The Michigan Dal VOL. XV. ANN ARBO., MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1904. No. 21 RUNAWAY fiAfrl "ACR[S O[ DIAMONDS" [ FOOBIA[ TODAY DINNIRICKIZS American Medics Get Worst Trounc- S. L. A Season opened-First Num-jOpen Practie and Mass Meeting at Information in Rtigjrd to Seats for tng Eser Sees on Ferry Fe~d- er Succesfl- Very Large ( Ferry Field This Afternoon- the .Mich,0an Union Score, 72 to 0-Game Fin- Crowd in Attend- Coach Yost Promises - Banquet- The ished in Darkness. ane. Lively Scrimmage. Receipts. Seencyttit to notitng twas the Last ietnittg a lags- atisnance An atllurg aftesrtoo's eteteain- tRecsipits r Ztenihcerslip dutsto c ht0sptatttc.scttte stithItwhichi Captain gaihere- i itt vttersity all Iit - at- tttttttis tfftri-it fotttball eittisiasts the Mihigin, t pin.atit tick-ts tit Hso antI ilis -en wecomeidu I tthe R s5)ll I. toite-l inteliii intg t Fetty Fieldttotay. Pittrte btit idtle iner ttittit- to ha itsfthe follot- a tIatts f ot t teAm rian tiliiat 1c-tre- of ttte- S. L. A. couses. It tf tte ritt i-s Coach Yist tas co- intg cmititit ti-i- Te ayitittitott oie Sctttiltyestecday-a f ter1noo011 I 1the5lect-itre mtaii ai deciet-itliand))1 te snetSto ae tdays tiracicc- o-i, tlisteniitliles tep tic) to teic tte- tv'1 e tc- suitn a hl'itt tot i-sit ncresaiti alttidanct- se sws tat a ad. in aitiion anontcs ttsthere sh- tip itr otie a r iio idt anl te flat thitere-Itouitchiditiw -.sie--cade gre tidal ocitetrtetst is bticg-lug tet iit- itt tie a scimmnag. I, i lo pivilieg-oft exchngigtheiiaashet the- teatmiavcraginig sbouttrieipintas in this ciourse of at tractiss by- te ilannd ito itlit a rohsing maiis nit-ctcouoitfoatttic esiisi tc idinne, a mtinuii1te ingtieiniiege.sic si tidet botdsy. The nos nagi-o-it iis o igandtitoci-ehearse- sitgs nt l ets-xiprtov i" that said coupon is pme- ITheflrst sitoci cariui in tis-ithan lit- ciingcatulatedili ttse-cutring a itt tietiion fiir te X\\Icotsin soleed efore 50tt"tickets (the capa- ickoff, iit just tol h rItoei tilswIs le Ititn- athelt therti. - iam i tl i iciat easi ts r of51 ci reI-ti T hi i xi cii t t cuiittreque s-t xs toare IHestn suic-ed Iroundtheitt hhesubect of te letue--"Acres andi lan~teit-hli-ll sqturtly htteeti tif iamondiiis," ll. oitultcikttuiies, asistedibyhi-?F J-Clakat-ittthaitiSithsis ito lbt-dlii i i'll'ti w he potits I TietMedtics atly got fom n ao lit Actibian tiosyscoftthI tich at lo-al rotec,Prof. A AStal y intiboxtt iiii 'ii rity.xiiBtll b isl- Scgte, and thei-lltitishoil oaf t e ie rtad minsofcGy lcondau, adoit a rthetinhandlsedxte ctni htsnatatlii ilno tsogetitaF lbc tatr ie ta herceso if r t e It iibsltlitcsar htetisil o osde nthn u aler leti-i drop. i "Octopus Grhtam founhtiotil 1 i ott f the Itas tlacts hr hud h n ipoe etf adsbcitos wa sittinig mtot befohl ie