THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. eoowooooooo THF flC A Nr . . DAILY. S 111E WOULD HAVE HIiatrfl,5 < II t r .4 fi hnr o v 7YOU TO KNOW ;* I'iill~tiio t '+{ ii .r }t ic r~ l< 4That we are doing businiess at S'Aanaging fEditori, 1. SANLEXY BALEY. __________ *Busiess tMaa s, CLAUDEL A. THOMPSON.t OUR NEW STORE ? tiii'. , 31 South State Street 41,Nw --- .. Art~tC om A$.'tit ' i}t s t1 ii I. Aediioo ttillc.A.(, t.. .1. si. syar That Our New \Voolents for I Ia Iii it. ii his 1. 11. ti-tinty 0 the coming fall trade am. --- .A..i nowy ready. iIlV : pt j r~r $?( i cidi Office Hoeurs: 12:30 to 1:30f and 6:30to 7:30 That we make superb gar - daily. mlents for genltlemen. Address: CLAUDE A. TffOPlPSON, Business That we apipreciate your trad- adrespecetfully solicita; continuance of the same. ____________________ r k _ _ Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1904. : G. H. WILD CO. S TAILORS Editor Today-L. E. HORWITT. 2 311 South State Street., CALENDAR. NOTE-thio e or friiends tr i ni _____ . outt bestel u tr ollsveii iwouildit r CHICAGO COMMONS. " i A iN (Cmi onttdafoiii aieone.g) soiiiewhat the chiaraicterofttihe Fel- it YMNASIUM~ iowsh, and to male it itr a rpre senitative if 1the1 anirsity. ft isnot G O SM tiois made.h Al in teient inistieiiist. e hare themistnllthe ohats- inittthwonak o ocalOsttemetiasa ii rti is kes ndtolat lowest patoftniesiylieanti an intetti -i tH genu symptathiy with tie entargedi- idea ot a taiversity is a part ot edo-I cationi. DO YOU PLAY HANDBALL? 5t iidinaStandtard land- S. L.. A. S[AT SALE hall at onoly earti ____- 25c Patrons Lined Up at WVahrs for a Iei7 r tnh, alls, at onily Block-1,200 Seats Reserved- each----------30c 300 More Offered to the Public.j Froerty tis niorning tintit tate ~iOntao n tis aftrnion a ste ady tteant it * 4GyMI, Suits at $1.00? oil Stalei:Stet toisecrteir liiS. L t kter vr A. atere seaiiI iats.. Priginly ,20ioiiiiiiShoes, 75c up. ul l . th e i iia t -;( i t , ) h a su t l e a f - l ralt et tIo re1rv0:;)()Illr.i ho ld of itliure Aileyflit rto s- UNIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS * da ly linie t mesitu I ctotbcr 1. fiatleture on the Stut- de ts'iLeatureAasociation Coturse oubedcvvtWl _________________________-________ btyi Rustll ti. Ciiata el N ottnii At . hMtiea may at-ear ont Otobe1 t -'aiitiatt; Amt. Schooitofttitt1 l I asnhepetot siieallttthe hl rSu I av. AMihiaatn A ritias tniale Oa ~LG EXT-BOOKS ~ iii toe 2i.1 hut. iGei. itriiul'star- EMBRYO MISSIONARfIES. C 0 GO tr ro, ::( p lt erry IHtall this ealng, whein fRea. ®Octiobert21.-DeaniiJoridansarecepfttion D. W Chluater trill aiarsathem to uioriiiirlstiata HBarbioitr eyiiion "The Situitnt's Opptoatuiiity.'' * ia iit 'O hia tirgauizatin tielingstaoSi tir ltOlNTAI SPENS (0iiiO1toieri22--Foo iital; 'Neat (irginia tinteriit titat Studien tiotiutrtmsotva- r. 1OPM iigat iiat AnniiArbior. ipttn oSu Vuri iiitt a p ciitii i2.;- li ii S tigtaii iad ras i-rat ii).iti. ftaonstiss itiof atho tdints All cguaranteed. 11".(" . iiaf lclO~ itiiti Hall. ttoiiei i oiitirit itt i 0 OctoberuH 8-DleaniiJorduanasrceitionvanriouis frsti ofa tChristian twork. Noi - t8 setio grlsat arburgy li thler studelrtisotietyiracites as far 0 usit" s this aaaociat isi. NVitihintitieptst O c tiei 2 h'.)oo t (S ; i Olt i ts. Siet years a great unuher of old Aich- "rAIIIE"'AIICAL 'dlii . an at Ait iiisoun ianstuatenitis fiatvi-gonti to foirign o RAWING Ntsint 5 hig-i C cbG ose uintriae.simatyto beti-romednticalr hbtsiitiet at WVateran-in ynina- imssinaries, twhfile tother s fiat-ctakens INSTRUME'1NTS htutn. itl the Y. 1t. C. A. tanrk. Noiulwrii t20.-Woantseaguea e- Tc'hla Sallt tie fSto~ittoat embern rs aif a lion ito all UIvsrHi ttit iiwomeatshe '+04 Hlana wtin stoifore-igni uits: as t Barbours ( suuasiiissu ]hr. ('aszier aoIndiia, fir.tHoslley to AITH[[TIC 6aoooS I -ilrktey. IW Salker is Siam nsdauDfr. gil I i its f t suit t~ar ad it~iinit Itoi Perfia.t Dr15. 1-t Ia s int ________ * i itg c<- o h i I w cy i -i s lltig thiecolligesi n dntl iviersities st~itts hrtilt scoo ae o i ii theii-Istit itStats a nd h Casuadtafir Chssiigt at-rpics :~~cc.Ni - tto cnia t-il te Isiterationatl Conmmittae. S. Pe-- co~id ~c ai'' b ttiy las ta Selli ry Wilsoin is leaidar iofirhebasidtlis a coa i l1111l n fontiI year, hiss Joseelyn is secretary, andl iii~u Iflal o t l it -91)1 gauaes t he 'vi r l. Gin. Butrgess is trasusrer. fiis- ii i a iofitwi'iis ta sto isig thei-coinng y-elrta tnumbestrof vis- SH EHAN &r{ CO vI _ te uersi f iig1 at1 itinse rertaries trill dlvrades milE NIX 1J -ralits n ~c~iaI(IIil aii ds. fir. l h iltsltbe hrhere Noaernti 120 S. Stat- St. ii y w (trut.A8-t. Tae iputlic hass a coidial ini- v ittin to attenid thirst- snetings. hic nailr furshas oos it neiuoit- c. [. BARTfELLI Law, Medical and Dental Boouks INew and Second-hand. Dictionaries, Quiz Compeiids, Statutes, Practice Books, etc. tSEICOND-HIAND B OOKS Bought, sold and exchanged. C. [f. BARTI1[[[ t ee.; Z61. 326.5. State St. i lar. iSof twater. Alias Vaiusi, N. LUit-easily, nerQuiarry's. t-tlh-stf. Ni t iters- eetioni of Shirts inith ait ( hillatts Cttislg. fryrr& Cit.' CANDY Fine chocoltets in tue potisud hiboxes, regttular 1 I50egotods, At--- Saturday Only Brown's Drug Store Corner MOan and Hnron Streets. lost asSteamunovtirs iti suiniin s -t t- a ndmtFuraec drit- eaninuganit tea d: OConnrsiia, 6liii. ll. iam tusS. rifpairitng at tiuloer &-OfCosuttis, 6t19 When a Man - - - -- HI . (iliam St. Sisspressed, 21,ec;rusers, ltc e.v Fishier &O'Cnnar, 61l.9 lb Siltiasut id. lNiehiganrusians $1.00 earls at Wahr's. Sf. JUNIOR LAWS. Viii. I., Tfftany IS. troll.,tCallaghian GoCoSnCushing's SnortHershseys & & Co. if. Caillers Mulk Chocolate. t BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE uses poor soap, his face rebels-becomes sore and irritated. Soothe it with WILLIAMS' SAVN The Students' Lecture Association 3 1004 = f itP cji rst Zcas0f 1003 Russell N. Conwell Henry Watterson John T. McCutcheon SOUSA'S BAND) Gov. LaFollette Edward Boki Henry Van D~yke Leland 'r'. Puowers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mahie oratorical Contest t Open Nunmber HIABERDASIHERS AND HIATTERS Have nso down-s townt store, hut are ntow located in their ntewrstores NOS. 303-303 S. State St. Enstirely fnewXlines of EIVEtRYTHING A "vAN WEARS' Except shonesafnd at popolar prices. Remember we lhave so downu towns store. Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra Single Admission $1.00, Yeu cansce tfckets from student sellers cor at WatersState -tree. book store First Lecture: Oct. 19, Fussell N. Conwell. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING LINDENSCHYIDT & APPEL YOUNG'S HATS.