The Mvic iganl. r . VOL. XV . ANN ARBOR., MIH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER '21, 1904. No. 22 INT[RCAS FOOBA[[L SUPPORT Of [ACULTY fiASS NETIN6 POSTPONEDI Schedule of Games Announced- Pres. Angell Promises to Help the Bad Weather Spoiled Yesterdays Af- Seres Inaugurated Net Weeh Women's Leage in Their Effort fair-Will Be Held at Satr- -Stroog Teams is the to Improve Roomiog Hose days Game-nteresting Field. Situation. Scrimrmage. ithithtl 'airiivalo f thi inteiclass Ill(, ''approedmoxicomxc c i gnos''I The xunaccoodainicyweaher' ica fotal acsichcc omictlhe iisti1x- plan lor Micihigan iliviuiicw as s- soiilel the bi srging metlng iiiiiygpaci of class aihieics- Nol cused yesterday hi Presiidenitunies sciduleii fin'fery Fela yxsipi'dux evnt i ulinees beiweecopival13nel, ' 1in i xsoonnual ahdrexs 1atltrnoi. Atractel livtle poinlie rayteaiiii caiii compiar'e.withi t heli 'cepliosicgivenl li the oxn's of xa sciniiitixyc , god-szedcrowdxv 'Pmt howninxx thei iercl 'iv-asstio(- leagietlv arbcurgmn asxeimilexd aioindiiiii ri iroin, at vateriyI spriediaoilnext to the iiiisiiciiiixlii0 ield adi airain stom spi ivaxheav- aiixecofisoimuch iiixxiuliii late. ci Varityxi the iesiifootiall gall, lxe les J rx'a 'ct-i-t xxiai te l uortirxi ad Here' Hofx the x gy naium. Aboutil ourixxi I xv ie of teeat herv' conditioxsxici lihs er te cc'lxiile lpromiises xxx li xxir'uti yxcilicvxxat I 1oxxclicki nithle yclioiisedc xxidvxiihaiti oui bc ii x i Ican tsualp goodl.sxall the i irl ( C isweliAngll iha l tic liin be hlly toi atiemptliiany rootiiian am entered are t ii raix tunis. InP1' iitoiheIoocciichoseyroi anlpxstitned kil- ' ocx ccxxr iiexno Irehm c I paxl x cii c l Jt Xisxl]Burtin said:lil 'ciii Pt OP -' ie wth ii Vist ivaiorxies 11 i r liixleenPeaaxiirnscii 5ughI iiinlces0 tcci i nc is n x i]hiii.i thel pub' xi I'cci tlcs li lil iess,,xIlixe iide a oe ' vxices il l iisrve ie dclxihv neelte rcxoiicas ara ha odtos ar uh wroe f peaig th e m frj camionsip and lixlexxxi icc "ac's-xwocicexvheetanitheliiirctliy acc.i(lie IWiiscixigamand ccg elli ilg-t wil e aled itX: iisar o dtlacyix thelixgilspxliiei' h re.x' tis notxiacfothaliiiaffaic. xig i li iveniat e so itxend If ecry clix xooni oflight viiandi wrogit, iWhn ithe cxoxdilarrivdit cthe Fied lviiweverc frxomI tch elix' axd'i ntxx of iithy' fil, they ixfound xithe iLeairis lhaxidiatx 'iiutcci rsateix ois ag atin icalled x cclxiii ix oiiothericeduciational iil ititT balt txs yxxg x ive xte'F'arxp to the fact iithat all cccvii utxiratv. iltionc', ticoixecti oal ori girlsxto liiion ittexxcstis ' liyxr itit coad xliph xsi'cl x'aminicatii xxiioutci e at at llerxscin ixitesi the ixd they c mn'cedi'ai macii'ox ithev whli iich co 'o xviiil hs'e'llowedviitoxplax g ilh cxxeino. iThe facltyx tact dio c'xal lint (apa icci1lstixti i Longmancci Miiicii I--iOcobei-c' 5--'06iLt, oling iito c re x'dy it i x cditoun cccxi I-initnutici w 'r'e'Iepi out ofl the ,t17XLit.cWiatever is don 'e i si lxe donei bxx sic icyle Norxctssx tta i at all, Xlatch 'i2 - toberhic' tic -til - iite icle ( grl i heniselvx's liiiut i texi1s