THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Men's Summer Underwear :S Good Balbriggaii Underwear-all sizes, per garment -$ .25 Plain and Fancy Colored Balbiriggani Underwear, Short of Long Sleeves, per garment - - - - - .50 f Swell White, Blne and Pink Mercerized Underwear, all sizes, per garment - - - - - 1.00" Metropolitan Linen Mesh Underwear, All Sizes per garment- - - - - - - - I150 rMen's Union Snits - - - - - $1.00 10 3.00 Cutting, Reyer & Co. 10911 E. Wngtn t.S $3. 50 R G L $350 They have arrived and just what you want TANS PIGSKINS PATENT [ATIIIIRS 1Oxfords F'I(KING CALF jWAXEiD GALE All Styles and some Styles you have not seen before Paul Meyer .Pickwick a BOWLING ALLEY Strictly Vp-to-date.. S. ROTTENSTEIN, Perop. 707 N. Verily. Avre. Visit RENTSCHLER'S 1++++++++++++1 NEW GROUND FLOOR STUDIO. 319 East Huron St., opposite Ladies' Library "Going fonme Special Ke..tes to Seniors Ino ali Departments ; Ntt'li.E. IJOBE PRINTING-Meyers', 215 Main VI -----street, south. Phone 281. tf Metil ,( rehci-Ile t i i O)\V -BigFour Route I'_-,_" he Read With the Service" _______________________ lake. I. 'Ai. Smitith, llPropretor t 'I'lli(, t \flrtf '1 Cetral is tma~kithett lictgte, t3 FAST TRAINS DAILY 3 pcn 111, II12,1huh; prc,$2110 Toledo to Cincinnati illvc 11111 11111 - I . ....... .$31q.401 _____ ______"U_______nion Depot at hoth Ends" ~l 1tt nsSll. 1 ~.. .DYOUVACAIOFE No disagreeable Transfers C'wnlrllt N 1.,;1( rtun.. ;.3 N GHE I RAT LAKE5S _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 1 11 ttit iAN Q'p . L. TW.fL A ND M AN, Si11111 itt11)11 an11 ttlt11..... . . .2.o 1 , 1 I l~lttl Inl etr ..........21.0 ' , t. eneral . T LE OO .1.. . I and retrn... .I. 2;.+ BRIGHTON CLASP GARTER haowaes"ht"anLraunidr Thom adswePrretor. 326h nifthl Ave. New Pttaae 2.x:7 a tel 'tit'4t- STENOGRAPHER P~l IEEyuR y i ~iilt 718 Maaktet St WSPENDER NO. 1PhLAWdeLphi. Thomas R 2we, Prp.eo. 326 ONi. 523isthMADveN.S New Phne 45 BellPhone3457- STENIOGRLAWSE Wldyour Wiwll Ndo aurTyp erhiter OF yCE tO. i LWiBtLDGi.ldti F.SDECT,52 ESTDOEST City34 J ttttti junttctiont, CJo tnt retutrn ;,2.401 O 1Ct' 111 al, a1111 tetll. 5...;2.40 ;en tt ant oulie p iIts. 7q1 -5o T111ee h ndrd pittnes, rm1111 n5l- cdtand 1,Intl ttt cea li t ktlfice t r, N ry. 711 tae.Co 'Latestfool ete- t stinsatFl Caerl1sttMpilkChocoate. Uese t\' wlltelle,-Ottby mafilte ietatscd yat Atty designinfospishroces Stemst oeiFes nhitncleaninguan rlerairOngoatoFuller6&9O'Connor'sm 61. 'oteSosiushingt'Htfor &Snsh line (..ttOs ttlexfodsbolIonlysho Georg It.e Hitlerte12sSoutMainestreet PCTYAICSE aB M/ERAA' SUMMER0REOTS. N TIME TBAY M'lItCelitG itN tSUMMCEaMRERS. DETROT NDCLEVELAND DLeeyTMacdaiy tIL0.ad0AP.IM. ArrveLEVEL ADs-i -ar5y.930 AM. Leave CLVAND, Tardaiy 14.0P. M. ArrveETR OIT -dy5-'tr- y5.0 . M. r a dn doi s A Miridays an taM e. DsArTRIpsPer Wekncludi n in a e teen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND T O Noon Lunch~ 1tr:30oa. in. to 1:30 P. 111, ' 25 cents .. Dinner + 5:45 to 7:oo P. nl. " + 35 cents ". Sunday Dinner 12:30 11oo11 to 2:30 P. l1t.± "' 35 cents O yster Bay 315 SOUTH STATE ST. 0,. Mi M~artill Di rector Ol1cee 2011 S. 4th Axe. Phone 98. Residence 3112 5. Gth Ave. Phone 314. Ambulance on call. WASHTE NAW LIGHT & POWER CO 200) E. WASHINGTON ST. Have You Seen the New -PIGSKIN - BLUCII[R OXFORDS $4. 00 - FOR MEN _ Only Genvo~mlne Pigskino Oxford Ito the City. Nevr efore,- beensonld for less thas $6.50 They Are Right. You had better have a look at 119 S. Main Nose tat tte County Fair is Over yotu will thase titme to stopllini st 1' N 't (1K 'S tot cat a little of SHtORTC.AK'or to tiry000eItT oar 111 TtIASI3ttsRY FL".5 "The Pure Food Store" Afn liatter TIurkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIPS Look for- Slgematewn R. PLAIN qJ S. ANARGtYROS8 Always Ahead (a Styles.! MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailorlng