Daily xToo~~ xv. [AS frll- J( AE V rstty e- College Medc o - ig C To ey- The Li U, ANN ARIIO., MICH., \VNDN ~SDAY, OCTOIIER 19, 1904. NOTED JAPANESE [IRSI ANNEAL DINNER of Theze Arc, Dear of Womens Uni- Michigan Union Banquet To Be Given :51-7 ci foLio. Studied Mich- November it-Arrange- goon Co-Educational meets Are in Prog- System. moo. iii liii sin-ic Xliii Xrliso tics 00- Cli OttiliCi i-lull lOOCilit 0 Clii Ito litiiitt iii ill li iiiie lo liii tlitiiii-r intl be itO ii till ii i dliii liii e liii ec be cci ititig of I his iii iiiih lb lice hits geste trill be li-i-- iii itit ii Iiiiiiiiii tOOth 01 91.1111 ']li Vi it II 'till ooli tie itch I lie- titettibersltiti -, iii Ii ii iii ii lii ilittIti t. cii tite-ited liii' lie iii Ii' it 011111 liii liii liii ci e- I ii tue Ii lie iuiiliiiVittg i-u tiritteel .. cii 0 iii iii lit cow l lliiiloiIi sian lii uieliiti.oui 'or a liricee ii liii tioci I cciii isilui s i liii lug lie lie-tier 0 -ittesil tie first iii lii i i I i 1 cii o ogli -in lie-icc i--I ilitici I ot lii Uttivorsily of i-cit-c in gui-lu--au I itiic itt XX iti-rolaul gytti- No. 20 CI1ICA6O [[II[R - Stagg's Football Prospects Ensourag- log-Inter-collegiate Cross-Coun- try Race Thanksgiving Day- Republican Club Organized. thiccguu, Itt., Oct. 17, 1904. 'there riiittit tit- nii toocer' en-itt 'see lie existe-tue-ic of gcoit foeting tao- iweoti Michigaut and Chicago titan lie- titititicat his of ixohasge tot ictro lit be laity tiattets iii tiiitli luistitotiotic. The cuisisni is a Isitoatar otie at Clii- cogo, aiiil is rettewed with mccli coil tactioti. Note, chile football hotilo the con- tat Illisitilin itt isesiern coltege life, tue-oltatus Cuticitigati reatlers wilt ho itiltet ititOre-si oil to teerti sif the S1 ii i'tl ~ci- 1 hut ii I - liii Ott I iii ii itt liii ii ii ci' -i iii iii iii ii iii ii'-' -lii.,i liii I iii- iiliiii i teat1 tilt11 i~ -e (it liii -Xli luti--~ cii - it I it11 it ciii '0 ii iii lit iii toil - ilitic ii I e I -it -ii ii iii iii '-tilts ii liii liii fit1 '~litiii. teltigi Sti1~11 II 'still Xlii XX iii ii tilt o I i~ti iii- Ut' -itt-- ii- i-i itt' - 'ii- 1>1111 itt-i' titti ti-c'. as itt-ti 115 tIle e-iitictt - tti-iititt.Noetttcioi' It - tittinittoil it 5 sit tittiltiti at Clilcags. At tirosctit the iii itettito Cliii tielcot s I lie ca- - tirostit-ot c-are iloclitettly encitoraging. 'i-cCitt' '1015 itittitici .iopocsittitcu-o ci- stritles i ii tititesi - i - - if tie gutttttasitittiu - tacit bees the tiractice games hate sitticoti iii iCt ii- 11 tilt 11101110' t Ito ttiliO itillir ti-oil f a cittittoil- Ticicet s mity' bit se-ccrod sietity- tirogrecs itt cite ilonelotiment eeeeeeeeeeeeeI ittttctiiti liii- netirtil. Cretin tile- diet c si tie t'tiiiiti cittiticilt ct ito team, anti tltrce tttonnhcrc of 1110- ito i-re - i 5 ittittit iii liii ri gri-solno toes tin treotitit itt the ct/c 01 ebe lie Big Nine," Indiatta, Iowa and ct 1 .1110 iii ii iii liii e itt lit- fittititi gyuacstiitttti lice cettintitil let' tittittit lint Pitriltie, have been defeceed by com- -1 CX'' 'ii invilto iii it I Xno tetiti toe it oouist ettitti ci iii title ti tnt it i site titriatile- scores. the game with 11111 11111 iii iii i ii it-cIt - i-itt-ti its itt- -ttti-rtituiotit i lOititir inn it it ititte toilet bec tsstteit 15 Ntirtllwtcseern nose Saturday is cc- itisiClilitO oette'tite itteottitiatibte ni tilt titi iii tilO "artleil as a critical hue-. 