xwhilt' ilx'i'rxx' an' thecl ati C ar( li, vs li Mtedic. ln lii ll i v'he i cxcxti xof icpi ng oxc enedix 1lx' 1)'goixodlhols or li'VXix it latii I -Ocier xi37---'of, Pleg. xs. lixecondtitionciof affaisb' s kcxiiy xxx 'wile '~ xci xs' iiiomxxicne h o rktxc 17g-ccic'c'xl rcdx'iouilxxx mci t he mo l v emi x tixki till lixi i unifor xiii ixt aix ii I- Nolvemberxxv 1- '5 Law ixct wi lxxe cii iy live scupport1 acd lxoixnc vs l'USI ll. ttstro'ng -(i uixic iliyapipiriovxliof thle faculty.x Theii heI l eIis cc is cxw ex' ccitei'hi - laiii ty ill be tic sar' api'xtixci anionicg xx i, nt' part of liii'scimmage'c nd, x vs ri l I' . t"e i rl s skixncc that thlir rcitticic failcing ticc akccanotyai, forme o rfu Maitc i 5 sxv'cmbeii''3-~'iffLaiwttvs cixousesx ietstilli-ti iithli xi 5x ccxrcii acc x lu but lxii e vcc c xt i xad x i -yardx x iii erof mccc tl Ixiox cxr oomcc, ccxxiif this' i i cc' i ll 'Its hn. xhe Xaiy sticeiet a ier 'a Matchiixe --Nixx''ixlxi'i'4 - X'ilil 51'ofi iii' siixciatliv' itl' stlixis cxi ui x' 1gill;, Ibadc i t. i c n (,ingxtt ixt ouixchselsion-cs iaicli 2 vs. twinner'c'of match l ecxxi ccxxxi ai4. 'icxx I x' cdie sssx xi xs'sxc atct ,--No,-nbe , Winerof i'x.stecii Ange'l lxxpokeixitheii st xxxI o ixcilixgth le dummxny.f nita xh I; vs. wine'lriof iiaiii-li5. hisixoryvtif 'io-x'tiixatii in thex li ii_ lic cixO--Winn'riif mCxixi-Ici6 ivs.its.Ix ixldl ofithi lustx wxicmenii PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY witneri oflixf cltc-i7- who cliii i hiiix i oftei r liv gh chariilac-c ____ Altb I0i-i nneIriii ofii co-tch s0vxx tic andcinetsc hiolarshixth A xlsie- Prof. Go. Hen-p Deliveed a Lec illt'iiii ofi itt-li 9. xivncsx ofithixsxxfirsi t xome'ni lix'sixke tre BeforePistilogical Society - --i--liithe om na rsntsi ,xli x in cclie uinc on America and the English TENNIS TOURNAMENT STILL IN vxers iicy;xte ixxorcomixngscyxsu-Language PROGRESS. ccxxietc In xciclisioP'eidti Ange liialsox P 'ofe'ssxxc- Georxge' I hilixdelxivere'di' Oniiaxiccunt if thi'hd t ail hciiollvi - inof thexxirooming thous(- l-s I He' a xiii li' xxxipci 'Amccxxicac acixiilex only"; x th xitxxsitaii xi- t-i x 1lx' t'te yu l six] I nxexx befreixh l;t's iixlir n tou-camcnxn I. ti xxilrtb, ci l iii lis lxxuri xxxii Aii 5ov men.xiii oi ilxloiylxlsiii' i ' c ci p an hlxiii blayxed xif xs fxst xs telic e te-part'oflive= lix- 'ccto effext such I 1 e'eingict. H I ok iiprta pr its. ai chacie s is11ig co tem la~td ifollwcs liii'ritnults xiii tox datec'ac-cax t'ii lxxe cmet bylxxthixi ntireisuppocxliiifi ..xi I'l(, English iof Ametica ti'' a yutu' c fillxowts:xlix'faculty, ' sai I''eixdxntcx Aixellitiblenxdxofxxthelvarixcie xs oiiihelan- 1:c FISTCISS ' CLA hINGLEISI "bultxi e cc t nxciimcore ule yin I gesbruxglutthiIc i c c ury lxi)v ij' 1irst IR uidcti]laxries dfadthvnvi lactn-e ani possxilyhlii depe irt sx'tlerxs. i-acicixi -6-2x i n ay dfetdcxi aliy xci xis subjectcx of tlii.Iw ci xyisc "Trxcc''i.Ittpograpc yx andci clmaic - Kudtxi r- dlcauti ICIark defated shll ' siio c~x ixxlive"c ondlitin all xfectvxsli-e lih, iiut cni's- Piii Ixil Sheppri deeaeiAtePesdetii l'sadresipaws csandccxi olximxixterx hayen 11(:11s-2.