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October 19, 1904 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-19

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I Hog~s m~ uprply Store
+ I <r
Corner !M!ain and Washing-ton Streets+ tM
Fs 'is Palocks,-> TVs o IlBaskcts, IBrnshes, Card Racks,
Prerid ' okthOoink', ;'olcos.4Scissors, 'Tacks, Pictures, Ash
isi'l V 1 i t'-, Sm kiip Sits, Soaps, Towels, Strops and
lipo IRaclos at iopmir p1 to. lbThs is the iplace.
0 4E. G. HOAG. 4 5
y rd urate. cet o aswh f"
7 !4 ta: , y --rJ.Tr'' t O.}rad4!a-e .l *+ N e-nosf a hley ,} ~
F- 4a 4 6 ~. 4f4 - .t k4f 41 44 *1 111 f 51i Y Se
4 -a N ii 0 iltilih
a+G fi -n -11015-ir 05 'u
L~iirlid roeTai~rin~Trad, 104Ii t.uro
i t n.I *t. ...a. ... ... 4.'I +.s a
Fall Fashions are Ripey
Suits = Top Coats = Rain Coats
Frm(hewoleo-saltail or-; ose eof
o RochesterNY. ',
It stoat ing he-latest iimpoveod
! dos]-11",are now heado. TV {y
htave mxctu-i v sale (it I.. A. B.
& Co. clot lung in tislocalit.e h r mr hnodn
arily tparticular ahoat tie style ;
and tit ot their clothes are csc-
peetilinv iutoilto inspec't these.
tpcoduetsof 1 t-oehter'toostap
rto-late lotlitlt; 1manufac0tory.
Wadhamns, Ryan & Reule
Oh Wool-..'..
13N o iA in'.+j
(liiict' aticyi
14,.. +++ +2*tA b+$ I+k. -I
R 3Spauldin's Official Intercollegiate SttAV ACAK DOWN TOWN 4 GEORGE BISCHIOFF
L ( ' OO~IAL ~:FLORIST Choice Cut Flowers and
- Used loy SllLeadng Colleges Plans ++
Foot all antsLacefron. 2. Watches, Clocks, .I+(_ hin fn. iie~enin),ofit, andi+
"., eou ,~tii~o ot~4 Jewelry Repaired .H..-".....:
New York Chicago Denser (Ii y in i t\vts i -iioc h oclce 1r ide - u
1ti,,11. , I -'boralii itro $1.0Stare Clocks PrerFunanee
10 Sooldoogs Oficial Football Guide go soanlendot toiii ter
For 0904
J11- O AC. W '. i: r] i " Ior(' 1)~. Pie0 .F. SCHlLEEDE, 346 5. State Sireet, I at
KaI+...e ~ . ''.=0' ann's D~rug Store
t lCa- 7; 1 104'(-: 11, X1i 3i ~ i 1 111 1(
Alle 's nd i$1e C ote
L LEN '1'1ti1T HE CLOttsr ri11 'THIER1
Matt :lIitltw ~''in S1or;1it
ALUMNI LETTER Reading notices, except to Unover-
ii ii i~o e(1w iio ile tiioi coiimmit- sity organizations, one cent a word 1Y0101011n't inns lhut o'cloick it yoiu
Oat t ait ift nonI loseper issue, payable strictly in advancehao010ii0(
iolr c il (a.The siicripton to the Business Manager only.. Uni-DOLLAR ALARM CLOCKS
i~l initlswi h o e stte hre versity organizations allowed one no- J . . IBIIIR, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty.
%III'lo5{. tice free. tf.
'liti itiy oi l dictigali, _________________-__
Board ii ofgentts, PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. *
it iilniii ii chloI., Se. S6, 14._____ * You. car. go .
St l ir I hvere11ce iitiied lyou iitciiloloical society iiill euici i l i J 4 L A
I it i ifthe ithiinti., reltiveiio a i ITiiiisd011 e 0000(10, tOcitoer2o inth q At Tsatl's. 3 8S tt
ni~ni to inaguate a unioall(] , iiZc51(138t S.tiStateot
Ii dacu ho si-at the ni ve (11rsilty Proiessoir Geiorgie tofleiic I soill lto-
t i : ilii t 1 1all 00a i I ihav itcaiifutl10rod (ill0 (on "Amic(a ani thItic 1-Buswc i("ia yn ecos~.1 o' angae~Tesctyhsxtndeh e
I 1111nictcha clib(anid(u(io0n101ryt Hempiel1.REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS
iii iii lito ithe lunivrsity. 1 hnoeFloe Cigars and Tobaccos.