tcouttldttun ut scis iathandi- Itsrotin lg b ors ti- tig contest uttcrip1 ttti i-iboks art- iithe hatnds around, andInS twoiu tiore plas Mitcl- InIai tl XIIC ittitit s i s.T e n h t smente c-utsiasiii hei-so til t Itheolt i : fga hatt roliled iup anoither it-poinlts. qetiion et-il ainy our u ~tit t t i it ii e ati sittit -iittlitt a il otRitha t il, ilt" Tic lis d iii ii-- ti-ntt t selvcs sotutldlas-ittis. XAiiiI fiitin ye fsil o t ittot111 o t i lageii ter huit took thigs easy ail tiolledithlit I shal-it I wan-tidtt XXill I ltbe ii S tt ti itlt-e iiit i mts sits XXtlti ttussi, ("I1i I hle rois fe i hits-rat i it iiti-I d ttice II,-. are, ' ItMaishi-tl l -ittrr i itit lhei ndoats rt it t)pthrh thise -l t-il-innedd iiut ics yetis?' XX hi tt-it Iand S trdays gamte- stiith w'ext X F ir- i i' whoienverthisyi-toiliit notion. At ano tytiltale unduetinig it lift- oi utsoJ ms tim10 coutldt the isi0rs gain,. and fito tutd whertoit- areti tisltit itsit glut)tiltthis-tiotltctancet at it spec-______________ seealItimes tslide acks weetactk- -ndt emt yutic-it g. y ourtisifi-oners ott) itve to tatch this tie VARSITY DEBATERS OUT ~ld for host-p loss-. hIcuinhig teti t-whi-it-ouiua-e i iiineediecdiii.i"liit hi it wo itti th i-is 11 ii ts ii ttl-t-t fnltc tit ii ts co test. ociety Pelins'iins TIis Week- the-hali-wentiytrdsinteitoftinnArborrondtsadaititMany Old ~eaterk Back ho iti eait y-uus ts1 x tt itt u- ii sil x ti sion sh othtat X'isi-nsistis ittniiig. a-Musth New .Ma Right:itRa i oll os~ f t-ic Sat-ibittes n: ohe li-greit lsti ttee s hitrei i i teepe u-icffortt i ohau ihigaan astebetma ol h ta ,aniacoy whr poituetsm yfidAeil - sititiardi al -iootrs at- hbeginintoi teveral illitts hit- tsit-iaouda eiit ittnd i-t ofitetp1 om it itoticrti- oi ____ 1-lle I eson fiont tehuid. 1- lark ayt ei r It xpins-i s-i i w ihilt- in icolleg ite. isht ii hM) iit titi idilgit li-litrs are aOt I r 4ndchlagitinmd spuh t ft . is WiX~scnintiistokha omct Prsoln 115h siu tett1y 1)nns .A till)cernitof Iit his tind ouli ii iproivaei ofutut tit ii ite t-i aitig ot ihit-eas wo titt.h I ia for Mi~cigan, sldttheiwa-it-at- 0usut ast-tbttnt-it to te it - oil e d y. a debo he sar a d Sat iutluy Olithitt ixc-it-i-i-I ittiit ie Grahanm and Cortiis tp oslo itwed ) l it I il1uok1asli1ut-l0iirthpt9tit1xtti-citity.iua-is i-tti-- tlt i the etanklswas a sight ewortht scutun hu Inclsig hiie etart igthuhttt , aIi i hast et ur nledii- to itttoll iet ootisinar -uhf-h Cattait Hettonui rcsiedta dirty 1 a hutilip clseto u his otnrtilt he o-l swi fit- t (,. iii tt ttuI ii ii Iofi . i tthei tuu ciii o thit i ghi-tt -ye anilwsxtik lt i ntu- iq utttaiti : "lIt- -ts ltlistm s e uh - ticen sotleduanSithleatesti inistro meiaeeoenfo eartitly ii i e- C-arkt Ia tl ii cttoing whtuth inktsmots who It ls t ot-i ei t.uihiuxiey~ ) te: to ierr III "t tll ailll wo-riintig1ogu e t i-lit with he o teawaisuilaidC andoi titts besht- it ill b hi tihirud falittad see-ittii ...iii5 iteht uuind itt iutew. -A ston iig ct-tilt osiutyitehiiesi-tiat eli nuti s h t haul eurea liti n ratiettu.uA huh ETT R TO THE EDITOR tutn tituthume f tli Xisonsiin si-ciiiarhittst--it ii - h ad worked wit hitl)uagilile-Ihosnt-hetr tspectivei assist.n he v aaleto itwsall fftilhite i ttfiied, ut-s tuatuu-r t is titi~ ular- nttea t i ii- c uas-itug arns.Tit enl t i ihluu lit ufinastwl i Sen IOtute e n.ti-fItt t ig hthial. Itg hu5 ichi taltaysi appertoi iknow a mansT he- dluottu of 'Michigani siltlit-itobaly-te tu) - itet 'Peetie nerutt -of blui a t tu tsuu huu tI une it hittle itu-utn iihu'himutudlixi ve h i shu-it n tt th- c amonhipsf ihisth-matcuthut 01 wll euutiu- tii iheut t u-i- Medic rignuks tu hu tuluia. hiandi es iutttii hlicireatttetdtt i uit li itui ttu uuut ht- Schat su cu plte 105 us m-t out eut--ohtlls ilt pisthe urporiu au5 tX uonto i -ut-leae ut gto eu ni turnc lit n r s i gth o g ert rt-ue n lisaiiiiutt ssh i t gu-iin t (Iic aht fo Isocdwn o n1 t uteeer adt ilne h rsr~ sa ikesfrthmlweir n uuuuuuuiti tu itttty- o its w resi-tutu-(o cefo atuu hi sliitl lstxui ha 1 t hututut i t ttu atitlitii ofn fauiahatt half,10 0 l-htnut tiitheii- Islip h ic1h is ('xl - us tilln Iowdlutsie sith ave beliieiiiI uuuuui j li u iesrutivctnu iothose liii achout o fr ahut ethi he o nth ly throeu httigi hi p lie creci i ht ext i vtitu anciu il ltct u onlu-ittf Thul iesal h atu a sho ii u ullu and a alfimin ut I it thecn a f Itoh hio mthr t uhe t fa llwn t a utagul htiauil hiss al-itwstrtan iSocok.tisl h piiIO~lt st ine of iuu uft hhe Mehiso c-s- luut ii tult t0 -tihaveus it tno t ti l td leave of 1 - tu-i iuts huuitt- sit hietnI-iliuti u Iolutrsttu-eahu m h eitusIeuxi itt l soht ociloh I iisut-i-ts-t-,aulhulor I -t ttttsimple iireason tit I-]ut-ly t m htipalotm ent of titus stitsnit- -li l io he it So- hiy t -isntytinest han-idka hf hiut epstist hsttut'loht a k diftu Eihutti t Shtt aul o itillt s al ths et wht trl tt- 11 -~ liiiiin i t iii ~il 11i11 x itht hiss 1Oliht i ro r i n111hesi btlts (uhi emw ihIr nsl thsfanthis- boysu t inkitittmigtit i lla ted tolutt o arhudtofhuregue t ii are1Il bei t tu o t wesentug ile ixiun dx ineiiit ipOti. rluuuiux u-Iuttu- i hate hrug th. roerchnne te rei-andth cntr f te.fild Teu-r eltuimuoinah atuiinte Ielticuin fTuhie n tit I deuttunttsi t tu- hcut.uI tit reqy Iu-s tutila e o l m g r B id h s as ra g d(n ef stin sceis c m f 501 Ctleirh wee sl w on ofe se bsnetounr acdeitac 0 - itd-ysilo h t ntil inth e 1 ttt iai anl th titd ttftsotwasn a better. S ihe I WILLse CoMesiNrA oXre aR. Oe pts tolil u ndtl i cuss user he aer all-i- Intuit-olldilv_ my_ do tetytutun iebttut) uittaturd itt All xnes o