(;uix;6-1 ciamo xtl-v teliv r~xlx 'ere 'served ccii pne-changicg inluxence upocithi ccital pat 1 seucu itxcnd R ud XlicNci xivefeaed ali wh 151. ixite ro , i xlthe ibaieccix "i oaxixnsndccxhIauxsxessixac's't1hc xxi xlix-:,;0-. f he gmnasiumcs acnd xhi arty xotix proinxc nux cxt ixci x xof Acerican iliOeuinti o lxinrmol dancuilcx11E nix.Ntix-hsaduig tiesec xix 5xi P145 liiiSXS'ilNGxi LS 6 oclock.cet, Egishtas spokenxx'inxc America F'i ir h undii I lxi" dfexavl Ophl l atedXtxx xicullixyxxx lesletnedi'xto he itheiimostxximxxxrxtaccx ixh~xxixxxi 'l X- ile 'Inus xx i ta ilt'XMxiss xaron sugiui'e0o ' is i t'iii'illit ~ l i ii tc 5b1 au bcfult l as d fa e it- ccixic ccuxi-anaixici" lix' ix aunx n huh .L. aixr il ea apa e "i iuxxiI oxucxrocxug luvavu i ithIs' cliii -hex win te'rlplthelix fluculuo " yeso S Se c lxini- l eeaed tisipurpoievcluciv-c as air xislrel xlgtn ctu uicil 'asuui'llx 1is favorab'l: lic lThei le xlguxtcsxerves ixas'vanuu adi s liiiy uulamo luorlnoxe l assmxxi teii ads - Fr tic x C llass iii- xvs. cl' Iiim viPlClarii sluibdy x'r feunwcsue tsanduhfo rh'id lilRobenixti l iii WiltfO5 a i'tiix Ihatd xci S n'iJoh ccSlmon vs.' hunt.lack l nesx A eXX'ngcu a i- or con- itsolvedcibyntccxci'; cn asasnon cxlii iiicr dCv's -LowIi t'iheric' . acu Iric. euloixTheueagi--uce dcen ,- iimu i ch gd x'xxxat s'e ifb xise halve rallost, not ucty of l i l t dull acu i A 'cvt c-n Ki cnca t so l y tx nvxc a re a a nd o ju i h a cis l lo l a dx leig su n sx' o f he ux c ld Siite Iuilxi cci Sa diOraw-Iti x'Ixrcaingenor 1db weefllows utlsoi' ap'mac'c whol c aslix n rxnfi'rex-n Ivicichic xiieNixl I 2 __________________ as,_ for_ rn- in it o cuco. 1.if5)--icail and lHac- _________________ ionx his at ua t alter. Ad behic', 'lii s.wneofNo. 21 (i--McNeil Norhwes'nlx'has nicaxgxraexl a furthec' Nurthweteirn ibanner accdlinsueliny lie01)lapprciaion offle hss tx-chue - THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Ithindto studuxecn txci reiducxdiraes saieidxxcpiienf hfeleu' encuc- IA ncumbexxr if ipillon cei' alto lioit bexspreadciipon tihe re' cordslt if' l 'acidiaxis flriapointihii meiitxci the I hoxux tandlarecbe in ipoeof xi'iy tiii'clast, pulihed hi'in dice ihiganyu Relxits tecolxarsipi maustfilec their iteuniversity pax cuxixrate. (Diyln ett h eevdpr alxixicatio wci ih Pri'sidheotxAcnyell he- - e i of oual ie nd.h 1cheex ir funrelhx'c'nilxx'c12.Each appllicani jIinintesotalasonjust inaxcytratecd lAMES E. WELCH, will Please slate in 'lilt liper, his aye r11cc nix-tin ytemccof clasnes, six as toI ALFRtED TODD,~t and ie dlatc if hislbirthdxay'. cumcre - evenly' distrihuci eIcurues and ,JESS P. PALMER (Signed). JAMES B. ANIIELL I riciaions ihrouchout the wnek.Committee. P R NNIOf the E xecuive Committee for a University of Michigan Union- ies Who Are Endeavoring to Eltabush New Organization. f Xoungistownc, . Sepi. 3 * Chirmipxanin14ner Cfuioilec f i t-xr Si- I actin rcPeuipt oftt f lxxiirl lfavor x'of Seeiler'7 ec-* * li xi xthe ipampi~llhlt rlaivc to* f lthe nive sit ofxicXhihgnu unio. Icannt tll ou