THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SUIT CAS]ES+ A iif O mnuacurrssaipv as t trivled and nil1 Geun _10 oi I I thea Ga-sLinen Lined wxith Shirt Fold at $450 Others Leather lined at $6.25 up. ;N~ ia l ' a t, Lwiv. i , 11 i CaL ILLt e .ou t1tav( 1t. 11EE LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. M r nSt. .+ Money Loaned.+ anid Iul LaI(I "t-ILILLtv S W.J. LOURIM. IL 10 4It A e. IC Liju;ii C ourtI' II -A. I'v IlLLIL II "sILitit (if ~IitiL.MI.A LI ' BusinssStritIly'Cnfidntial. ) s++4.4.+++++++++++-+++4 + Amlatnce CIlls attended dryd y or night. 3+1 L. 1 ltytl w . trt The Gillette Razor LI I Q '~.arry's IDRUG STOKE is to kn - Iyou will tween tl Pric I Clothes yr store se or touch you disI clothes twentie. Swearth II I 1k IL' 11- 1ILL 1F. ALI-I' I'II 1111 11 t'111l III III "111I I c'L 1LL I LLn I tI IL1 1 iiLI andI PLI i I ' la I, >1 5 I 11.1 l IIcl , NILLh an -a ,+. LIII1. _. LIII~li 111) tlw, 111,c 1i J l llt II Ii. l I1:. LN ILLoo., W . 11, ILhL l ;ic a t lt ia n Trunks and Suit Cases T oLu'l laeed one or the other. perhaps hoth before leading tYu'll find the kind you want in, the Low, Medium Priced, andIItihe hest constructed in the market in full representation N here ILOI . MG MACK t COO BEST WAY TO KNOW ollege Bran~d Clothes :-: BUBRY Low s0ome other clothes first. Then 1 he ahl to meas-ure the difterence he- AA ces will he ahout the same-then all lance will cease. No other store sells 15CETIIC; OR 2SCENT just made for young fellows--No other CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., ells garments with every custom tail- Ak00ONN~i iNkT 1 to them. Not youth's sizes mind. ;tiised under a young men's lohel hut S R U created expressly for one sort ofWH A the chap hanging around the lower s. Older men w ith younger tastes can em if their figures will stand it.4 taebler & Wuerth JOB PRIN'TING--Mevers', 215 Haitn street sout. Photne 21. tf I IItake- F. LLLIILI PLILL trLLri oI tf IELD]DAY FOOD -- Enduorance is a question of mus- 113 . cle an~d good wtad "perfecta -- ~~~~~~pyilIdeleloptment. You can-a1111tot ()w-LIrteIl.le-e-11oInu ___- iLmproper tihat do nut affordt needed SIL 15C . nLurishfmenll t0 everyorglLanand funlctioni of tile body. DoI L 111 llcliIr tIn iL .1 copyILILLrLofILLhe IShredded Whole ill- LII II- 11 :ht111 rL efI L-ILLioruirLLILIILLI Wheat Biscuit 11(I I cck IL ILL k111the food LoLL neeL1for th~e reasona LOST. j~tfli ai ; r 1lii II + 1I 1 ;i. II I LL I At Tsstties, .338 S. Staste j ItIlt. ---Vatch1l and jeiwelry reparin~g of all kindsh Ldone, at troster's Art Store. 123tt wdLr( L hii, I AppaIrLtuCeicalsPoot. CLI .X S 1 WX ANlE) LenesL andShuttLrsI Fill assesL Pojectin ___ rcpLLLL C IILLa~e ni taleILorders-Lfor Aour 'i~~~ II c I I of1 InpL-toI-date go~odsL. Entirely LIII. Qick sLiLlIICs. $.5o.Lo a Sweek Catalogs -, Frei III. LILL LILto LII lL-.LI .YouLLcanLLniaoke BauschI & iLII LLIILL L duig your vIacationto Bausch & Lomb Opt. Cote. 1)ILLLLLy LIItilL 111r IIL erm. LWritc It 5ti' cN . .LILILLILI IILI o a . UnLiversaI l antlL ILL L rk Ch _ I3< .r 1lraikrt'. . I I L IILL ILLIIILI IILIL