THE MICHIGAN DAILY. B arch field's Fine .Tailorin~g Trade Guarantees... You the mest skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. We always carry a large and complete line of seasonahle wool- ens. We have the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- ings-"perfect fitting. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Offer, at Momey Saving Prices.... BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, SHOESTRINGS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, AND COLLAR BUTT7ONS. You can always save in buying from HOAG'S Corner Main and Washington INDIVIDPUALIIY IN CLOTHIES It's pet hard to tell how a suit is gigt oko o swhen you have only a iroil of cloth to judge by.list list on a + suit of Adler Bro-s. & Co., Rochester, made ready-to-svear and t see the effect ait a glance. Another thing, you pay the Mserchant Tailor from $30.00 to $40.00 with the hiipe of satisfaction while you pay us only from $15.10 vs $25.00 for the actual ceritainity. A glance at our display windows each week wvill keep you in touch with the doings in the world's fashion. Reule, Conlin & igl 200-202 South Hlain St. Money Loaned Loaned on Watches, Diamonds, 2 oi other lPeisonal IProperty 0 Watches and Jewelry Rtepaiied Ilaraiiis in 'Watches and 3 Diamonds. ' Office at residience,,3i1iiE. Liberiy St. Ann Arbosr. Issue., 5 tss11::30a. n. Stos 0:50 insi ;to 9 All businesi ; csofidentiai. i ws Joseph C. Watts t GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cat Flowers antd ChUaipin St., setweren Huro Miller Ave. PhonS0i . The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitai stosci. $5,050. $i75,000 Rtesosrces,$, 00. A General Bankinsg Business Transacted. Orrives: Chas. E. lsos. .Pres.; W. 1). ii rimoami Vice Ires.;iiM. .Fritz. Cashoier. IHot Lunch At Tsttle's. 338 S. State Will Close June 24th 6ranger's Academy Will Open October 3rd TO0B A CCO0S HUSTON BROTHERS Sccessnrs to Jas. W. Reid, 312 S. State Street I haveljust received Ctie argina and isesi imieof Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes eveer brsouglitso the city. FINE ILUNCHES IN CONNECTION Everytthing Neat and clean Agviits for 1B. B. 1. Pipia. 3o8 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. Ii. BUY YOUR SUIT GASES FROM ALLEN EVERY STU'DENT shoildsaveiin hisi possess oari-poet ofn the OL~YMPIC"t, (AiF. Ss'cotainrd iii Saiding.. Athlietie Libsrary No. 217, wsritiens by .lais.1E. Suiiivan,. Chief of heiiepaimentrossf iPhysicaiCollture aridiDiecior of Olympic (GamoesofilHA)4. Thse I,,s i also conitales repoisrts of lhe ;;imes of 1596 amid I"51.and hunidreds of poograsphs tken expressiy for Theiitviin is lissited aiid lhe price. 10 centssiakes it piileaofr vall to seur acopsy. A. (1. SPALDINO & BROS. NEW YORKt( OHIMAO MAIN ST. .SOCILOGllICAL I. C- 4 a recentiMieetinig isfthe Soilogi- llb his folloswinig oliciesi- sisi electssd for the csoinigyesr:i Prs identi C. 51i. Ilssolslviiiss;ivics: presidentol hs.. Clottelsd banses ;-secreary . SousnI jack ; treasurr, lydesic Is slisi 1115511bessof sexecutive comitteies I'_.S. Th lbis a iseiwsiiivsersity sorgaia- Amw i-sch siis mewatsofaiisoi igs.i i It hioldsisionilysti ngiiiis fIs., iics- cussion515 sf ihe pcicaliill phaes sfsill prbe sissnd will coninuelssschoa ot irsettlmes.sCss tersiS. iiss ey iho ass esbeeni selsecissd Iyvtle fasulty conilltte torepeset te uiveisity i t iths Csommonsss ixt yeirlhs rscveds sill ssnilsem ftecliib. 'The so- sci s iet s a aood bisginniniiiidgitu is epeced hat he ornngveari will oss siseeit in o heis iilsssvial osisvrsity orgaiziatios. SENIOR LAWNS NOTICE. EXTlRI.' DRY! S. & NV.rinicosssw ill keep you so. 78-9 Siseles & N\osvili. I Iso you bsoussight asich siganesisin vet si te hsu- urry, lastsh sipmiieiit now Get yonr Gym stupplies at Cushings. Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, 10c. Fuller & O'Connor, 61$ E William St. Try some of Cusningas Fine Choco- lates. tf Walsh and jewelry repairing of all binds domie at Foster's Art Store. 12311 AG;ENTlS WA'NTlED. Mrv. \'ssrke-r:5You younriake stove m soey sellinig oiur goosssthaisniboos, scolsuiiis.oirOilnytiig else. We lsaven' omu etovs s-c1 sow yollbot still teli olsy mail if youi seud your ad- sres. Chalsose Brsithuevs Coiipaniy, Roch- ester, N. Y. 25-6 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I a a : s i i i i i i i i i i i i i rNmmmoo IREMOVED bFroilAthensathea- l208 N. Maims, first dosr nisrth of post- sofie. tihone 341.f THE ATHENS PRESS, Printers.j 4 Antiseptic BARBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS. * AC esMASSAGESPCALOTllAY J . R. Trojanowski, 322 Soath State St. JI F. SCUHIJ, Sanitary Plumbing, Electric construction and supplies Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and Electric fixtures, steam and hot water heating. - 207 F. Washington St = READ= Progress and Poverty BY HENRY GEORGE At All Book Stores f Save the Walk Down Town IaGet yu 4 e* WATCHEIS and JEWELRY REPAIRED N~risavefirst-class wortmneandguser- asolemour ort. We seiiFobs, U. aI M. Pinssad Banners at Reduced Prices We astu bind Law Lecture sad Theses F. J. SCIILEEDE, 340 S, State Street Telephone 310 'All snorslaws iereesied initheliep-vs1 AGENT1S WAN'TED. oioIi illshe Tile Guarsaniy & Trust- cssmpiay sof Ness.Forsk shisoldsee . L. $25.00 per week during your vacation. Conuleysor S. IR. ihiler at oce, a lhI- Ne wasnt college stuideiits is act as our gisoos wsill ssenda rpss entatsivestoissnn represeiitaivssansIlake oruders for our Arborss Satiurdaysv. Junie.10.tischiososillthesew hue of uti-dale goods. Entirely nleii. 79 new.OQick seliers. $50ooo a week guarantlleedI ho hustlers. Your can makse BlOARD. enusghoneooy duriiig your vacation, to -payloll'yIi uruition lfosr isv-stlevrm.Write Openi sol siuimer. Saovery clab, $3.00 forv porticulaoss today. Universal Maim- loss wseek. 1212 S. Uiiivervsity. iffaiscturing Comiipaiiy, Pittsburg,Pa. tf WE CONFIDENTLY COMMEND TO YOUR CONSIDERATION OUR FINE NEW SPRING LINE OF SUITS TOPawCOATS CRAVENETTES We ave the popular bltue serge ill all the differeint styles amid a line of fanciecs that are sure to please you. Our Hat and Furnishiiig Goods Department is replete with all thme season's latest styles. W ADHAMS ("0L Co. 121-123 S. Main Street SEE OUR. WINDOWS J'VIURIGAN CEiNT =- 'o "Vhe Niagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE l 17 BFAO..ANN ARBOR to J BUFFALO with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City, SL. Panl and eWs.Frifrainad thromlgh tickets call on or write to W. /i -. W. CASH, Agent, Ann Arbor. CPYasseT Time to Leave Off wearing linen with worn and frayed edges the resiult of poor, indifferent or really reckless lstiudering. Especially is this the case when we do such capital work at noo groater charges than for inferior or careless hisndling. You have only to call, write or pihono for oimm wagon. when ivell show what can he done hy a laundry skil- fully stud conscientiously managed. 'Varsity Launldry 211 S. 4th Aver. Both Phoreas 928, THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AlS TEAMSHIP LINES. TIME TABLE-Taking effect Feb. 26. 190$ Lv. No. 8*- 7:20 Lv. No. 10- 9:05 a.m 2t-11:35i am. Lv. 3t- 4:50 p.m 4t- 8:15hp.m. Ar. 5*-12:35 P.m *Daily except SundayIbtween Owosso and' Toledo. t Through trains d ally except Sun- day. Free chain ears on Non. I and 4. W. T. WILLIS, Agt., J.3J. KIEBY, G. P. A., Ann Arbor, Mich. Toledo, Ohio. WE ARE NEVER UTNDERSOL;D-GOODYEAR'S DRUG ST'QRE