I C M }ICITIGAN DAILY. f r il1 ~oo . i ICII> lIwN DAILY. !I !.!I!I t!!\t Ni ! t I .> * I o .s : --n i ali(It 0the A in (Continued front page onze.) * it ' ~rt .:tt ip . I' tr n t,. tY t -~~~~~ ' 41 tl.io ttions.t THiE P 1 C : A. ttg EttorJ TAN~ LEtYBLY.ttrro tott",AN. QDI I WiOLENA RE snesMnae, :U C .TOMSN ------ ATUR '.1. orr ~t ,r READY...Id il. Brow. . . . . And he tyls aeait 'N lii o 11.Andew.I (rreA 4}x , A.tur 'II. ns O 0 tot titoe ttiotI."1' l1 lt 311 nulit 3nto 70( 6. II P.iI IO ans A.I t. P'SONC ltIC n'( Order CAL1ENDAR-..... t 4 Cardstn. daNly'. tA irtt tel tt i + 1 1 .0 ( 6 -1 ' 111ttI .1 , 1 ________ 11 it0t 27;13 -rder ± Novlsnow 50 censR. llillT ARM... 4OIiOHESTR *."III.IIA N & 4' oNi \i. I Cti K tlili Ithtms-2891Rod C O « i 11't 1 ,Gontne Itili-atts e oit3u. rI211 BO K [L[ S i tiii't!itr ottittttig; rentl now for * ' I 0I i it I t1;;t1 ['cattgt ctt 3t tlr wit- tret +* Ii i i i ."IYti..'I t ,?iEI)21ATl ONC:1'. 1C19 5 mST n SmeIt 11i mc r t t ltttclf ,Ios Il 0. Comnmencement (oods E ngraved Cards for Senior Invitations 100 CARDS AND PLATE Choice of twel te slesof lScript, $1.25 Artistic tork Latet Styles Anr Arbor Souvenir Book Prices 50c and $1.00 Souv enir Postal C rds Sixty Varieties 2 for 5c WAHR'S C. E. Barthell LAW & MEDICAL BOOKS CASH PAI D [OR SECOND-HAND Law, f'ledical and D~ental Books B~oth Phones 326 S. State St Men who Shave ruts big risks in using any- tinig but the best sbaving soap. Tbat's the popular WILLIAMS' SHAVING I WM. ARNOLD, .College Jeweler. . 220) Main St., - Ann Arbor H ttao om ll, forr t o a ttrd. it1"1 cott-tf Mack & Cit. - - itt ~ Tickttfor toturnshamptoos, ont ol-n ; . JAN t(N. tr. Soft wator. Miss Vaughn, N. X I I. tr c t. 77-( tnivorsity, noar Qnarry's. t-thi-s t HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE OUR SPRING LINES ARE NOW OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION Henry & Kyer TAILORS FUNIHES To Alen HATTEL~S GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND B UILDERS. DEALERS INABUILDEPS" SUPPLIES. / S iA /... /00 I.. oFll oY 1vfN Phones 495 KOCH BROS., /nnflror,AIMich. STEIN-BLOCHI CLOTHING LINDENSCIIMIDT & APFBL YOUNG'S HATS.