'l'be clii- -ci icc- i e tot it -itt I tIll it tin fur itt-ate ettirit 01 the 1 itilttt I cit tile t tite le- rivalry bet nnoon Nttttltsseciertt 11111 ii - iii- I cciii - itt toe iii- ni-lu if'' 1-it I 1111111 iii ci seine it titlist lii hut fliticagit itin-ariatity- mates elte iii iii 15 - iii- 111111 ii' ii hut iii tic 'itluitut iii. -t iii- loll ecu' uuhuti , 5 se teote I tutu cst etuuse aol hatit-fotught. atud iii of tacit c-sc unit I tit~se inn it e site fin it Ito unituiril euf had gautuos rarely silty 1 ti-ru-. Mr isit tue tutu ittltercc itt his e-uuuuuuuuiu ii e is hi utile ii shuttles a uttaugiut of niuiro titan tuuto ii tilt --'uiuuu-'u''u'uu' ii tic u-ut nuit ii I hut l'ittstit-ie to stultsii'itut ciii 111111 Ins at Itie canto uuuucluiluust'us tot- lie it-inning foam. iii' tel tutu hut- titirut' out unit- so oteryuuuie wilt tie Ut Ott aui OVitite- iliet maui strength of tho cciii-- iii' itt iii' l~uucitic e uttuti itlututt rutunit y' iii tuiircliaso bus teauti tie-s iii the bade fielil, Stagg las uuui-uuihtorsliiti I iclcui autut eseltatigo the lii out suuccescftul in working up mitch EXCURSION TO MADISON suite for it tiotnot iii ihe uttuisir bettor tine ub, n was hupeul for earlier _________ eiuiuuuiiittoe huts 11111 slit stilts tOt in lie seasiun. The lute nuatetial, how- 11-1 tnt naser Baird Seoured Eight Dollar iluuuse isluut are iii auionut liii tInner eter, is scarce anil in a lar'e utegree ickets on Sale This iii lit sigiteut cutut ihotuuisuieui iii the inexllerienced. It is in this depart- titucuic I k-Siuiging Meeting I uuuuuuu huts in lutisorsiti hut Tue utiotul otuat clue team has suffered flue ii Thu oday oiuuiiutiittee routnosts luau lie cc i-tilts hteasiost tiuss, trots the faitutre of old _________ rigaruloui, as sit utuatin ii gute sic iutay'ors to return. tilliril tells iii et tilt 11ii5 I tilt 5~ is lituit- ccuuoue' itt ii tin atuittutti liii- 'itie-liig'uii - atuti uuuuuiur-grauluuotcs lb it it wilt tue flirouigh the inucmumentality of the ii teliCl- yost cruluty' ihul e icoti tisiuior any ihin~ bitt oss-Cuutintry club, an incer-coliegiate tics-i-ut niry race has been arranged ii ii Ni Ii ittutututiti' s a tutu- ci eugiut liutul shibsetithtiuiti t' tilt- stunting of Thauuhsgiving - ' - - ii utlinuiti 111th iltiutil tier 1 tue X it-itt-il 5I)uutit the thinner tutu- the hay'. Xii assoeiatiuuui of wencueun uni- - '1cr' 1 ''alit' eX situ-c-u-it rh-n neiti liuccotil cut I Iliuce is Ito sue itoh iltiut otigit -mu es lun(t estloges has been formed u-u-i.- ci cOt i 1 iii I -o-- oXuiti ly itufiut tutu-ut Cu lutist iii tue hilt lose ritig ito ltii5t suununuct, auth it is ii ott. ii h-rut i-ut- itt--lit liuttire' Ito itt liii- Si ci -u tutu al ii tutu et us iii cati luotuout iiuae the anututal cross-country c-ic' i ciii it iuti till eli' t I uie..uuuiu2~o~7uui toes-c hut hi aluunato hucaits cutut tutu ce may- luecotne one of the great objects athuteule evosts the year. All of tutu' lii. tueluti K Suits ii ii uuuuuruuiuu itt ulie I its eustey ci Michigaui 5i05 itto Big Nino' have signitied choir tutu lie situ i tal still he-lute' tutu hue Iuiesutit heir aeruuuoiutishtsu. teniton In outer teams, stud a sum- ' - ' - - ill. u itt-itt tilt ii ouuiluhat u - ihicutihi ocry I r if itustitueiuiuis luaso accehuleth the iii all bull citit 11111 these us uuu u suahetush a u-it at leuti tuu liaruiciluate-. hut alt, four- - tic ii itt' ut u-i--u u - tel ~; u-i tuan-utug -itt -inuitiut aulti ring on letuins is-itt lurobably couailiefo for ue~ it tutu tue liii 1111 - 'uiuuiuuiat' - 'lug-eu tilt-ut iii hue- oil- uui eutue' lute e'uuffrreui. 'ho esutuse chtuisen till> it iii liii e aut uutu iii itch lie-- itoh tail guntoc Aeouuu Ito' t~- race- ties atouig the Midway ii lii iii ii uluetutusing oh lucilets autul thuruuutgtu Jacic -out Ian, - nd is ho- tic t itt-li ~ i~ cutiut cuts at hue latuies he ocut six anul sticen nuiles in length. - ii iuu cee.uuuul a urge- thug Nuireutuber it is iii hue a i-totiuihutican tudetuco in che UnDer: tile t uuuuuuu hat ec~te-uui Au Int'l cii uuuuuc lu-ruth list u lass ii sit eu-ut sun-tIC shy luano orgatuizeut a 0. 0. P. club, ii -~ iN1' r stuptiuutO is duo vi ~ Q :eu ecuiu a snicut atomuutus it ill cs hint it is oxhuected, will be flie be- ltuaetottucttr at ~ ~1W~N~ guturuhuig of a Rehteubtiecs movement in sit' it hi ne-rn tie tt s ci situ i aettuat cs st-ill site-alt utuatty- vosuorut uisiversitios. 'Phe for- I i 5' 1 huts ii e le it ulli stilt ihiotti lii hi uuiuisiltui auth suiut ulto 'Varsity- titauloti uuf clue etch v-as suggested by liii hut lets list ~ lie ~h. ii it luauiti i3sucio chits ciii le lIeu's i-u-stutivu-ul trout political man- tilt tout In ciun.s atiul m ii clue iii hut tue ru-cell lie- a re-at ''ulutiner -- ecullege- tecnuuiuc in the Reituibhican - icc u-Sit ilicit 15 M -iii~raigii nt-one. tietsgates hate beout ru-it itreut. iXis te'luigsii i-uuiluuueing lie' ecu gee-si ituti oh tutu Iluiui c-oil-ti tut aticutul the lnuiiuunnluotis ccii- u-tutu situ is ~ litciciiueuuuu, liii- uiuuuuuuuu hiss u hues ii 'ii 5 tu'uuuuei'r thictut list hut titus iii iluti uu f hietututalicaut clubs, October -c ce' liii' tt'ruiie'iuutticis ye-at' cusillul sutuil itt suutisutritul isut tItus anut is lull ulull ulituner TIle- elsuinses luui e lie iii suu li-ills 011 tutu 555th gruuuuiiuis Iliturat ultat alt tutiatiltial lOSe titles thue lets' f -aisute of the camtuuus 15 u-rite u et 'C' tuetuch Locatouh directly in I tutU hurt uuf tuace- teen sivetit utit'luy', autut Ito eom lit' iltisurculill- iii utiouti. liii toe- it-ill tuu- outaluieti 10 ci5 c ~ hut tuf tuulib hiatt, the mats recitation - tisicur Clviii luictuig sutul- tuit-oti iou uusuuulty' fsuuuuuut al s u~ttar ultuiluug, it is hue cetuter of congro- ii tic-tic itt-itt ill' hull hiatt i I heanquuu it tutu for c ututuits tutafers - The sow uiuuuuuuuu tate ,sslcuut feur ocit tte-uii'hiihorin-es its nant - from clue fact hg-u hunt u-is tutu it is uuuutuuuosuuutu iuuu tue ruusu ni it is slualuest in the feurm of a - ut-u it ut lie- iii - I I I su thu ifs' ill I tue -utuuuuusu it-hut anti to iuuieuoheil 1st hue clue rallying hits luau nu ii hue in Attn Xrtuuuu at lute I sue anti shut futruituc-uu-air uuiu-eiiuigs of Chicago ci XC iii cut tIlt 5 11111 1 Ii ii --uuuuu