The Michigan gDa ily VOL. XV DISAPPOINTING FINISH. Baseball Team Wound Up the Sea- son With Defeat-Final Score 7 to 5. Perhaps thelessisaid out ester- dil',;baebal late iwith (hcago. the better. Certainely tone of the fans isho witneissedl that hert-retditgispetaei Will care to lute it rcalldi to their uietituriesby lie todetild acunitt. foihjliga's ntctwtidinulp tthe sa sontit the desredelaileef glor. Te le hat Witstrereettig the varst ati tle loie of t contest hadl lokei Sager"s throwingutingud it-oslelro thebadyeserdy ad teiicleagoc at- te is totu: lileie tiit hit uve hc lit tey ieer ctouldihtotedlutehadthle stat twre enin codijitio. if lDeNet'e' hadbee set itothe gate ecrlier \ihiga ij cuui eeiciIt- wtcilulhae iwontifoe le south-powiihail the harooiiiite~ itg ll lhe ti e liealo e bu on hitin the lieciiiuiigs thathl iced titch that tlieiii elihtarilItueb. was tre Thingiooke tiubiousfiiiitile vet-i beinnn ofiiiii thei cleeucut'tier lassel iii - to,tit itiifftadiiaii r ad I C " ou g i ng" ili a saee- ie.Pi sigledtoiicenutee, ceering i~/e n ailngtsecond imltself itliei Wendeilll lst the drie. lit wettoi th iirdhnSancigee ro\Nlteiti- tch iiinppiiigfgloi away tutm Campbiulell adcodoili hiatin's fttiteiltof Sit- Miigatotuk ithIe leain iithi seod icititi follwtedl tiltca safi-buitani hei and I O'ltinipulled l til tthe se- Indiand thuird Statiosisei-sietielvion Abboittil error.Campbellcitgto Linniti whlipped Tedci'' tte spila teitiWeCditt thebai aw,'.Cari and fha'liecroipft- ifg merifii hom eciwhile We l sl tek hingstalogtih iattige.ohinigut.'itt- iiir hlptitimCt-e fa i ildh lit o afiii tititotasel, wich5scoreI Iia \Vai tirl ii t e sidet heii irslt i111-i1 utu lote tefilt teato th left fieldtu fece Abbilcts tt ifollowedith as Cteejic hitiltigii Cii itit iian lmos uf tigt."innige iliric- ~ l veragiieI itithtr ipile. cr in"uwtticuilci tt iic-citneditl Tem c- iiu' x iiitwotpatstu taliibitHtish.i e t'ha u iItud the Cic-itie orii the tx in ic-. nin cueft thelt~-ic-t l te itce titilacifg lartits ii irigh it- ld, a "Cari. three-ba tutu and tittetittr i icait eri openec- t he ii Sventl ili itin-lt C (Ciginfontne o paebow hil ANNARDOR, MIHIGiAN, l_'\1AY, JUNF(4, 1905. CHICAGO WON THE MEET Maroons Get 56 Points to Michigan's 38-Garrels Breaks World's Record in Discus-Rowe Establishes New Western Record in Two-Mile Run. Chiecig- iiiiiei3 1 Slu tcil ito the Dcail-.)i-Forthecclita timetic iisix-var hi ieciin ls h etrn Itrol «ite secondthut-i-i C coteI fe-tin cthel e vau tlt andtiti-cutd ae maeitiihadiiili cc t ckedetdtut-tithe hici withi his liniges. Scmtse cf Indic- i iii ire ted s ensaii itin lby alteicrinaiitg ini th etoi vet.iheichligaithent- ini theiIii hi umpiiii all dropeditil tititat fctS ichiies. i ici ii sgt c I~g t iody v i tt-ithafli iit-si ti-hit a1 laierlt-i-llcitti p l t ei m I di,4f-c- itt-k chird iIlleuut it t i abueitesis In hehr:[ Jmp n cii ii i d id tic- f tt ,3- in hes on ii< fir