THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ++4'++4+.S+++H4.+'i..I.+.4.i.4.I.+.++++t++4.c++4.4cl.4+.o441 IHART, SCHAUT'NER & MARX Suits, Raiucoats, Top Coats and Trousers for spriug of 1905 now ready for your inspectiou. d+ LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. M~ai St. I ~*~++4t4O***~*4 ~lccl44'4++**+*'+1'l1'i.+*+1'**1.*4.4 .I I & ...Money Loaned.. *On Watches, lDiamnonds, Jewelry r and all HighI Class Chattel a nd Collateral security. i~l~ W. J.LOURIM. ttos Two door outh ofnew Y. M..A OFIEIlnom:0 to 11:30; 1 to 4:30;, :00OOto 18:30. * Business Strictly Conidential. £NOCH DIfiTtkLE /1t Elmeolcr atd tFuneral Director Lnbulance-Calls attended day or night. ; 2105.4th Ave.;,IResidence samie i'toued4.4 Ann Arbor. The Gillette Razor T' rioc tcct Otto tog , cDevieeer NO STRfOPPINGi 0R4 HONINGi Ask to see theam Qu'~arry's DRUG STORE A POPLARi,.\ 'VEDDING 1f coo vlt aol delightoful wed( taoe ccf ill(c.c ew palaia l-,;tstrnStatscor W \esltrn Sicti rccc dacily etweencc etroictccandcc Statercoomsc.cand parllosc reerc ectice. Sentwo-ic;centtampIc tralccI booklct. Addcress I). & F bot Cot ., Dtro~it, Miche. I Ilt. lDRY ! S. & \V. raicoacts wili keetp 78-9 Stabiler & 1y Hatoe ycou bought accMichig ve? etter httrry, lat slil Get your Gym supplies at Q Suit pressed, 25c; trouner Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E Wit THE is to kmc you will tween th Prici resembb: clothes j store se' or touch you diagi clothes twenties wear the St icg rip, cittg hut. c, WhCclcl llccltfclcc. edl itn ad- fcor illtto- 1. Steam-c y yttsoc. ,viertl. i7actettocccc .eitl now :unhing'e. ,r, 14e. iliam St. Trunks and Suit Cases You'll need one or the other, perhaps both before leaving town. Vou'll1 find the kintd you iat in the Low Meditin Priced, canl the best coistriicted in the iiirket in ftll represettatioii here iiow. M CO BEST WAY TO KNOW )ollege Brand- Clothes ;c ow some ether clothes first. Then -' '- fbe able to measure the difference be-.j " he two. A ~ p O s will be about the same-then all A e nce will cease. No other store sells _______________ just made for yeoung fellows-No other QATEROIZS, 5. 5.EAC; 2 FO 25. is garments with every custom tail- CtOuE TT PEAODY & CO.. to them. Not youth's sizes mind uised under a young men's label but created expressly for one sort oft the chap hanging around the lowerI s.Older men with younger tastes can mI if their figures will stand it. D vlp taebler & Wuerth Bone, Brain JOLT PRINTING-Meyers', 215 Mainan street, southi.Phioie 281. it rw A(;liN'ls WANTE'ID. Mr . \\ccclcr: Yont cnimake icr mouecccc selinicg cct r goodcs Icth iock, cch l scciciciiocrc anycthinlucg elo. wec hacen' ccc) occccchecre to schccwcyoucbt It illii li 9cc)b) ilticiiif ycccied udrcctladl circcc. t CmceIBrothlers omcipay, Roh- II li ecter IN.Y. 25-6 l~ii\ ltt~fi FEE lii ;E~sS. Q A ond mnd is a sound At te Cliftccnc I icccce, \\lit tcre boy i tie ideal whih eery lice raionl icn seks 1o attain. lakec. . 'Ml. Sttittc, rorccier, f This i reoaI ic a quetia of procper ioodc, oii Watch aiid jecwelry repairing of all Shredded hinds doie at Foster's Art Store. 