First" Lecture: Oct. 19, Russell N. Conwell. lhe New Va~rsity Cigamr Store and Billiard Will be ready in a few days. We shiall lie pleased to niake the acquai-tance ouf the studeiit body Slid all others. Drop in and have a peep at ouir newv shore. 114 _1 wuuww~esw @oelqM ....~.eoeoi:Nl~.lfb~49H:E :1IiS..I 1:1Icl11II111III-. .DeFRIES' A RT STORE, Artistic Framing, z17 S. Fourth .Ave.