The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. "MOLLY" ELECTED CAPTAIN R. M. Wendell Chosen Captain of Next Year's Baseball Team-Ten M's Were (liven Out. Ycs'tcrimm mit -rttimia Mich sbl tosses :tsi~nhlc a ietscidtciandii mimil imiit titi tnl im h tl, a ea ict t. it impst eeited aii ttailtifor neic wilil b ile lad r of th itt ittt- lmiii( . \dd iiimNll*- 7coolhei \im li tatnmshmuld agaittsecure thiepean- "lioll" asbeen membr cof thm ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 1lEDNESDAY. 1',JUNE 7,Ti)05. PRIZE FOR MICHIGAN SONGS Michigan Union (offers Inducement to Writers of Songs for the University. lThi Univrsity oiiiMicitigmiiUtnimon moffmermstwoitrizea, itnicof $Him tdutn of$2,,for tetwoitt stic oleet og sub ited o he om iiitte onto tefit i gTh utposeiinoffmi ant theseiprizes i tta in atuMichigan sitt an ittll f o yal g tt iund mdmvtinto thei alma ater. If o i imtic is' rit-t cUnpin ani t tiaisoil,, the tu ents ca sig m n the i tin mleti tim iif iiied on t camus andi in thitmiirii uim it ii. i i I. Thei cnt esicmtiii pnti mu yon mm 'Iilrl( iia liiores ves t iht ilto cpriht o uls n n l og il ilase the com ite d sno l m Iny tl.them tb tir t Iotthe i zs 4. .Thse c iteare fee plur thnsben ul reerii ce iitic giiig n t i Rum vsgttomoiinalivi mii Pt GIRLS' ATHLETICS. Barbour Gym to Be Overhauled This Summer- Gore Gym Class Work to Be the Rule. Tl isPt reguliime tinglitofm lte'Giria, Athleitic tivviimctttlimt wami hetmiti M utilmir iti-tl implas fir neticiye ar w rk wtrer discse. Th mater f sitsfar tihe lioitill m mesi a Itmi ic i gut 1ti and iiii itiniitw sdcld ac tgri r eguti llmtimmn su it; im'rthe irls, gi i viitm oIlic usili tieri rlsii iii i ii s T l coor mutt em mn tilwi llsilmeue 11iti( itis f te c I~a t i l) wmitintaitil n liied. The\k irk if tilc gyrituasitill limit tilytherei wereim onuit1 inrcyea clss ad tn per cas.i p tte a mret idiffrcemicm o theiim'giris. -Al1 teqi rdti touete rita reguliarcl ism'and take tutnalim work l t wic e i a t' 'tim im-. So ntewi apparaiii'tusiaia toiblit' talledi n th gilsi' g\ii ii 'ititig tct. u lltm' :;lly f'hegymtwiill lite fieditiptis itmit ver-itic'al 'rtpims tiill lit'put intt nd inii h lly ilite irwarys itegyumaiumit tiill lbe 1-ant i mpr ed \iAtithu'K III'111" ait the' L ii'iiveriii if Uttll, iimop iing over i f'th i *11 n- hasm notti ngli]itit ntiuton at fill U.tiltl mw ii thin stt mhmpo s l t l iifooitll anditltis No.I PRAISE MICHIGANENSIAN. Detroit Papers Comment Favorably on This Year's Michigan Annual. T e mi trom'tiii ournaii l , iill'mmitsi flitear iii tliciigmltitciatmii iiil tt-l lt ri-it ltichm ianniant he i t1ti itc' if- crary lpridut ittt ii tim theii v liv i - it ri f te i ven iri f ichuia- tutullgeyerist aimedyin il ticigiand lii dotingim' elititviives ad lylrcciliitia T'it u bmlitctin ti-unityvear im. I t t-lln the ortof ierr caffotiofthe'intt- if lrcait ic t uremiiiaw.h ic letrea ciwitr tutu ti-cl ttitulilt nmisuipre trtimf and' alctolit.hutmwor ith iworc.ltti llm rmomaevr abiiItil lyw' th-iamlltulr-iiiiu at- 'te li ati oni f i thvi covuty.l.Tihere it-ao imtnel thi ne vritl fri tisieciea witc chaatertavipofia tinsofcerital mmrmomin t a 'd lit tutu it i titinin, 'iiof reco r rmf thle n ti i sthe M ut sti seior iclass, thei ro tra ffuru iiater itils ranidlroat ici ge rustm-fil 'ritts i l ti "I-ti li mrrcitfthismyear'scpblcationa 'i l iit-i-ely in tiitire li ly riti i dealmif Tie:cts ios f eeiltwmclrst are' txclin'I tlT h. i n uucie tnlilversii-rc ir' T ti'ihie u'' tlu i'rat ion -a d fthisegaiatcr t-' reais geumeti grtefu-lir Io thi ing- -te tea mi t t irpe t postion 10 me trth tem li agrete favormi- S 11 ity in :ti ng the inerttoiwo w itrit. ii'i t-i- Catmi'ainttCamit- ll amat- ded i- t-tiiii tr' taih emsitim Ititi ait-v I', ftOt'Br . Klly it tm-iuiimn iier, ttIti ti t a nd m- (P'iti- mhi usp ig 'whie \hii'lt il'i litvnoi t ret it t 1ij in tvveularge han ai u m ttwipting efito shapev I ith preen m team thJ e 1 prospectsftrianthu successfPl yeart arI ofit e h esuu'mtta la i tors oft heuii gi Mi-itt' uf ic Ihavei auenmlitlit-frlcton mii hir.variousi wil heu mtci mad it as tiltrws- ar Sit'slttIAn tiRAPN K i?. S NIt\'.R, : 1T"1 hA'I'S biMaddtckm tvill ri-itinto itmult t fallut DOOR~h. atitctu'rlyiiuditil isasmt I-i-a' alaryt. It'lie i h tuus 'mue lubg lit tiheiem'andit ays Ftranik If. Sntuow-,-Jri., 'tuftiengineer'u, tm-tutu himt tic tiill uturntu not heuuuimr icthumpuionu- le-ft collemgte mimit'yt'r' uinig the irti'- mulip t-ttiteam net ifall. Ills a chuinltg i5 ctig sa son, t, mm-mum uuhalum- t weeni i-icit t her tri Iiumph uuit l it'ligi'sa thuleicm tatofreighuticura,, nar Chtiigoi, P titiltit'prowessin-asmin' ifortii'iimer yearsiPah'uscac- - i mornuing, tutu lit- a t tic poiitintlfdeth ly t-eit'r ti-ttu mufooutbalul gam e.t at St. Maltrgareint'sahospatlml ini limt cit-. _______________ -P disptuichufromuu ChiicaugoiSau idtatie S. I,. .SCHOLA-RSHIPltFU'NDi. coiii uld nt litvi', and iitht ml nmie as',- lu-ct-utfrmitheneutcik down'u. 'Tiii'ytiuti Itnucmimi'thn'MPicen- tumuuuu Plmeruu' manwamarnm,'intheitg ail '-uroaduinug iui- soarshuiunip bemcouumesa muceintytith isa itt-m Na mmactm'inug smi ae m an'uu onu utu falilt'e isurplus mufIlthe' S. I. -P. fundut th ianaImiutruutuuroad. tAurighul i- tiill litetaddedutto them' nootut hatut tture Ill raiiu'ulr inug mm-mu hopediu folii' yl T isa fiundi }ill ttuei i'be availableim' fur lia family. Illasibrouthern, Aluilt'. Snow mmlinii to utuents ini anyutdepar'tumnut it1 is divmision sa upterinuutnent if i 'th rod attheii' tirnait-. OIheli seuulm, utogether' r'Cica'mgo, wllit ut ciii' mramtisdinipteius ears-tn I Nt-tv-a of thn' 'ccildent rieaccuh um'te lit he 'S . 5P, iiti-ill bl anedit'lout to APtlphaiDlita i h usast manighut. Ftanutneetyityaudencuts. SnowiuisIa mubrnotheruofNiil Suit-, eii'ft- APlloansutareitt'oi tbeitmdethrutghi m aols lim'tig-uiathuletu ~ tewogu'tedit-icummuuuitm'm'm'consuistainof litth aeidenit mit ini 1902. itth'univerity, the dein fthe I dcepatrit- mtutuitfiilitrturin scicenceinditticemunta, NO'TICE. teatim o',uuuf tie depamnut uuf med-iicinet ,. ad sugery a' nditthn denofithue itt- Pit fnteahulit tmen mt in roo tam C 1. limit-t of mini-;tanth eyt''arie iitibeac- Uivers'ait'ytuault, todayt at 4:1u5. Imtporut - I cured-t 1by tnuot-saabtlet utuon or imorc atu--prepm'arnationtuforit' p g-itgh tll tut.yeu-tafmlitie 1uthe u'ubor rr as couuumlted' ttMI'andiles. Ililasuuiversitt' corsena 1905 Michiganensian STILL ON SALE AT THE BOOKSTORES Don't Fail to Get Your Copy before going Home cFRmAK Amivaa, P'uxcHtu. BIN ELI C"f IDLEADER. At thur meeinug if thur INTlmuutin uclib Tiucsaylnight '"Dhilr" Blaint wasc elctciclenadeir furnecxt year. 'T'hefaic- uliptydecidedlthamt thur -iantprevciouslny electcdlwa-mumineligilet,tnt huaumitug bett ini collcge' mit thc iimemof thei'electiont Ncxt yintiarwill tieiPr. Blaitus fourth yet-mn tthue chub.