23f 'Bsci A\ 5 Alcitgtttcttcjttt is thceccist - cii rduicec tee icecciresults. cc) difthecle cigc yearthtt ou cc ancit It ic icmade fros thte choicest cctsil bu ;criel$.irhat and notintg rse. ( It _c c)cc cce ~it i o knwcefabetht wheat co- shinun o Alchgannsansi, tii insal teIlrrement of lie ci itiiccti cl i~ctg~ttctcetic Ic human odi acd brit ot. It ncci i. G(cci ccttc crli'. bucilcscmuccestir, e, teerth and hO:Acll. uedi ac a tost or wafer. tlnal mm c. Sayerct lici, $300"c 1. i, ccet cccccccCci Scci" ccc cl. 1212 S cieric. f The Natural Food Co. Summer School in Mechanic Arts E- curtc scarccctccc rcvciedinccalt sccjectccciught cc _____.._-_________________ tccaccictccdctrictcai ner i nccc cols" ci.secialu accrt c cis iii- t sop o .icccihocnicat dtaig " "'ic"icci +'^Ii".+ + "l~c t + +'t" S ..i" a i gn, maccccithcccmaticmchanicsccofrcengineeri, tho~tca~retrcashietlaortry ur-nsca Save the Walk ht FrII. ~ EROND k ord0ale +k m-Down Town JOHN I T.FAI16,Registrar LexintonKr.ctt you PHO0TO GRAPHS 3,s9 WATCES and JWERY THE SEMORaSUDO, ' hns orwr.WesltosU fM SEYMOURSTUDIO, Pis and Bnners at Reducedl Prices4 wesoe dcc ct Law Lecturec and Theec 3l6 ot Sain St. P . J. SCLEDE, 340 S, State Street CASH POSITIVELY CASH Tdpiooa31 Ybs C am IHot Ltuch At Tottle's. 338 S. State Will Close June 24th Granger's Academy Will Open October 3rd BILLIARDS NIUSTON BROTHEIIRS Sucescors to Jas. W. Reid, 312 S. State Street I care lust receive.d tecirgittd and finiest tine if Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever hbccughci to the city. FINE lUNCh-ES IN CONNECTION Everytincg Neat acid doan Agencts fori. it. ii'ipicc 308 S. State St. R. E.JoLL.t IXGHWA N (Ein~4JL "The Niagara Falls Rout." THE SHORT LINE [CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to BUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the Weot. For information and through tickets calt on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor. Try some of Cunning's Fine Choco- lates. if. AGEN'TS WAN'TED. $25.0o per creek dutricig your vacatint. \Ve wantt eollege ctutdeints to act as our reprlesenttivesaid lake ordero for our tiews licie of til-to-dole goods. Entirety toe. Qiik sellers. $5o.oo a week guacranteed to hliers. Youctaroc make etouighlioniscey duirig 3yourvacation to cpcy youtr tuiticoncfor ncxt terit. Write; fcr parlticutilr todacy. Uctiversal Mait- IfictuirinCompanc ,Fitcsburg,Pa. If+ ...Carefully... TESTED and FITTED By the Latest and Best Ap- proved Scien- tific fmethods. No orders toe cabs for partii meats wilt be taken thic s cach accompanies the RATES; Ose onccle to aod fromntpaeties tciiccenctc - - Eclusivor use of carricage- Coupe - - - esor entertain THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD eason unlesAnnDovnRAonHIP LInes. eorder. TIME TABLE-Taking effect Feb. 26.1903 Lv. No. 6*- 7:20 a.m. Lv. No. 1t- 9c05 a.m .4 2t-11:35 a.c Lv. "'3- 5- 0 1Op. m sor enter- " c t- 8:15 pom. Ar. "'5*-12:35 p.m 3.000 * laly except Sunday botweon Owosso and ..0Toledo. t Through trains daily exceopt Sun- day. Froe chair ears on Nos. 1 and 4. Holmes'LiveryW. T. WILLIS, Agi., Homs ieyJ. J. KIRBY, G. P. A.. Ann Arbor, Stlch. W. H. Stark Toledo, Ohio. --full er's Jewelry Store- - Robsn&Co. H CIGVA I1?V y. Continues Its ]Excel- Billiards c, Pool HOCKND 1DI~II lJ.lent Train Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daiy Stimpson a . timpson Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains 334 Sw~ath State Street UNION DEIPOTS IN TOLE5DO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARS, 202 Elks' Temple, Deroit. Mich. Tobacco Cigjarettes Cigar. WE ARE N- E VER UNDERSOLD-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE