THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. - --- - - ---- - N N r, , .. oiTHE MICHIlGAN DAILY. F~Ua led a SM~oh ii itter at theAn Toilh unrlnn Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. Busines Manasger-, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. I UIII u Ii I Atl Ih t tam New --- -------------CL.YDE L. DEW ------ ARTHUR 0. POUND THE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARE READY And the Styles are unusually Handsome. HoWI[D C 0 311 S. State St.: Order Your.f* Engraved : nowfo Cards + Commencement Invitations :: We do superior aiidritcwkan can give yon the lat- est aiid best styles.:X Take with you ~when * leaving for hiome, a s pon rtoo Holland Linen note- .; paper and env elopeas I dir TId lay-GI OA. BARNES. CALENDAR. 1 'jit iiiin all i 1 ittitti tilt 1ttct- U a arprsntation of C~rt V-~d~ud laverst' n the i ttt i'ri ica iu. Xi You Like i)tut ' I tw i 1 ;cc~taurc t itidress-.byn Prei- P itt I Itt-i11. Agell,.Uive'trsity ha]], t p 2 1' >tr, i la ithe la ti ssuiett' of THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Address L. B. Bates, manager, 808 S. Fourth avenue. Phones-Bell, 1066J; Ionie, 289 Red. 24tf iorisomeltinge hi/s if)gRi lookN. very -uch iik t et lii iritgiiitiii ii ericn hitor dep rtme t, ll i thei c at of ipii h is ti-t' ft ii itiWL dt i- ttill secre ftroimN iiipt thtt Iueie siii.e Wah iitn totakt pac. Il of tilte tiiiiiiiit hadi unt eri' ctsit er- ii aittt iti ilt' iiii rs ntt otit in ti tuiiit Ti tinbt they have .no didedt i to The lili 'erst)' IS ery i tititig.3 h\n; \' SihNrit en InllS po theiis i titgfacuty-,tifortith iite ition IOR SL. Ni-oIlt' dii laytting avitcipyt itt it' nsan s he sppi> tuliibe to ehted bfric'. uun Commencement Goods Engraved Cards for Senior invitations 100 CARDS AND PLATE Choice of twelve styles of script, $1.25 Artistic Work Latest Styles Anr Arbor Sotaverir Book kThe umost complete soiiveinir ever issiied, Secoind editioni just received, caiitains So views of camipiis and city. Prices 50co ~mid $1.00 a Souvenir Postal Cards Sixty Varieties 2 for 5c WAHR'S c ;. 0 c n ti Genine'taInianittimioccasins for this PaaahtatCtigRer&Cos tunlitt oting; rteai ibuckskin. Prices Pitiatl iCtigi-r&Co. right. iiarrngtiit, 319 Cathiiriite street. WANTED. I *All Standard $1.50 Novels now 50 cents ~SII[DIAN &COm SUNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERS 1905 SIEINS All Seniors desiring Class Stein: should leave theii-ordei-ninw with WM. ARNOLD, .College Jeweler. . 220 Main St., - Ann Arbor XX ANTROE AT ONCE. 1 iii ii - for 11oi 1it ititictS ott1tweck davs aiiii Saiturtitiis'pperirat Macks cod-tftlik & Co. Ticket for four shtanmpoos, one dol- ir. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. University, near Quarry's. t-th-s If. COOK HOUSE. beai'nig ihouse-irites $2.oo, $25oaind $3.00T.tSuniapdittintrs a speiatyii, 5oc. whc-c p arc11o IilelytoSituli' (In~illt~tnctalc f S. ofthe new1) ~ . & C. tcl st 111 to he isand o -coo reals II ay toIactas 11'111 111(it oii igtipatiy:iiifit itt. at(al'Etaite ifcan c :-i' pptliyi it- t II . . tnt'om- ery,417 .iii isi i t~eA11Abr Re a i:r turn t ill iS. tliest titeit. Oriisr tihsemtunowt. INYNI)IIN. C. E. Barthell LAW & MEDICAL BOOKS CASH PAID [OR SEt;OND-NAND Law, tied ical and Dental Books c. [. DARIN[[L Both Phones 326 5. State St A Necessity for right sihaving, and a heal- ing balm every tiiie you apply it to your face- WILLIAMS' HVN HOME TELEPHONE BEST LONG DISTANCE COMPANY BEST LOCAL SERVICE OUR SPRING LINES ARE NOW OPEN FOR ~YOUR INSPECTION Henry & Kyer HESTAILORS FURNISHERS T ~e HATTERS ' G VL"tI't'l CIJl11 1 (7l .' I/ LUY ,5ft/ElUL IL1~t' DEALERS IN BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. ESTIM/A TES C/-EERFUEL/ Y GIVEN Phones 495 KOCH BROS., Ann .4bo' AMich. flave your Iit resfrmed at De [ries Art Store C~ ornr ai ad iberty