t 1tiai -i tcit l eii iI itn im , t d utu he 'ciSod ii ,]ot in t iielietiio c cicc i ci Atth So c iii - - c ic itip lt o l'at 1,%onof Chcago tic a l i ein cif lio i cii 111) iv citiit'' i nt l ietste ti icitt bu i c occh cipi. ctlt utu i ']'li 220 urdl ~ ichru i_ ' tog t feC-i liG rcl, a d N cl Cilii edfor th huecii cci i t10)'11.)t i o teiifa c it.a cs-hmic I i s tiderpae lyci, uc~ toi~it nrcle cd elit et.t C tici Ittt-asly . it \icn i teol 1l in t i . Ccile ( I Tcci a.mni iji-eatdt i1 l lccili- Ihea t Ct (Chic. ' ndi hCat. ie d (C),iuii ti, 3; 3d hlNic l (l I )i C l ice lCt-it h\n is ( I, n. oep ittl., 140 fee and Fial-il~i r i t ic1 'c1c i2nd Iic i11 is t ff1 I I ( C ilc Ce ''cc ciii - Iccitllic llie 1ts 10 Ifeets -S ic h tict y(C),I21il1-,8 ifeet 1- inces t' - - - hi I ~itea fioti 2II n dasfhtil -gtitchtt I, Blai ida- i t hllt (\ttui), Ci t; Ro iber- sud;it ~ rcy (Neb.'ti cii's (), 3rd . time- 0:c2itee, if t i ' itt t 1t; clir (\F),l fttit Tl(Iowaher 2nd;oFa)risi NO. i77. I1c),tiedIfor 1tll' licse(CIte.), ,3rd. 3 11 ),ind Lstnit(hi), d. T ime,2 ft.6 - in.; Barerce(Iow a), 3erd. Relat tact-Chiceago, itt; CWiieonii, 21 : Illiis, -dt 1 CiillIN ICON ilfAI, 'iENNIS D) ily)t I tt o f C'hicacgct-tt final of tfhet CCestcenIniutecoleu'giatie tournamntutodayii idelft-atinigStuactiof Micthuian,(i-',6-4, 6-4- h.M ictc C11 i ciuhowevi, wonitile due uiuct tmsmetutuomChiicagoiibuy aisece'of 111 thuceiglsIGrtit-ofChuicigo hcat hMc 'il of cchiganht i. Stuarct, hiMichtigan. defate Wick tioiC~~ f Citicic. uis hIichigani - eicc-it ls, i fl tCiccago. Ini thei duluesfGarn-ttand - Gray- of Chic-ago Icc-ct :Mceil -tindIStucuet of 'Michigant, thl Iuijts candilI cueof h:Miuchia deifc-cted-c ifitiIe ciiindiHills euf Chicacgos. practially iaIru-'iinci of I the-idu. liimii t fuled.onfeecemet e el iseee weisti this sthtic ix eci a wr hikn teeets in iii chicewlecord were es itaishe cut e half r-ut- mietwto-mtil, ics, hu mer uiuuu1u tug thec ii iihuh c recoini ii the cdiscus wacs eaiiyithe ifea tu iiture u-i te -me und theimmnsethongwe juwl ithie-- six seeon, eain Ce yrightl feet andapeint g icc liias5ftc-hsiteuti-iu-. -C thei-stut if lthe cquarterii itroiict Walier ti-uubhoeight)yairuds f rotuig ey- ouf iiCicgy ci usmini uvs anciecisy third, huut t ccciBoruntu lii rao Afters itinithe iihight jiumiphcarket if hIatrci uedl fortsix feci hut ifailed. eucusut utuItti. GRADUAT-CION lRilC'"I'.- huts loence Cacrey wtill gire lesr gracuatcionutvioinitrecital ontt 'itcsuay evetnitugci a tueo'louek intheissee'Memi- orsical ihllcutheii'Sehootltuf Muiie Miss OCrey hacs been promsinntcue in uivrsity muijcal ireles durtitug tihe pash yeas, hucvting beenioljuhin soloistiwith bot the Univiersty orehuescia andtihie Uni- veersity Girls' Glee chlib. Sitse is tune of the jest violiniusts to gracuactetsinc Professor Ern assumned charge of tie ujijlin departmnt. Last SHIPMENT Michiganensians NOW In GET ONE AT ONCE AT THE BOOKSTORES