fri. eirfit-c- ehut ]aidiDhi ,i bud- ri efy, s veaimnusla c . i h e hnh vc*d e a y w r n d - hhey t ngsh thsisk autaflet anith lui ueti hycuuloi piiil ay iu'f x a silro thei an hsofsts hhan hendnisors t e oadSoflcp u d I ril oaketheo nt ruinl Are $1ut o 2 I iu siuusuist- enarai- ih t i n thte no li t st utituc s nir u i~pan o k r of 1 an rs s th eq et mcut- sete'y toithoee ho se i lueco e, undlS 00 st-ho jei t are d iirttie* Ittu ii t dt Usetatso hst the hr a i ttb'tk-kithus otime loifnenet XXrine sbrto ssel eosng ucM Cdisc at dian ciii n Iiuh lninaiiii Tuheutra sit i l-is by otutu i t itisu u o ta ui isd ti essuor pu19111d p5lig t. A veptt li a ul -a ri- valualeu thSd -i-csi- t tu-ut-emen tGraham i th e 15-ro dau int.s H st o nIhu e ______________ Vast;iat oiuppr~siuoliu Ope uth r tCLUBh NOTIreta r u 'whclr t-ilh cciottsu l o utlu tt- c iiodsutheu 'Vistoi th a 4111 utat lft1uut frlarel;k____thenhel ttitookcupt iiuishr-e)1 1 11 I iithi IIl iniu charge anduin st N tn saimiueuthe.adTt o c t cmliyf be Csell esto p-WILL-tCOMEsi BO .oe-'itsii 1iscr mi- us o-tPulesu thc uts s tthe sr-sir, elaci-uthaelIehavaeeightr had allinte te u linghplyrtaAnAuhe tith they tuob tailld Isn thehu se s kic ed sse.T hsit-iisa__fair__sample__A__box u-irs-wiiil1betutheu-ti-nutuof of f ilne tlfthe am . tennive hhers po itch li i gh rsot.aht-essilln his Analcu rboigi ftli XISnl aans orh~ei lodcsMihgaR.OcoucM. I151atNih l hlt ull sihutoeow eitys fthCio -Michg a n -h:P) euu-h 1usderlu nitp-ii pothlt andhuh nIt selo -nd E -alfeopeutto sw 2 t Otreet 90in reiul c. C ii stt-hl te t e tith guuhucuttill year, 15but here'n[ he had en ug . Riens lDOUT E N CU B O TIACEP o rat edo in theoCocago olos . tot it went.-i - Uat T]ft Cuend sfor arick;T tt ,m Y~ n m n t e ones... -- -L. . u-ts-Ptck" Wlcox =M" SWEATER STOLEN- Swartd.- C.-.....Schutzi Ete R.G- I ......Carther Sole. fouco ter 5 o'clock-yessterday Cowan .... R .....Gaa Qisl -....R. E. .. HS Hamnuuuhtti.a rue uhrof 4 ttMichisan tradk Qil.... Q - ....ocross U3'U," ti-amwse--ustolutifromua liok e in Biecker T h e V ftl LVe~rsiL3 -X nI Yn - "p0111 uun No susicion icheil-...L. H. ..Caph t.ston carest isith thc Chtcsgo vsitors, Mlagoiffini a- thueshaul. left. thu gymnasliumli ie- C nroul RH hrt- -- - fare 11the ac luaun,5wlou fur 551rlouis De Pre Stuat 1rlasonxsc toes t ksh liti asue men- Capt. Longalcor... F - ...H.XWeek-is tti lus adul sefo fr hisuts ual ToiuIcdowns-Clark 4,XWees 3, 1 /lfa"1i()f excic6 iin' ghu-sni - As yel tauonLxxasibuti sutspuected Carter 1,Heston 1, Curtis I, Rhins- chihit I Patrickt1I Maptuffiit1I Goals of thetuhef t buit thuelboys aseeuoing Curtis i5,Xtagoffin 2. Umpire-Fish- a liit le-ete s-i tiwosk aut "sosuldt 1 igh Referee-Hollister. Time ofI the cuit beltIi cautght hoetrill stuffsr. 1hatvs-_20 and 1 1-2 minuttet. for- Lu--crime