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October 18, 1904 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-18

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i"Te aparel off j i'cloirrs fthe mss.''-SIekespear. +A
MACK & CO.'S Banneirs andu PennantsL
We have HART, SCIOAIFNRR & MARx and many other famous +
fmakes of Suits, Overcoats, Rain Coats and Peg Top Trousers U. of M. and all Fraternity Colors--also Pennants and Banners of all
fl Other Colleges.
±Ask to see the "Surtout." It's the swellest thing that ever
+appeared in an overcoat. Leek for !SP[CIAL PRICES 1TH1S WEEK
the i. . AM. lbelsmal thng o lok fr-bg ting o fed.Visit our Baeient and Drapery Department for every thing needful
LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. i'OR ROO"1 D[CORATION.
" 3 kNi~iriir"r- ~. 7 k F3 3++4 ,Fe.......-..-...- ..--.--. ._.-___ -.-.
1* ' ] ttt AN P tailors iusd, to le
sn.1Loey Loaned,,. - N/ 1enttled to the iripcs
ensssct sot of togs than read-y
and all tHigh lasc1. attsel atowears heir stles ae a season '
and Citiateraii sti.Oiits 'iiiadsvance The number of suits .
'W.. LOURIM. 3s $'tliesiiik f any one pattern of
i y4 ilslo iltit ±o h est'sbttthe ii' lt titni c '4 i
555ei k th ii to 5 I s-e s' ~s.stie3ItO.3;- A NEW QUARTER SIZE
0°les SrctyCnnl nla College Braind Sisits ,A RROA
Bja 14R Sr here.tl Cofdnia.{1 CENTS EACH ;2 FOR 25 CENTS
G RAN fki E R'S .. WArseI[eAe
01 , DANCINGtom shop55 idea5trasltsdif
isy 55. 5, 0. & Cii _n_________iii"_,try.__fir
l"adol csssirdS tresssi iok 8 Iwstt at tlsE I.TU NA E T.U O . REPUBierltLCA o ret C/ND esjW I!/ei.97
1 iii I vi"(ot t _0FoTI I mtenend testsho insthco Call Ctennitstayad____ryong
habvie nuua. ll ths Tc xcsiiv ciagtitnecfyli 20-0ry E notHoNyTwO1deTed
SIIA V N O sr stut f hogm. sisias hiisut uda tirtii
ft esAaem, Pon,26Crtlslcs-sg s e asi c. to dstcst egni cc t h a tut bt btin nyordes. 1d
CTENNo ' I T N sAMiaEhsNT sis. lUe. TlOi poi n rMl. REP BandN s'ler , t by te strfe d
aIlageouttwfntrsiCereshcStiiss CA NDrItTES.t t eitc st fs no t
vnd tishsily e njoThearst cnteits ib e nallsse nisd aihct. Tt sis-ssisi lthI s -L r C/cfr'-dtoiiun.
_________tournament____begi tarc .ev r l sls i o t s ssTheilsexecu ti v a i titesfthe R - r yte noynl elifesd
GILL iihe oursiswls te sBy ire. thbicsnesIt. mThe tasteaandorsiio
SAFETYeenAZowd.dtwit eager a sir ochogsel eathesRctoilthe Ntatyisya of fnt~inycur st-mad
'ci t l li~ s li lan nm tsXlior theis 'Vafr sim'rteass tort a scbasste o CollegeRenian 'ls . not'tm-a n theylado gl
isdelsit prntisIyic mrl hastIshown Atlate A.sT-ilhomson rs ali'n atisessa. a sir cloby t hsesan
use theonly tre1safet ticsw ot slimtoIbeliaina gCot d ut cstian. The onvetionts isihd t t -Loberino ethri dtohssn
iheshoi g, Is i i ln, aes.eversa rt'ld ienIndPianplisi M nc ayc a nd-s Til eIs'daiyss ofSla e
sitso w re noslut lastl yarcls, adtherell ts r'f-stwe st'iteitskii ls.a-
Q I LW ItTTEis sisery sitoisselsfaicnseastil Ts' s jeilscts-cof this leslit' issio Thetaticdfasio
IfAaIcEtn tc liRAZOls'.liconi'test.stent int' R pbicn pry y o ine stom mad
No tropn - r onng Al ntie oh irstclasesitotd his rk a ong cllegenen.'miledele
1 5ctis aissithey soilvei t t s DEUSc EerRwth e nional MareRSin 5th e Wlothe
wllhbss playesit ody earte'stenisolsiiid al-sT e uakest i ll s eiss of td
enresf te ue casand all eueermtiertoin eahpas in ssre
® tohex i h l Ones in forh i s e cosse t il-l beisir thsw e ar ssiser y iosnsist heastabents5 EqaCtClu udo -m d
beu ffa on spitt blhe c-c omu , ioi vse. ''i sss crliu ha nJnalupic. be aes
Atj in. f38 .Stt sil thon ss-u sis eshu-illibnplay hea mdascnd eery ctionrt ois tsen
y osa e t e o n i s is a y e s n e d y .De t e r e n h e s m e g ui n wa o rg a a n e , anku s , w t
o Althiesb s 'il thesconhas estuart- thi ear ngdas osb.thisv ca lesevery gqarmo ient.ugom-meae
T amet i'hussla.b aui t is th ie t eenig i n i llnch e vmerst-nop -eshas Ecusvigetni-bs iy
Tute',3 S hae f asd tsopeietsmaillasb osusias cesh ddevroo rsi efcfvrti s mobeng _________________
asuduarsanteeeof iandreoiursilwitet
BrnTic T IiThe chele 11for the first-las sitsnuill ite discussed. Chef anigth. les CUTTING, REYL.R
REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS s as folloos: uill lit a ecurse in Germa-n pluitics.g
Fie Ciarsand Tobaccos. Preliminary Round. fesids livinggan thtodais ecsewof& CO.