homew * 'iad I aiuto learn thatc lu a hhst* f is i dlxxi- clxis xon coxii.IThis* f xiiixu som xtxig liii sicuixuhxhave* V noiehuh' ill-edineisvcco"uxIe $xheld xx- illh lii11,u txhe vingh 4 xlu' lix c4h Cicagoxi'ig''mdiiand I* If l loxx' 'dl iilike thavve *'i xi xixNviiihtyoui, ifpossihle,* f alittni tils tiioiict as I ave long* * lxx1iinliix''usuu-xiniu t.x acndi m iglcvt f lxxxioe o uxui wIcxidiueas to oumnit Yours c'orially 3 Il~IS L. itOtINSON * 'xxxl xix lxi ilike x-Ltlxnow h jxx stad 11c 1"rigthi' n-ucixciion ndlpearig for thei dinner.d'As staxtedill diii'circula' pelxxxru-iblit Ihis conix liv, i Janl uary,1904,the i hicgxccuxa Senior' soieyiiivitedl tiyeccmxmbehrs iiithe facuxity xle delegatcxvs Totisuncom- 11111e and"xiiIalsox ackxc'xtheux Friar, u-Ptasos IuPhagctes, Quad raniii, ii' liigxicllDxil iauditAlucoul lxxii a ists'isend xdeegates The Pslip -u' of this commciitee, an stated inte 'icnt esolution1 cllccg for al xucs toraizec'a -ucicoicat hi'?i xxxisixmilacrxxodie unincs of the EIu-lithi diii tilshicvuesiies, cd 'tiI nuxslvis uanxd H Iacvard; to loxrtdt ;xdapsxlx ci forc'secring a Mici- gau cub hosext clutelhomne cf this unoniad oh Pxcange forc'an ancal The deluga-esx chisenicand the osIll. cu elcte a lite fxlltoing Chairman, Prol 1-'.N Scoit; treas- urer P auullx '; secrear, E e Paliii c 'Pro-ixxxxs IR.iM. tWenley, H MBaeIR.Allun; iMx'srs.RR "-rSixles ucmithi, I. C' Corwin, 'lr rilt hos Smt, SEmry Thmaon Thi5111lon. Rotuics, XX' KXWill iams,'xlFrank.lxWXX'er, e.IJ. Stanley BtalevionIIxuGriver C' L. Dihhle, Will- icm Rcucxse'll arry Janmes E. R. Mar' 'thu-llI L. I"A.'Farnhamc, Curtis Evan, 1amvid 'uaidslet, Fredl Criupacer it - d H. PennymanuandlDhiB.iD. Evexry dx'parnmen, and almot 'vt-c,,- organcizatuitch in the luniersity, ar- r'x'plusu'iulc bylit' sx'u'eltegatxes THANKSGIVING GAME RUMORS A dxiispatch from Ctinccinnati, Ohio, yusterdy morxinchg satd ti hatcuJ.1.E. Riitr x an ialuimncuus of Princceton, vsi I thrughxy-inPcciatiien route for thi itiy, where' Ie iwil atemp ter brixeu"'ut axixxcfootbalgamectbe xxxw-e-c Xlici'x-n andulPrinceeton. Ritteri matte the' stxat'ementilin Cn-. innaxt iimxix' hereasonu tle Michetigan- xonmii "anxuxe mm-s clleluffwas e- xx e Mcliigxy'xx uskxe'ila bigger sae ofi thei-gatex rece'i'ptxsthatuaihutColum bia ctol ixmxi iiri- wiling Isgive. Xliuphxu xx wasOxofferedI Go per cent ot tin' gil-ePIcxihxx"."he sa, "huh asked 'o7..1a-;ing lxtoxoffxr hem 6,. andii I tiive'a reasonitoxxlieve that lthveythillcceputuxlx Ahout en of the Pricetonc xxiiciumcuni sith acompanypme, andiwemixcctyingxtloxarange thIs meetiI for tdle sport t1 hal s ccc iand to contrdi cx heelxv'-tIhat the east- erni cilleige'ueanms-fearthImwesterns" Alli xciii oii chntuic xare afloat con- cerninug a Thuanksixxinucg gami' for Xihciga',cuaccxithis'abouvudispach in soly auficxsamplex.u Manager Baird waxinxxChuicagoyeserdaycvo xtwas impohsxsibto as ceran ax to whehe thcri' isanyut' ruth in this latest. story.' Howmxvx'r, it seems more than, lihlxthh'tI cx' ill ytlhate a Thankis- givingx'"ame.Amchersi. nan als obhen smexntionedh a' a possibility.