i (o a iai si libe comltediitat "i lei'Troubaodtour"ars plnaI edt by Jis. 00. tih, Prop., 1115s. st1e1(11'
!in, . itfIf (inl ligible iiIllitc (1 tom i c cioo lI0ti5le ~ln-a uh
teaaeyocstaStranit,1\).ild I IInicjoin. Antsway, t1isitt maldsa deidelit i. 'Phisoireli-sira DARLING C& 1VALLEAUTX....
itn . lt i}i } °1otiiilltio101 t11o1art stat- lin..has se11rIllit 1100sto i rdu e hs
]' weekIi/iill ~ solt, ":li- 'rairie Qoocs ((adiiint.'Oiio MIichigain Pillows, Pennants
P.111(.0WHITE Iliuwn1-'om111(1Bitl ; Fig Ii tre"io'-ii zmad Room Decorations.
e t ~~'lE ttlue. .226 South State atreet
1,,(*past t iels tins 5011ee 001 from_
to1 ii i Ii-ucai(1-irgiat 1iirli lsc i i (lsOnlii CMutioou OF DANCINGi
-n I oy'da teStI-i'slatt lndsrt 111 ics'e\\ednsdiayt- . ., o oms 6, \Westi ti-ldi o 00151M 11nard tree. os bc k
(l(srj >o -dnc.O h ixt ~y NOTICE.il
Granger's Academy, Pheone, 246
liii 1h111 bieti at the isl-_____
and th past i o y -rs, il 110---'ty-n w r he C('h-lualsgon hOrchtb ras williit 1(11 1tuiii ,.i1(-l~ cO uoi 110
Ir°,.i ;11.witha the 1hi lp of gooid ptat fow 'rof. Sconi's pengram assetin- ile o1
1111 til pseditckly111. oles, TW-dnesday even1ingsi. !Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes
orr'' aare e l ii.tittIe city.
cati fe'lit Laos Go to Cushisg's fnorIteraheys & ' FINE LUONCHELS IN CONNECTION
tii 111 atu iw(111 toeiteil-iclass Cailler's Milk Chocolate. lb,-tifu T l
t((~.SN11t ( it d \'hioee le'0 , Santd01 11 liii10. It. II.Pps
il nGet tour Gym supplies at Cashing's. 608 S. State St., R. E. JOLLY
. <.:: :. n r.ww ;; ; .:, 4. 1 0 0* <*. ee oe~e*e.*®e.eeeeN*reeae* * eeeeee ee-eeee
You illalwas fnd he rghtthig attherigt tie a th
New loth ng a d Ha erd sher Stoes o _
EveryNewtClothinew and Hahirdashsrn'storeseof
O' OO~ oeeooooo21-123ooeooSOiJII ANSN iil
. 'flue ilarCEa muFl-ai
with SdirectconcinatCcgofr
the Louis KanisaisCity, Si. Phuint a
trnogh.1 tilts call oniorit'ectloil '.
WCASE, Agent, Ann Arhnr.
Rwe's Laundry I. F. SCHUJH, Sanitary Plumbing, THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
Electric connstrouctionoand suppllies AN01 S10AM0100110N1S.
Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and
326 N. Fifth Ave. Electric fixtures, steatm and hnt
Mo'eli Ot (~t'uo' sI. water heating. TIME TABLE-Taking effect Sepne 25. 1944
--202' F. Washington St. 5110510c~f
-- +- 1110- a. . A r. *- 5 I 12 ntn.
Funeral -' -- (1 1-.. (( ll-. . - i 1 l..
0.s 11.nl. 0-artill irector P O T1O G R APHS - -lnillul 011,0111
-*1alo i i udyu".e xo5 (10 u-ooco Aun i.ie
Clfii -,+?( ( to' I L . 01111. .,..n Call at a 1 Toldo i 'hl(out Ih tra os dailt ctx a. p
leidec Stl3102O S. 5th Ave. Phone 3t4.
Ambulance on tall.
316 South Main It.
10111 Tolud-i. F--- chair c-s'onNous.1oaodl4.
iV. T. ILLIS,1 t.,O.
.. 5. FtBlY. G. Y. A., Anoo Arhiir, Midit.
'Toledo. Ollio.

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