L~,I. i 'Ilre Itn ll L pitur", IILLLI LLLLLLLL an i'Lf r I ILL ( 'JI k'LI. IlL I II IILL Latest novelties tn auttings at Fal- ter & 'Counoras, 619 E. William St. IILIXIL I)I. ()pt I L IIItaly lnlLL L. SILL LIII IlL, $3.00L Summer School In Mechanic Arts STA'T'E COI IL IILILE n O LLKELTUCY~~L~ L Elective coursesIa reI pIvi dd iLI allCC subjectLLL IsL LhtLi Jitf.NF 1u hAltRo, Da o es aildiatlo K- PHOTOGRAPHS tall at THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, 316 Stat Main St. CASH POSITIVELY CASH No orders for cabs for parties or entertain ments will be taken this season unless cash accompanies the order. RATES: ierry, wicih eonltains) eiery rle- IILCLLI)SwliciLenesin 1tile COuiIposi- .,tioll of tiheihauman body in iust the igiht fornm forepprefect assimiltion. WtI(LShredded Wheat Disc uit mayr bldelc iou ith I crea,L frtor ve eta. QTriseolt. r 1111w shreddedw h at forms.LExeIllentith butter, Lch.Leese,.or pe- Oin Llce of Soinarycrace. eIhl Vital0. The Naiural Faad Company Niagara Fails. N. Y. ++++++++..44.44.1-++ +4++++++++++4 4 ~ Save the Walk - Down Town i. . t WATCUIS and WELPY REPlAIRtED Veiavefirstcliassnorken land guar- ane oLLworL Weyell Fobs, U. ofiM. CPins and Banners at Redsced Prices WeIIals io LLIlaw Lecureand Theses E. J. SC~tiIU , 340 S, Slate Street 't'iephone 3i0 +++1-444+.+t++++++++++44++++ THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE-Taking effect Feb. 26. 1905 SOUlTH NORTH Lv. No. 8*- 7:20 ant. Lv. No. itI-0:01 a~m it " 2-t:3fa.nm. Lv. 3t d- 4:50 p.mi 14- 8:15 p.m. Ar. I5*-1~2:35 Pm-I * Daiy except Sunday hetween Owosso and Toledoi. tThrough tratns dtaiy except Sun- day. tree chair cars on Non. I and 4. w. T. WLtLtS, Agt. J. J. KIltBY, G. P. A., Ann Arbor, Ittebh. Toledo, Ohio. Jas. W. Reid, 312 S. Slate Street ~\t3IG1NcENviR the Niagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE 1 CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to IBUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK witi tirect coLnnectinsat Chicago foe St. t.oliL9, KansasLL City, St. Pattt and Lbe West. For ifortmation and LthroLugh tickets eatll o or write to W.- W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. ...Carefully... TESTED and FITTED By the Latest and Best Ap- proved Scien- tif ic nethods. --Aller's Jewelry Store- - Ii rine oule o and ifromLLartio Exsive use.ofIcarriageo CllLpe - - - Rohinon & Co. Walker's Livery s o enter- a-n - 2.00 Holmes' Livery W. H. Stark " ..+.....++....+++++..+++++#+++++++++5..4.41+++++++++++++.44n1.I t1.+++++++++++.n.4..144I~ 4444L44..~C C 11CKNoA1bY R.lntTrinesIts Excel-; You Will Find Four Trains Daiy; Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on Night Trains ; UNION DEFPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. ; S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks' Tempt Detroit. M1i1h.+ I f 4-41-V W' V- 7V T w w w7 7 -..-,-:T7'T TT-7'-TZTF TFFF_ Billiard. Fool stimlpson (a, Stim pson 334 South State Streetj Tobammo Cigarette. +Cigars "i .......................................... 14 i It! 9 WE ARE NEVER UTNDERdSOLD-GOODYEARd'S DRUG STORE9