TH1E MICHIGAN DAILY._ 3 I Men's Summer Underwear: Good Balbi ggant Under wear--all sizes, pergarment - ",2,5* Plain and Fancy Colored Blalbiriggani Undeirwear, Short or Long Sleeves, per garment So - 5 Swell White, Blue and Pink Mercerized tUnderweair, all; sizes, per garment - - - - - - 1.00; Metropolitan Linen Mesh tnderwear, All Sizes per Z garment - - - - - - - - So Men's Union Snits - - - - - : I no to .00 Cutting, Reyer & Co. 109-Ill E. Washington St. $3. 50 REGAL $3.50 They have arrived and just what you want TANS ( [KING CA[F PIGSKINSxioras jWAXEIDCL PATENT EATHEIRS ) NAMINAL [IEATHE[R All Styles and some Styles you have not seen before Paul Meyer N NNN N NN N N N N C __ - - 1. S4 Pickwick ~ BOWLING ALLEY Strictly Vp-to-date. S. ROTTENSTEIN, Prop. 707 N. Vr.Lv. A've. Visit R.ENTSCHLER'S NEW GROUND FLOOR STUDIO. 319 East Horon St., opposite Ladies' Library Special Ra.tes to Senlors In e.11 Departments 'I. IK~sIOK5155 IV JOB PRINTING-Mevers', 215 Main 1 11 i cti l iit i:1o th L'tivcr street, south. Phone 281. tf V 'NI C..l mc iijil" i t liicliilI.ii l h ll- - -- cliiitt (c "1 c1111rcii 'he .S tr ,illt ttliS ir i nt 'i c' s. it- BRIGHTON FL[AT CLASP GRE PIO fErst711t Maittof tales Forwe"all aodpaundr N i'e he'duse thet lis't' u'47t prure. B ilkerc, '5 L 111 n tyuwitikg. on u- t '1,' Ijiunce .2 On 4Pat Ph r34,2 PIOJACKSON R iME T8 aLe. S ;USPENOER C. 'iliPhi iii iii l adlpi Mj'iiAKES Of PiI OA~NEERiiSUSN DERS RoiwAn eir'-ir iiiaiuitnd ryOt u h ma Roweni ,n~ . n tiu Pr luitor.ii I News'APho n t-57 i-elii lihiine4571,i WleansyoAniipewr'iitnyintirtfurnisvrim repairedofbypexe rmtirn at easnabe pice. Alhork34J &JACB.SONBLRVlerE09TWLErt. 11 o I II tic1 ll tI ii 51 I wii ii t lo ii liii iitl lle i o a t -ill Hi th r v i 1 5 -Mil -ii ll 55 ll 1 o II l 11t" Non1e0 bI t II I I to St Ien t 5. app 51. iiii s r al . . tri airkneif \Vatch attd jewelry repairing of atll kindis idotie at Foster's Art Store. ta3tf V11111 tii loll-iciiicixicci tates.Cf. SENIOR LAWS You Will Need a Typewriter Ifyou wantithe,-etni, drilli neclrdiand I nwill cull. F. T, STO WE, City 30 DANCING [LESSONS 20 Asseblies For $3.00 SCOTT'S ACADEMY 171-cck 1.121' 5. ft fi-r117. if I PENDYOURVACATIOM ON THE GREAT LAKES M/CW/GAM SUMMER a R EOTS DETRI' ACLEVLAN D Leave DETROIT, daily - 10.30 P. M. Arriue CLEVELAND - - 5.30 A. M. uIi 1111 i I-li nd ouh Leavo CLEVELAND, daily 10.15 P.M. Arriue DETROIT - - - 5.30 A. M. lliiiiiiccinithci D. A C. STEAMERS fur Mackinac. "Sun." Manquetto, Duluth, Minne- apotis, St. Paut, Petuskoy, Milwaukee, Chi- caguo.iind Georgian lay. 111111ith all nil-1 lod o iin llMichigan 1and1 lih cli-. DAY TRIPS (including Sunday) between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY except Monday. JULY and AUGUST MACKINAC DIVISION Lv.TOLEtO, Mondays &*Saturdays 9.20 A.M. *Tuesdays & Thunsdayn 4.00 P.M. Lv.DETROITMondays &*Satundays .00 P.M. *Wednesdays & Fnidays 0.20 AM. FournTriys Pen Woek *Cummencing tune 161h DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAG. CO. Going Home +VIA ~'Big Four Route .. "The Road With the Servicen" - . ;£ 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY 3 Toledo to Cincinnati S"Union Depot at both Ends" INo disagreeable Transfers L W. LANDMAN, General Agt. TOLEDO, 0. ~Noon Lunch'; +. zr:30 ta. ii. to 1:30 l tp . n . 25 cents IDinner ,+ 5:45 to 7:00 p. m. ' 35 cents + SStunaav Dinner 12:30 110011 tO 2:30 p. mt. 35 cents Oyster Bay t315 SOUTH STATE ST.j 0. IL Matin Funeral Oftice 2110S. 4th Ave. Phone0 98. Resnidence 3112 S. 6th Ave. Phone 314. Ambulance on call. WASHITENAW LIGHT & POWER CO 200 E. WASHINGTON ST. Have You Seen the New - PIGSKIN - c~n BLUCH[R OXFORDS p1J - FOR MEN - Only Gerrulni. Pigskin Oxford Ini the City. Never before been uotd far tess than $6.50 They Are Rlight. You had better have a look at 119 S. MWil Nitt that the County Fair is Over you1 willh eti tos ts totip in at I I 'N 5 t 00 'S t cam a lii'iit t o SHIOTitCAlA' 01 tol tiy tne of noui SI lAWlttRR'tFL~tOE S. "The Pure Food Store" 1- DE ITIES Aln 'Rater Turkish Cigarette can be made CORK TIPS Look for Slgatnr" Ii. PLAIN qt S. ANARO4YR.OS Always Ahead In Styles2 MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring