TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY. -- ... SBurelifield's Fine Tailoriin STrade Guarantees... Y ot tih- most skilifal and atistic service to ihe had anywxhere. I Wt: tlays ntrr a ilag antd comnilte tlite of seasonabl e wool- + * ells. e' tate thte ,eotty for Beach &o Newtl' CsomI'ttt Sir ts an aten 'show yott a large, bteautifult and exc-lusiv toine of sit- i-'--'perfect ftting. +1 + Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 FL Huron j HOA'S HOME SUPPLY STORE 1BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, SHOESTRINGS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, AND COLLAR BUTTONS. V'on can tattayn oave in uitnyftotm Corner Maim and Wasehington 0 INDIVIDUALIIY IN CLOITI[S it1 tt' t t t t tVhat-tito tiell ttttn ttsuit in going to look on you «htt yogitaltt ntlita roll of 'iotitto judge ity. Buttpttt on a shtoi Adie ot'sno. & 'o.. I toelteotet'. made readty-tn-wear and io wt'et .it a tdance. .1 ntit in-,ttgyotttpay thte tMereitant Tailor front $30.00 to lt1withItttinltotpt'ottfsatisfact itttnohile yon pay ttsotly front It tiit0t $25i.0l0for tte actutatltrrtaieity. A atn It (tttt' disptlay wndtotws each week will keept you inttlottedith th e tndoittg'intite wttrld'o fashtion. ~ReeConlin & Fiegel~ 200=202 South Main St. LMoney Loaned c Ittlttd ~c Ann Xnr i . 11 n-.. to tt-., a.ii.I Joseph C. Wattss GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice tta lowers and The Ann Arbor Savings Bank A Gieneral tanking Buasiness Transacted. At Tsttle's. 338 S. Sitts t BUY YOUR SUIT, CASES FROM ALLEN MAIN ST. EVERY STUDENT so l haeinthis postet son-tttttireport in altittn, ' tthtetic tLttrarytN. t2l7. wrt tn et.aiittE. Stliastifof IhDeate t fPhyitltCturrtet a. DiecorPfAlDJNO BReOS 9. (Nf Whtrst akens xprelyfor i III II'd t YC CIIt I )I It . T lli',- w .1,1 It- ; l 'l Antiseptic B RBER SHOP and BATH ROOMS. Jt . R. Troianowski, 322 Souths State St. hi J. F. SCHUN, Sanitary Plumbing, Electric construction and supplies Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and Electric fixtures, steam and hot water heating. 207 E. Washington St - READ = Progress and Poverty BY HENRY GEORGE At All Book Stores Will Close June 24th I 6iranqer's Academy Will Open October 3rd t 1 Jas. W. Reid, 312 S. State Street I 11( ) II I \1K Ii.Lateot novelties in stttinga at Fat- ter & O'Connor's, 619 E. William St. It\" _\- 'tt'ttt 113:11 t 11 t111 Itt 110111 1 1 U UI Go to Ctushing's for Hershneys & -t 1 -1 t: t l~uil- -111ttICaileras Milk Chtocolate. 6f ;itlit I I7 t1tt 1 :111 a Itt 11111 FOR.St Lt, fl - i ..1.(I- ,) tl'fl'll' ;1i- ~ltiI-alt 0 1I on 'tt t iti'Ii~tttlitit_ Save the Walk It$t.tt tiiI 'Down Town - i~g~IiWATCHES and JEIWEL RY Stetam aittlFrencht try cleantng anti;SA REPAIRED reptairing at Fuller & O'Connor'sa 619 4. is 1as tfirt -tlas strtttttt'td guae- is 11Williatm St. ttttscattte00-o'. Wein I oseU IM. ____-APins and Banners at Reduced Prices l'it Sortni attl Itittit Sot a t WnaloI'indttILute ttetares. and Theses The orass ad Haati So's fne F J.SCIILEEDE, 340 S, State Street Itoe endtt oxfords, ntltdottly by George t, Telephone 310 11. Mill1er, 212 SottutMaintstreet. .} ,. :.,lt~ . , 4+4..i.+ Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes I-- t~o > ll t tn icy lt. I O K 110ISE. iiiNIl LUNt'l IfS IN CiiNNEC ''ION It-trythttt Nt-ut at n it 1.al t~ca I t 1110 -rtit $2. $250 1ttt1 3tt3 S. Statte Si. R. L,. Jotte~v i SUSITS WE CONFIDENTLY COMMEND TO YOUR CONSIDERATION OUR FINE NEW SPRING LINE OF TOP-COAT'S CRAVENETTES I wke he Itte eptcpllatnblute senge itt all thte dilf'nettt sty'les attI1 a lite ottfmct -eo that are sitre to please yout. Ottr Hat atnd Furnishittg; Goods IDepantmtentt in replete wiitht all tile season's latest styles. WA DHAMS t(. CO. 121-123 S. Main Street SEE OUR. WINDOWS O .A 1 N N Ne0®®®N®e 00 @ Nd N N Nf l N N NO i 1111111® ® I~CHTGAN tMNLJAf - The N/tiagara Falls Pa ' .I'. t THE SHORT LINE ' - (CHICAGO s/ ANN ARBOR to1 BUFFALO , --~ NEW YORK D-I with direct cotnectionts at Chicago fortLoiKnaCtyS.Pulnd; th et o omtioadtrought tickets call on or write to W. i W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. CPRW 1 Time to Leave Off weaisntg linetnt t'Iit tt'tt't tttd frayetdetiges lozatet''cthargtes thtattfot' infetiot' o1 trt or tt ho'nite or tour watgott. twien te'li ful lytatdticotn'cit'ttiously stmanaged. 'Varsity Launrdry 211 S. 4th A-en. Benh Phsnrsss 928 THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE-Taking effetnFenb. 26, 190S SOUTH NOHTH Lv. Na. 6*- 7:2i am. Lv. Na. 1t- 9:05, am 2t-11:35 am. Lv. ac3- 4:50pim 4- 8tt5hp.mt. Ar. "5-12:35 P.m *Diyexcept Sunday between Owosso and Tld.tTroug rains daily except Sun- day. Fret chair cars on Non. 1 and 4. W. T. WILLtS, t. J.3J. KIEBY, 0. P. A., Ann Arbor, ish. Toledo, Ohio. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG SJ2ORI$r