The Michigan Daily VOL. XV YOST'S TEAM FOR 1906. Football Boys Under Captain Nor. cross Expected to flake Clean Sweep of Schedule. .Athleticsxx arc' down andi owiifor lthk )ca , ii' tl, lx ii isx'iiareii lra' be-lx' t'ne Nva-Iv all he l xxmut iwill b wxil ht tlti xon ly men of Ilsx ea'i sa aggegi on wltxixx' lxx l nii ti teariip th , ihi i l iii p1 Tom li ii lxiii ixwil lil deut ,N lknwn.If Tom goe both alfbck I~ iiiti x ili e vcan aii mliibe hard toiind twxoxi en xxxix xnd xxxxgh p pxx itxioxx liketh star hax'i l xx x year.ix x l xxx xx x xhem. anti wih laim nth'; hardl pactici lilt rI'I , Y-1*i, xxxvxdrawli"Well I lurei ,;rllwhe xh i di t.ii lx iiiixli i nes scar;'ii id Y t "cx -a i ait lx lxxx \eiii ;tilIiiiliixxDraieiVander- tion iamong iwc it I il iit- ' and iii xn o ally lii gani lmenxiand' - c ill xxxhii' Six iiiiiiox dox thx i r . ijxiix "'iixixcixi l ig iility rule wx iill xicut xou x xlit "and thereforex itV I, xofpx'ti ighxest 'iI'l, 'xxxx I llis i i ng planx to doii l i-i w ilit, lotini hippx'inx' lxixlt, iin i. lxiii ciion.ix Theix teaml' thatxi'lue't'hicagoxliii at the ilxi close lof 'tiit- ixiiii lsti 'y'r xxxi hi, HIM ii ii ' xii x ill nix xxix ix'x''iix' iillli 'ie foxotlbxal lxxin fell]lthai i i p to DISLxY ixxiNxfll ix MEING;i' x. Ax xiiimeingiiio f xliielDxilx'ai ]o c t l last xixtight 5' lR. H llsxi a lxetedibuinessxi mxxnaxger ifllhil i ch-xli iglnxx xi iiDailyioxesig year lt, i netpxi x ofi thielpl perxi xxllxlace of fort Petlent whih i a ilt, xixixi l lled liii 'ea-. I'h lixliIoxlii di ded thal t a xxii th xtic~ t l a cex xix' e'i I nlander'ixxx' l-i' o lr lxxxiii thei' l li xilii'ixeai' how publiclxxioni rei t heentiel i xlixte 'Il ii i xxi x lxl(, m'tr of l xi'iithei' ly lift lto theiichairman, Professoriiixcu ttx wih ow rto ac.It blieed th pap ir i xixiw xi e larerxit f Ilx lfoxi fiil Scixixielubx wi x'il lxbexhld in iroomxx C, l'if iti' 11.111,iill txly p. xIn. hiiilxi'. Wistexd, secr'etary. i Lasti shipmxxnxi if iliicliigaxxxxsiansisi now in. Gel onue early. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAxN, THUxRSDA') JUNE 8.x190-- No. i8o FRESHMAN CAP NIGHT. Final Arrangements Made -Bob Par- ker Chosen As leader-Band and (lice Club to Participate. xxxiii eent xf its kiii xxdu ingp the bast i i'iyeaxr x x it'w 'ncesary to fixixip fox maiai l, )tit that i ll no lxx neces- for lxhexiii p)yxihex' ull Arboif erchants xxxwix tn ct ii xix p Ixiiiiaiiiiixied hi iy tlxxxii thexIisiei ofx anix teamsf ixixix sa ito x lxxihiiaerl fori''x thexx fie over to the grounds.xii i xxii li i 1e varsitpyglee clbite vri ty wll )wU present to adxxxi xxi1ri toit'eloc )-ire Wn xi l'li l xied 'at 7:45 iP . lxie i',orx i asiilx prxoixxiosedx i isxayfoxlowsi Yeloi andx i t le x ixixixixi..1an ofix if Sx hip xWe55sing.ix.Aixilfixlcix 11l i'higiupi iiii'ii ............. llexe iiltl Spe c e lxx.i ...'...'i.Varsity Capaiii niii og .....x ........... .Audienceixi llxxx'xix p of theii ap.' l ..,.. -eh n hixixipixiiiifellis. 'Sti lS' 1P1(UX I II), 'S xxxix xxxoidix halx )wi ltiii lixxixxixx ilx rcet researches iiiiix cioiiiiicxxl fix h BIEN GREET ONCE MORE. Woodland Players to Appear in -As You Like It" and "A Midsum- mer Night's Dream. Blilxireetithe lisxinxpxiislx En xgliilx atrixixixxi tii'x ilo, xxih Ilsi Comipaxxy ofi SS'ixxxlaii IPiiixii, xwiilixexxiinxin open-afi irr foxrmancesiixonxithex univityxii xxan 'piixit 'Sxm ir xxxoi Satxirilaxx Juxne 17, xac'ingp Shaxkespiearei'xxs s 'xon ike It"x ilil the xafternoliiniatxx3, andx -:'S ix - N ph~~r\ gi 'x IIDream'"xxxx ixx eeinxg ati 8. lxixnxiisiasxith fiforeimistx championl of the nxxi lxist'ring psystem.xix lxxlsx hnthlay ii'ixisieiheliiilinxgxxxni heiha all liiife ipughtxlie itarrinig xxxiii xot xan i l. x I li delxx o f xa company i xl x od l ifteri tlixfxxxl- lxxii ofliiheiihestx xiii iiiilstockci'companiesi x'iee lx' actorxxixii layii x alfxxiet xxne nig iiit, and xlai'ere i isa iloors lierthue pairtsixsIthei iea li te Greexiiyistem of xiixixgcxiiiixii andx it iis clxi ue w ich lie carries in xc, lfo xhe isil xxiii xillli hasi the xxi pteghiof l ls onvictlxins. 't'her xare tlented membieilixriof lxen Greetx s xxiii p xix xlxxxwho x ixixome platys Ill xxxpxrxirexhaveximportanti pa ixrisiwhilex ini othlrithxyimeleyiiialx:xxil xx,"'', th ph as xi. nli litylxx is xxxink lxxx xli siaiiixoxf tlie xxxx xiii x effect, anduhfeIl rel- stilt x li xis tha lxa xiil l xxet xpxrformancex of Shakespeare xxxisxiliipxiitivedlight, foxi e xxi per ikenxiylit a xixiedxctor; evrypatisiivenxx''thelivailueixthati Shakespeareixixi xxxix ixixilixitheimixxiiortal xxxi is not Cut and sxiii lasihexiltoxfiti the qiree t ofxii solii miexximanxiiageix-mxadex str wis st 111 iipprtdxyit c xomxpanxy whichidoes not knowitilxShakespeare. Bvil l_.eet ims l otxii xx ii r ecti thex stagei' t l cti and herieltooi'lxxxlsi theory ixiis shon, f lxxugaxs 'ell playsxiall chemical xl x'to '. Tfie impolrtaniicefx ori f x parts.l i I lxx ' tiix IYou x'xx' It" this discx'o'vie'ry ii l~iili calxl hardlx xly ag e- he i I'T uhto eiii x 'llaxxlxx'' " lie is oxilxxides wee if interxesixi lix from aixaliran xeiofilchixacixeri. 'Anid tlixciowni inr ly ceial standpoxi nt.xx The l ii of l xlxx h ixlxor as in actorxi, iay Itix iiley xiith ir permicidiull propertieixi aticx itxicsi isix t'six liii l iix iin xx ''Twielfthi agp''nts. A'perxieisii the' nly xxiigilm - xxxi xi tlythei samel i ze x as ithati of lxis fii- 'xxth tca ie lx sedxx intfi nlly xx i x ii Iii lixii xii x iiite lollyesuad i imdrn ci ions~i trat en f liseiiii', lxii iCon ixxixequent lxlyte P m ited lei wld not havel liii heiicast lii lhias x''x reouini dii the xlx reatxxmxen'txof pinted Ii iilix h xixcxstomary' l'aiy'x foxr he i imlyi' unider lthe captioni 'lTxix epoch-mking dxl iscoveryixxx asxx ..Tliii N'iiixxof xlhe' flayxexs'' givinig no xmaxxxla' illsx xxx'xu iin xxixi xxeerl x'x''rsagox xlixtoxthelpx rpxxlilii 'xliyedxb xiac he x'e ien extiiixi yi vsi gate'd'xxpxxxl ini lhe xxi xlix i.eilof thexUniversitlof iih- LASSRES'IESS'EDITORS. ign h liii iiperxide ai ngxxi thesexi Iir. xi'A . ixI. xxClover xxiixl'former xxlyxuctor pin xieen juiorx laiii xb' reaion x of thei cheial l aborIat'oryxi axidxi'o'' acliii th ir i gh liiscxh lip lhav'e-xbexxe xielced dlirecxtxoriofxithe xxixvirnmentxilaboriaxxixtor iiestefacu lix toifililxxheasiociate 'dfiuor- ter bing ore ractcabl forgeneaxxx iiey re: . J.Aliway, C. lxix' as x it ii lxxnotlthe highlyliexp losve E.-A drsJ.I). Bxownx e exlx.C. I,.ile prprte ofx ascetozone.ii 1).ilG.l 1ggxrm nE.N!x a'ix Itidxiyx C. heix xxx eroxii idedso erdrclxii .xi I liiixii xx iiR . G.Iluntx R. IE. J x- iii xlhe xxxiiexsxiii laboratoriiesi combinelsilxi ixC II It I xxxiii ixiiexi, . .C Itic- xxii the xlle iiI"xiii l xxer iial properties xof IGifflini Cix A.S 'xli lxllaxx W.Rayixioxnd, ill twoi formerxx productsx andxi suchi ad-xix.x P. Sh'oxxiiiW.5G. Stoneri, li. R Tp s tixii'xlilpi' ixxc'iilix'prope 'rt iies as ma itxi le r, 1 0I 1 . .1 uSxiixi eniey lrc iabxle for iiiicom 'm''rci llx xur"-"'"______ poses. udgpingp'fromixtheiiexti veuife'Txxix potits fromxlxxiihue ''J'' hopxamuti- ofi axxxxxxxxxxxxx andi xiiplxxx xxx, the pulxxx ing tolxxxibouxtx$6,, xhxixlxbxenixturd ove ibil t x ilof ithe lnew perxidexx iii xx'h i' lby xxxthe lixcomm ite to he i c higan treatment if xdiseases are iivery xxpro'm'i'- Unin. M.x.'x Broi~oksx Txeasurer. ig R. V. lxiollaiil Cx'iiChxauimanx. 1905 Michiganonsian STILL ON SALE~ AT THE BOOKSTORES Don't Fail to Get Your Copy before goingi Home i . i 1 SENIOR RECEPTION. Innovation is Farewell Fetvities- Plans for Graduation Party.' The feelingthaxlte coing sociai- eventxxof xlix collxge year shloxld lxe made a xiiore x momenxtusxocaxsiin and atif-; ixrxix'xinstexadi if aiclsis affair, haxxii llast materializiediithroxghiitheiacliiadmix Ia lxnxii l he plixeiisenxiioir xlais. iThe seiorrecption'iifx ichl hiiilxxheirtofiie belxxiioxkedl xxitoou nxciax a private; funictixnxandxxii rictixxly clas affair will." tis y'lri pre'se'txa1nlxiiapexi. hei is'enirs lhxve ixadexan ioxation tis yxxar xixd. goxig iou thix maxxtir xxlittle dexxiper thanulxixhaxex 'rrangeditoii thrxwxopienlthisxafxir as xaxfarwe lilxs hivhtliiirlthewholex studexntl bodygi ing xxxiopprtuitiy to hose wholing1eg ti lh inish tioxi lxtake this pleasaxntw of winingtip upthe college ear Thliiyexxr theieixor presidents have ixcurexexilicox-opexrationx of xlie univr- siiy xauthxiriiixandxxih heiiir isppot it mayhelxpexixcxxi th receptioni will be ai success, notiiionly 'for texlcaislit a axuiveiiriity affair. Both the Wuate, mani xxni hBxrbouxr gyxmnasiiumsx have ben xcurxid xidxlixansx for extnsive deco- atinslxidFiornmerly the gexxshae danicedxiniiiWatermnxgym anud eat'nin. Blarbiour, lxxi tisi year, ixnlexsxlie crowd is founxd lxooilarge dancingwilllxxei Bxrbxouxr pyttwhchh lxasa ixeter flor Among thep ximxprovemnts tole xxx'dx in tix xiis gymtxisiitiiirefitishihfng of the floxxrsixandiithis is expected to lbx done inx ltiefxorthlixeior rception. Muixixxic i lih epecialy xappropiateiC asx it xxilxxxon'xxst ixixoxt etiriey ofuni- xxrsixx talxxi.i heIllxiviarity and of tienttwoil plixix, ithxxixh'lix Aadotin orchexstra 'id additiioxal picx,.wllay,,,x for the idxinces' Prettymianx hisbxen'x give theli contract for the cafecing. PTeoe ixxrecepionii will saxor of 'the- unxieriy axd i is.hoped' in thiii:way; to arouse univeirsiy iteret geerat" axid iii thus start tauch needed nix' vationxinx college ocial affair.The ie- ceptioill xiieixheld ox hxevening of NESS' BARRISTE'RS ELECTED Saturdayixight, thexlixBarn istr, xxrhe society comipse d of senior liawxceeri-. ties, hlxi 'aiqut at Motley HButs At tisitimetenlxixmix from this years juiorxi clxiii were initiated ito the so- ciety. Thoe wix reived the hoor xre asxfolow: :J--W Aderon W M. Cornelius, C M.Holdermanx R G Hunt, Ralph enney L. ClxTurner R ixI Kaiuffmxan, 55' ixStuter FC Strxia in.Tesexxen will net year elect fifteeni moure to the soiey The toats were xas folloxs: 'xxhe Blarriters ax Michigan-V R Profesional Friedship-R J White. The Fixshermxan'x Art; Is I Avi- able to tie Lawler ?-Prof Jame H Brewsiter Whitiher Gos Thou ?--. S. "Eatn. Sihall We Accept the Legacy?-C. M Holderman The Young Practitioner in a Large City-Prof Hery M Bati. WilliamixJ Steinert actd as toastx xxx ter Arthur M.Smifthx'97xi' publishing aix" aunusuxally attractive ook of views of camnpixs buildings and fraternity houes It is fissed in phampet forux ad i thoeroixghxy artistic throughout, cotx hii2 tng aboxix forty excellent half -toeiiid iepia ottIniai'tint enameled book ipa- per. A decided inproiwient over the ordinaxry look of views is the decrip- tve matater accont anyi ' each cut. The book is styled "Vrnifty Vews" and will lxx ox sale nex week at twenty-five cents. Uiviiersity Y. M C.. Ax-Thursday evening discuxssion; sub"ect, 'A Sound, Bodyxi 6:45 to 7:30