The Miichigan Daily VOL. XV OFF FOR CHICAGO TODAY. Coach Fitzpatrick and Te~nm Ieav e' Ov-er 11. C. at 7:58 Boys in M-igh Spirits.I 111k' tst P ott MWIIW AN, FRIII)AV (' A :T () l\11. I111' I ", 1C..1\ IN TlNisIS IF COMEDIES TONIGHT. lDouble Btill at School of Music- f niversity I, en in the Kole of IBurglars. No. 175. 'FuRY. U II sing ihe-cusom iualisgursted at the- leginitig ofthle twar. the Japanese 1) 1'( l lt illn i o f u-svitry o er lls c'v lli1 lt tlc'l~tssln feet i0 logo', tihe It he trik 0he "i1 111 111 iiiii I drapedi o ver 1111.1 ii is tiaps tlriiicrair. t~f1111icsti- SENIOR 'COUNCIL. 11 li biith Constitution Adopted by Union Giv- s-lttlcettu en in Full-Representation Grant- 1O-policy fP ic ed to Each Department. 1tt11 ,11;1 W1t .,1.111. anoot iii aREDUCED RATE ASSURED. l't l t Ii. -itt 1 <~ l ti itl isil lit- u Michigan Central tiives Rate of $5.91) to Chicago and Return Only on 3:08 'Train This Afternoon. 1c't t -- liai in-p rll Ol;to o t ii ii i day alcl ill ) i ha d a d fst - iii ii i d \ li ii( 11t1 ))ftilu ' 11.11 ti-t t \\)) i iii' iai> ,iii t t e eiiili i M isl tai \\ ii afte lt l t lc liii it l) l a N lt lii liii i~t Nc ca l.lIt tt'l i t it 'r1 it It ic 1)))r ar ,;OS ili< a tcr~l,)' iiand lilit a 1111111) r )f n tclcm, h ve i h t hlit -lil ( il te \ ('t1iiii 1 t~ il l:(lui ii l th e c lito i ul o : t< 1 'i il ii iit iii l tii r t~ l((( to h-r il c' li( t t ill ott. ll' tin ll:i(rl.(l u.l-ri tt ihi -all p. i i fpluf; aa ii l~w l(I)iti ((M il tif' rlit Ic I orIt -In it' VCI lay .-M r . t - - -tc liiio hit M y - Is t' I 't i l iii ito i i tclt it :1 ii i it lit - - i 12tci l 1' ct'1l-r ca l or l( t t itays ih It ills' I i t\\ K i to titi te Iis lri at (ill ittylit ito 'fit (]i , f,- l i- l)(T t 11;t1c c i tot:. tilt.AN, i (I hit i iti ( i. iii itt i, iltl~(]ly V n x r 0our l-Ni litit apptitedt ot Nic t tic diti sab ii ioitestoil iingctht stndnt cunci an it tundtit lito' ad sibeto lsuggestiiaopl aitforlisuchii litn Itl, begs leaveto subimliit iiti lit' iii i oieptorlu-i Ini the t itil laceIiitwe iibe lie i t ad-sal th t e iiaie olstidenti coi n ci. T eraotoarestif-idntiti wsteit We i c ins ide tiihiiiecen i:hisr ii'fistu-' litr~uia i i 0 itrior to th1 e r1 io; t I i t it iti eeti reit i n h cusi iof iii ic t io timonitiii eiitud t it rit esila i iithee ia oiiiwasiy soulr Fl~rthi reaon tudenti his ohio'it Topeetcorruptionthefacgu-tu took contol. i leiot it cais ot eii dtet Iicd othaot iacil tiio ttol hasiffuu tt Ii h i-til'' eatitd tial, iti i t lut titp- paen tilhat ii it i b u'ined withustome stu ents . Itiphiaisk ntiiohut> senseuos if r po s i il i away trn' fit studn lessen tdthe itiret ofi tesudnt'd ii tilte t d i verslilgllsity ioffairs. be livingt at sdet li ii' i rregulrie t es AM 0 te corr ectedtobititcreli'rothtuettr dndcrai histud lentisgceasiof ltanilt Iiillwich shailt t avetft its0puir- p steeiinate itfiiutionsaftd graf iiii-i-dnt rgafizt i s-uthie lcrea tttion pnd Nit5'l n asice taawhoe slic till i iliii lii' i't t i uch til hfil tin Tis o)-auitiuisouoleghe iotts, ipiswaer s dlgte too it 11101tie suentbs. ttilol iii o ifai'e t agonss i i'iieiiiie butsi'oiild trivee to ilt fac lit'appro iiiibyowl t ttitt-ascatle thatithe itudetstthtuldtrticanoculhi stit i i. pb). upeli'tttisio I ofteielc io s of int'r' tn .Ic');11 a~m !ti t' Put iO V ll o1)' t iltt' I iii t I 1t .0 t-Itu ' \\ 'i111, in It ()o an I" i t lI t lii()C sticlt c it. ti) tr 1)a t ( )11 'Ia k titti tti(. i -t r~c I litictl k c alwa s l t' i tc'r~l~l' lll~ir ~ itt ticti 1c'aillrln ''I e -hc t ) ilytt a t re-lciic dto " th lit g lcii i i Sh ul c ic oi" ,.tu d. . t i ia l r a t r la -Nt axvottiit itgi lsee vt d T c apialls ae Ci Ai l t -i it it tilt L ast SHIPMENT Michianensians NOW In GET ONE AT ONCE AT THlE BOOKSTORES