I tutu I - 'ill leisure to ailetiut Ilue sluuuuiou tuutents 11111 lii iuu I hun iuuauie' en' u-ri' Thtiusi sit hut u-sue-eu 1 rutututs slusuuutut tutur 'Itlo ttsyuuuuhets chub cuctohircteuh itg - in its a ii I lulliti her thu-ni cci antuiserslcry huy a smolcer, held C ti-iou hut- II in- rocutur n it-h itt--eu iii 'Is liuuuuulu e ii seulc is iii tue seutut ho tutu Ft-luau- esetnitug Ocuoluet 10. Ad- cit ii tic ii tilt 1 utiustuic liii' iteteut' ate- huue-luu-cui 5 - i toil tot unhuets it tile iss hilly uluessus isete- uiiiiivuieuh luy several - lie- rutuuiaising ituru'u hioudreel is-itt be tacuitiy' mesubors, a 'dust turogram,' Xc C ~ct ut-lu hush tilts etuuuuse-uui eel let tufferutul is ilie uusder-grnuiuuaies uuusiuuuiiuig songs jigs autel monologuoo, VA RCkD itito iliuttun nut"0 uncurl te 111th out ii is Roeeittus anut licileuc may hue 11cr- teas carried through anti a hittlo Clii- i hlhtiut I thu iilli'u a uauuuuusier siulgiuig uthisseut Tituirsutay muursing fruim Ohio caguu cheering was inettulged in, to me- 1 herry Fit-lu hi lure-tuara- fuuiiuuneisg't 'Dibiiy Otain Ricluarul uuuiuuuh ho unenuluern of clue foolbath -tutu uu~ u-u- -~ huh hull 1 lie- lute gaulle tiuts uvill hue Kiril '11111' Daisy- Freul f'ruunuiuacter. ueuusu thai ulue- chili is behisul them. iii lIttle ri- its-u luufuurc tic 'isuni'' Sinims XViIiiasu Russell C I~ XXhueuu hue uuruugrauuu teas esuncluided a U '--uuuc---uuuu I Ii icu rgu- tuiruituuti uttiul tutu c-il- ititululit 'lhotu' hiarior. K R Marshall ge-iuurat auhjouuruuuuueuut v-as nande to the I lutist i-thu ulutut tug ure estuecleut flusrry' lame - utiusic rosuni hut the is-surds of Dean ii sir clcuuulc u-u iuig~ trill luo lintel uuexc Xtinceuuc. the witty siteaker of the c--lu eu-luiuul it eel RUSSELL H CONWELL WILL eveuuisg hue r ut-paint frahupo was lit thu LECTURE. ahululioul to 'in lituto modest interior -ii ututul hiti' i'tutluuluigteoi suueieu y' tilt huuuue _________ it cot-al tug accomunanied by cigar ugulilun thietOt tug ftuuuneuluuy This e-vs-uuing - n Dii sell H Con- cicturecies , nsh caruls The Reynolds 11111 1 Itt--lu c-n u-tutu- luotuiten juu uut Cc tO chianti in tech tutu utuctiien a teciutrut in gTnin-er- ntuulu inciuuutec is its meusborshil a hr Ito uuuuu'uuu tatupcsti hiatt. Pruu fessuir sily hiatt utnuter the atushuices of the large lurohuortios uhf che men of the 'tutu stilt leutiti ru-ut ii 'Auuuctr- Siutututuit Lustuire ne -ocialiuuuu As this titus-er -fly It occuhul 5 a spacious hiss I liii ce ci I utuil I lie tttigi isli h~aui5--tin-ge.' Alt is hue tirsi nuimluer oti the esuirse ash c uhune-esisury dub house on tho cam- tutu tilt liii tutu-u u-st uul art' ceurdiathy iuuthueut to be onu of tue - irsusge. I ii U exhuectod lulls. tusut luau among its attractive. tea- tuiesunt that a large audionce will ho prosooL (Continoed on page two) DEBATERS WA hicu Ic ant ehilusiti hut1 ciciuc c CCi eat lie iii liii tin -alt ut Cl tIc 01 itt r -- 1111 SCHOLADS~tg5 AX ii insis ii se'luuulcttc hit I is' lit' u-u - thu-u-u 'sst iii u-uuiuitlt -in ''l0uutl1tiiu hut hI Outiulcuc Ci cilci it. iN' hit I I i-lcd -cii- iii tul 1uu lu-i hull 1 lIiit'i't'5c15 luau i Cii hiuliult CC'. fialti ccl, iii eu huh liii 1,111 - s hut he itt tile school