P1 s e5t.t fh ,uClark "riasiils, 3tla:vs. oontscrtnilC lak Germasn overstenal mthods. these 109111 E. WASHINGTON ST.
Sirst 4 s . Owiegsv-llbae seisitetnoia
I l A E r s 5 rarn tsolans ayv side. f The oystlarc Ii lsannisurg a muni- -_ ___ _______ ___
Th tagr ' 9 h v ashuevs - v. ing inier. Never before in tle his- I
"T 'eNiaaraFals Rute, crest li has cvevsryhuosly Shep (SAE A WALK DOWN TOWN 5
THE SHORT LIRE arni vs. Luciemus; Slssorv. cv ys. ofse sthea shroseaslo vrybtondth
Secondsh.St. Johnusvs. hunis;t M dNeil oork.
CHICAGO and thS. Isohns vs. winser of Shepardulz Waches, Clocks,
ANN AR OR t BUFFALO and ss ul i'ss c; tNeil vs. wisnner of Reading notices, except to Univer-
BOSTON hauser ansI Samnes; Hluntvs. win- sity organizations, one cent a word I' 14 Jewelry Repaired
NEW YORK ; ner oh Salsmosn andlOwtens. per issue, payable strictly in advance
wih direct cosnnetions at Chicago for'Sm-inl.to the Business Manager only..- Uni- 4.rWi-ersusc mic 1st-s o uit ut ic audst
Sth us anas City, S.P u n ist inro istrud o , versity organizations alo ed on n- usussrsu. tir$.0olmt~it
th rorefrnto ad $s1c sC Po iso Nt iefe.cC ascsu c Itm u u.amfok r
5te h tich- gcall ott Aror.crite to W sv.scossi.swisnnencor of itrt ciroundrun;. No. 2; , ticefree _______________for______rr
AeAtnA rbr c sussner firs rousnd, No. 4. CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. J. F. SIIEEDE, 346 S. Sate Street
-.... Office-State Street Studio. Tele ' +~4 544
phone, 3.. L. Officoubosr, 4 to 8
ff-. Of mandolin, banjo and guiar.
S~EState Street Studio, corner Liberty. TIE AB -aslgeecInt5.10
itE ABE-akngefec Spt25 10
Tel. 723. ________________
-54 ~_________________________ THiidvtti
'+ _ Lvdot61--- a~mLvvNti yeu .sN'ciVI9:00wm
Ilhaveojustrretivedulthe largest and fiest t I -,t s situ Ar s 01t 5.
/ -'Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes 1- -s "'i p.lmsts °t 'iis a "'
evr roght to ihem-u-ity. *- laihj rs''55Sssuday isis ts-sum Stints Arbor
rt FINE LUNChE S IN CONNECTION tuhldo. iusuyonlysx uraisus lt msu'd
<".5 i~~ NEverythintg Neat ancleanr an ouledo. Free chauierucasston Nos. 1 anid4.
v. °Ageunts fitr I. I I3. ips. itNV . 1.LLI S ut.,
- )308 S. State- St., B. E. JOLLY J. J. lKIlY, . 1' . A., Anin Artist,,Mich.
0y_ A , oToleti-ii. is
All those lititle features thsat express good laste
are founi in the Cross- t Dress Shoe. Mure
ltsan I sat-il is a. sal-adid wearer, sad
seve whatIno other dress shsuie giv-ss-cooalos.-
::, e": .,y~t (ar twsw- u in wi tes. ase u.
Borh hin;trnAlm 8
Stimpson & Stimps~on
334 S. State St.
11111 4:1111::11 : .4~.++~it~t~oo~iI,'it~oit.oI,5itt~itottit~tthit~t~itit444

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